$1 for Ian Williams course - should I try it?

Hi Folks,

I've seen Ian Williams name mentioned in the forums, most folk seem to give him the thumbs up.. On his site Forex Trading Made Easy, veteran trader Ian Williams explains all he's offering his course package for a $1 donation to charity.

Any opinions, seems like I've nothing to lose.



It seems like you've got nothing to lose. I give more than that to charity and I get nothing back in return...not even that warm fuzzy feeling inside I hear about😡😡
Hi Folks,

I've seen Ian Williams name mentioned in the forums, most folk seem to give him the thumbs up.. On his site he's offering his course package for a $1 donation to charity.
..and $39 per month thereafter.

Read the small print and you'll go a lot further in this game than most.



I know it's $39 for each month but your not tied into any long term deal. so you're "risk" is $1 to try it.

re. the other comment - if that were the case there would be no good teachers, true in some cases I'm sure but I don't think you can generalise about everyone in the world who teaches.

Thanks, |'ll let you know how I get on.

Dollar for a mac?


I know it's $39 for each month but your not tied into any long term deal. so you're "risk" is $1 to try it.

re. the other comment - if that were the case there would be no good teachers, true in some cases I'm sure but I don't think you can generalise about everyone in the world who teaches.

Thanks, |'ll let you know how I get on.


Meanwhile get a job here to fund your education

YouTube - The Burger King Song
There may be 2 Ian Willams

Hi Folks,

I've seen Ian Williams name mentioned in the forums, most folk seem to give him the thumbs up.. On his site Forex Trading Made Easy, veteran trader Ian Williams explains all he's offering his course package for a $1 donation to charity.

Any opinions, seems like I've nothing to lose.



There may be two Ian William, the American one at Forex Trading Made Easy
and the British one at Streetwise! Correct me if I am wrong. Their pricing structure is diffference.

Can you let us know if you have tried any yet?

Can go really wrong with A DOLLAR!:clap:

I decided to "risk" my $1! I feel it's been well worth it. I know it's only a dollar but you need to invest your time too, so if you are going to take it seriously you do have to invest your valuable time. I'm now a couple of months down the line. I've read the course materials cover to cover, a few times. I like how they are written, they assume nothing (if you alreasdy know a bit they may seem over simplified, I'm a total beginner so they are perfect for me). It's all making sense. The best part is the twice weekly video bulletins, it's really useful watching how he trades, comments on other's trades etc. Ian has a straight forward way of explaining things that I like.

His best bit of advice - don't get bogged down in info overload, most people over complicate things, a few times I've been drawn into other sites/discussions/forums etc and just found myself getting confused. I have a tendancy to read instructions on anything, cover to cover, I like to know everything before even starting. however in this case it's almost better not to investigate every detail .keep it simple.

only thing I disagree on - he doesn't like the idea of playing with demo accounts, whilst I agree that toy money isn't the same as real money. I've spent time trying out different demo accounts, trying things to see what happens etc, trying different pairs, trying different times of day etc etc. If feel I'd been using real money I'd probably have made a number of mistakes and lost it by now.I've only recently opened a real account with real money.

Other thoughts - if you expect to start trading a few whole (100K) lots at a time your bank does need to be a certain size. I'm starting with 1K and10K lots to dip my toe in the water.

Am I going to make money? watch this space.!!


I decided to "risk" my $1! I feel it's been well worth it. I know it's only a dollar but you need to invest your time too, so if you are going to take it seriously you do have to invest your valuable time. I'm now a couple of months down the line. I've read the course materials cover to cover, a few times. I like how they are written, they assume nothing (if you alreasdy know a bit they may seem over simplified, I'm a total beginner so they are perfect for me). It's all making sense. The best part is the twice weekly video bulletins, it's really useful watching how he trades, comments on other's trades etc. Ian has a straight forward way of explaining things that I like.

His best bit of advice - don't get bogged down in info overload, most people over complicate things, a few times I've been drawn into other sites/discussions/forums etc and just found myself getting confused. I have a tendancy to read instructions on anything, cover to cover, I like to know everything before even starting. however in this case it's almost better not to investigate every detail .keep it simple.

only thing I disagree on - he doesn't like the idea of playing with demo accounts, whilst I agree that toy money isn't the same as real money. I've spent time trying out different demo accounts, trying things to see what happens etc, trying different pairs, trying different times of day etc etc. If feel I'd been using real money I'd probably have made a number of mistakes and lost it by now.I've only recently opened a real account with real money.

Other thoughts - if you expect to start trading a few whole (100K) lots at a time your bank does need to be a certain size. I'm starting with 1K and10K lots to dip my toe in the water.

Am I going to make money? watch this space.!!


Do not let Ian WIlliams convince you that paper trading is useless.

Use his method if you like - but it's up to YOU to decide if paper trading is right for YOU.
Hi Folks,

I've seen Ian Williams name mentioned in the forums, most folk seem to give him the thumbs up.. On his site Forex Trading Made Easy, veteran trader Ian Williams explains all he's offering his course package for a $1 donation to charity.

Any opinions, seems like I've nothing to lose.



The best things in life are cheap or free.
If you get just one good idea out of a course, a book, etc., it is well worth the money- regardless if the price is $1 or $100.
Anyone who wouldn't spend $1 to, potentially, get a good trading idea is penny wize and dollar foolish.
Beware of Streetwise! They are now resorting to the tactics of the most untrustworthy of “business opportunity” sellers. All reputable sellers offer 30 day, or 60 day, or 90 days money back guarantees. And they honour their guarantee by refunding money.

Streetwise used to be one of the few you could trust. But with the latest product they are marketing they have relied on their previous good name to trap even the most wary of customers.

They are selling a system called “The Ratchet System” which they charge £497 for and give a 90 day money back guarantee. A lot of money to pay for a system. But if you’ve developed confidence in a company you pay up because you take them at their word and feel your money is safe.

The Ratchet System is a staking plan that uses the age old methods of Arbitrage and Dutching. Something that anyone who has been betting on the horses for any length of time is familiar with. As soon as I read the manual I realised that it was something that was of no use to me because

A) I discounted this form of betting some years ago and
B) I have had quite a few of my online betting accounts restricted because of my success in betting and so would be unable to place the bets as described.

Within half an hour of getting the parcel from Streetwise I emailed them to explain this and applied to get back my £497. The guarantee stated “no need to return the system manual”.

Those of you who have been trapped by rogue companies in the past can relate to my astonishment and shock when I was refused a refund. I spent a week trying to talk to the owner Mr Harrison but he hides behind his office staff. Another avoidance technique that disreputable companies use. If you are reputable you talk to your customers.

Their guarantee quotes the “system originator” George Elliot saying “I don’t want to keep a penny of your money if you can’t benefit from what I’ve discovered”.

Well I believed that because Streetwise have always honoured their guarantees. £497 is a lot of money and I certainly wouldn’t have paid that to a company I hadn’t heard of before. Not many people would.

But despite emailing Mr Harrison many times and politely pointing out that I was already aware of the staking plan and don’t bet using staking systems he refused to talk to me and I got a letter from their accounts department telling me that I have to use the system for 90 days before they will consider a refund.

This was not made clear in their Guarantee and if it was I would not have ordered the manual. I am not stupid and the guarantee did not make it clear that you couldn’t get your money back for 3 months.

So there you have it. By conning people in to parting with, not an inconsiderable amount of money due to the trust they had previously built up, they will have banked a very large amount of money from those unfortunate enough to trust them and are determined to hang on to it regardless.

This is the tactics of the worst kind of “Business Opportunity” sellers and I am sickened and disappointed that they have abused my trust in this way.

This web site is to help people make a decision on whether to buy systems or trust sellers. Streetwise have executed a sting by using the trustworthiness built up over years to promote an expensive product with the intention of locking a large sum of money, from unsuspecting customers, in to their bank account. You have to wonder whether that money will still be there in 90 days time.

Do the maths. If a hundred people are taken in by Mr Harrison’s sales letter (it’s recognised in the industry that Mr Harrison is a very accomplished copywriter) then he has locked in £50,000 for 3 months.

Those of you who have been conned like this in the past will know how sickening it is to be taken in by disreputable companies, but when you are conned by a company that has lured you in to trusting them before hitting you with refusal to honour their guarantee it is particularly galling. £497 is a lot of money to pay out for something that is of no use to you whatsoever.

So any one, like the contributors above, who have trusted Streetwise in the past as I have, should beware. There is absolutely no excuse for what Streetwise is doing, indeed you have to wonder why they are doing it. People need to be warned.
This is my second post ... I had same problem with streetwise once a few years ago, they said I had to prove I'd used something (can't remeber what it was though), but after a few abusive (and that was me, not them) phone calls I threatened to take them to small claims court and suprise, suprise they paid me back. So I am very careful of what I purchase from them now, in fact today I had the offer of the ratchet system for "only" £127 BUT with no refund options (hence me again googling ratchet system to end up here) Saying that two days ago i sent off for Ian Williams Index system, I've had a couple of his courses (I sent the "easy forex" one back as it was almost exactly the same as his "easy trade system" or was it eztrade and ezforex, oh well can't remember now.