The vast majority of the population, in the UK at least, are very absorbed with saving money. This is seen as careful, prudent, sensible, level-headed, community-spirited even. They tend to see making money (i.e. making more money) as frivolous, self-centred, mean, over-ambitious, greedy, irrational, fantasy, Thatcherist and anti-ecological.
These burdens will make them forever cr@p at making more money.
Of course, the fraction of money they can save is a fraction of the money they earn, which is probably not much, and they usually just spend it on some short-term pleasure anyway.
According to Mark Douglas, these layers of personal issue with wealth and how it should be earned, may even cause them to seek ways of making extra money that fail. They deliberately sabotage their own schemes.Fantastic? - Maybe, but we have all seen it happen.
I could go on and on about the British being narrow-minded and hating someone who tries to rise above their station and wishing to wallow in a mean life as long as it's no worse than their neighbours' and so on, but then I might be forced to emigrate - but I love it here too much.