FX Back Testing Data?


Junior member
Don't suppose anyone has any back data they'd like to share to be able to analyse trading strategies on forex, particularly EUR/USD?

As I am at the start of my trading "career" and on a shoestring I haven't yet made my mint 😉 and so have got the capital to stump up for paying for such data form one of the companies.

Excuse my ignorance or cheek if it's a bit off to ask if someone has such a thing to share - am just an innocent newbie just trying to find a way of back testing a few strategies.

I have got FTSE100 OHLC from FetteredChinos SAR system spreadsheet, but am looking specifically for something on Forex because of the larger swings.

Thanks for any help you'd like to offer - any intra-day or even just OHLC would be a start!
What format would you require ? I may have about 3 months in TS2000i format but I will need to check.

I'd be looking to use Excel, so some sort of exported CSV or text file would be easy enough to import.

Can you export from your TradeStation into simple formats like that?

Don't know what kind of timeframe you have, but the smaller the better ...
Tradestation doesn't allow exporting in any format other than tradestation. The data I have would be in tick form but is of no use to you as it is.

Check dukascopy web site, they have excellent CSV history files for both FOREX and limited list of stocks