I went to Flight School and all I got was this cr@ppy t-shirt.


Experienced member
Oh yes I see now! I have also noticed that there are a lot of motivational quotes that come from flying school yet have a rather amazing similarity to trading.

If I'd known all I needed to do was learn to fly to be able to trade I would have started years ago!
Oh yes I see now! I have also noticed that there are a lot of motivational quotes that come from flying school yet have a rather amazing similarity to trading.

If I'd known all I needed to do was learn to fly to be able to trade I would have started years ago!

Fear not! I will take you under my wing (geddit?) and explain from my exhalted position as trading super-master-bestest-double-bogees-no-returns genius that, and this is the secret.....

... ready....??

Trading is exactly like anything else that ends in "-ing". If you know about things that end in "-ing" you are already a trading super-master-bestest-double-bogees-no-returns genius and can make a school for people who don't know what the secret is. It's best to keep them in the dark and let them think that trading is actually something you can read a bit about in books but actually have to do to learn about and improve upon. Plonkers!
yep! i dont know what owling is, but planking i do. Let me explain why planking is the same as trading:

well, in planking, first you have to pick a place where you want to plank, like in trading you have to know where you want to buy and whewre you want to sell, As well, in planking, its important to get a record of the plank, just like in trading. otherwise you wont know where you have planked or even if you planked at all.

also, in planking, getting the execution is critical. if you dont have good plan for getting the plank on, you are doomed - as this video will show

so well done and good for you and now u can teach about trading because u know about planking!
Hey Guys - whatever you think about HoCo, he does have a point about Flight School. The qualities required to be a successful combat aviator (military scenario) - especially the psychological, are very applicable in trading.

Every mission (trade) has to be planned and executed in accordance with known routines that work; you must know your hardware & software and their limits, thoroughly; the game-plan may be amended, aborted or raised as the mission (trade) progresses or deteriorates; a cool head under pressure is required and the ability to recognise, quantify and act upon (or not) conflicting info, signals and events is a must. The post mission (trade) debrief is critical to future survival in the combat (trading) zone. Over confidence is a killer of aviators and trading accounts whilst timidty wins no wars & makes no profits. Getting the balance right ain't easy!

Sure, you don't need quite the same amount of manual dexterity for trading (just be ok mouse & kbd) but you'll certainly need your wits about you. It would also seem that a partiality for drink is fairly common - no problem for the average trader I expect. So I reckon quite a few successful traders could be latent aviators!
Hey Guys - whatever you think about HoCo, he does have a point about Flight School. The qualities required to be a successful combat aviator (military scenario) - especially the psychological, are very applicable in trading.

Every mission (trade) has to be planned and executed in accordance with known routines that work; you must know your hardware & software and their limits, thoroughly; the game-plan may be amended, aborted or raised as the mission (trade) progresses or deteriorates; a cool head under pressure is required and the ability to recognise, quantify and act upon (or not) conflicting info, signals and events is a must. The post mission (trade) debrief is critical to future survival in the combat (trading) zone. Over confidence is a killer of aviators and trading accounts whilst timidty wins no wars & makes no profits. Getting the balance right ain't easy!

Sure, you don't need quite the same amount of manual dexterity for trading (just be ok mouse & kbd) but you'll certainly need your wits about you. It would also seem that a partiality for drink is fairly common - no problem for the average trader I expect. So I reckon quite a few successful traders could be latent aviators!

yeah all true but howard dont teach about fighter pilots he knows about cessnas!

there is famous "OODA" thing dun by fighter pilot thats quite good if u can find it. also things like visualisation and preparation and getting to stage where no wat 2 do without thinking just almost muscle memory.

as well, like fighter piloting is all about converting one type of energy to another, like risk and reward even.

but howard isnt on about that.
While the anti-gravitic lawn-mower may have seemed like a good idea at the time, it doesn't actually cut the fuggin grass.

That is the grass's fault. Grass is a poor communicator and it doesn't understand the Socratic Method.
While the anti-gravitic lawn-mower may have seemed like a good idea at the time, it doesn't actually cut the fuggin grass.

well look grasses grow towards the sun. and obvious from pic that howards ar$e is hidden by tractor.

so they grow like spaghetty and lawnmowers dont work.
I've got a new book on trading coming out. It's nearly ready and I got a proof of the cover back from the printer today. What do you think of it?


2 many capital letters, specially on bottom bit which looks american where Every F*cking Word Has A Capital Letter Because They've Forgotten How To Use The English Language.
there is famous "OODA" thing dun by fighter pilot thats quite good if u can find it. also things like visualisation and preparation and getting to stage where no wat 2 do without thinking just almost muscle memory.

I met a couple of fighter pilots during my MSc studies. I remember playing a computer game designed to induce cognative overload, in which a series of moving targets of various colours shapes and sizes appear on a screen, and you are given instructions to prioritse particular targets, and ignore others etc.

The longer the game continued the harder it got, and most people where completely confused and disorientated within the first few minutes, but these guys just handled anything that was thrown at them. They just seamed to have an ability to cut through the noise and focus on whats important. I dont know if thats just a natural ability of if the technnique can be learnt, or even if it that sort of skill would be of any use, but I supect it would.
They just seamed to have an ability to cut through the noise and focus on whats important. I dont know if thats just a natural ability of if the technnique can be learnt, or even if it that sort of skill would be of any use, but I supect it would.

I think it's both. There are some people who will never learn the skill in a million years but others can be taught if given appropriate training. I suspect the same applies to traders. If the rudiments are there, training will bring it out.