Ian Williams - "Trading the Easy Way" course for sale


Junior member
Ian Williams - "Trading the Easy Way" << SOLD >>

I bought ‘Trading the Easy Way’ (TTEW) about a year ago.

The course does what it says on the label – it describes an
‘easy’ way to trade shares. The approach focuses on price
action. All opinion, predictions, news and fundamentals are

The course defines a clear set of rules about what to trade,
when to trade, how much to risk and when to exit positions
at a profit or loss.

The basic trading approach is ‘trend following’ combined
with some elements of the turtles breakout system for entry.
Once a trade is entered it is held until the exit rule is triggered.

A word of warning – the system does not work well with all
shares. It works best on shares with trending characteristics.
I have back tested the system on a few hundred UK shares
and identified a number of shares which work extremely
well with it.

Having made zillions in profits using the system, I am now
in a position to retire to a life of leisure and can offer the
entire course in completely unmarked condition via ebay.co.uk


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ZigZag-UK said:
I bought ‘Trading the Easy Way’ (TTEW) about a year ago.

The course does what it says on the label – it describes an
‘easy’ way to trade shares. The approach focuses on price
action. All opinion, predictions, news and fundamentals are

The course defines a clear set of rules about what to trade,
when to trade, how much to risk and when to exit positions
at a profit or loss.

The basic trading approach is ‘trend following’ combined
with some elements of the turtles breakout system for entry.
Once a trade is entered it is held until the exit rule is triggered.

A word of warning – the system does not work well with all
shares. It works best on shares with trending characteristics.
I have back tested the system on a few hundred UK shares
and identified a number of shares which work extremely
well with it.

Having made zillions in profits using the system, I am now
in a position to retire to a life of leisure and can offer the
entire course in completely unmarked condition via ebay.co.uk



LOL! You've made "zillions" and yet you can't bear to part with it without charging some
poor down-at-heel beginner. You deserve to be horsewhipped on the steps of your club.
I recently bought it (for £149) and when I've made a few trillion quid I'll give it away free.