I want to learn how to trade



I'm interested in learning to trade one to one with a trader who has done quite well.If there is anyone out there who is available then PM me

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I'm interested in learning to trade one to one with a trader who has done quite well.If there is anyone out there who is available then PM me


I too play e-lottery, please refrain from putting your links on this forum, it is a 'Trading' forum!
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how to tarde

trading is the most easiest thing ever you could do.but this requires a good reaseraches about trading and practicing trading after knowing what is it.And this can be done throught the demo account.Wish you best of luck🙂
Actually I disagree - trading is one of the hardest things I've ever tackled.

My personal demon is not having the confidence in my own systems. It doesn't matter how much you test and how well you have done - there's always the chance that it'll all go wrong. I guess that's what keeps me on my toes and why I enjoy it so much - in that I'm not totally in control of everything!

So just how lovely are you patrica?
It's the omission of the letter "i" that makes me slightly nervous about asking such a question. Does the word "mangina" mean anything to you? 😀
read this John f carter

Read this one
Mastering the trade by john f carter
If you can not under stand it dont trade till you do

Has any one read the encyclopedia of trading strategies
by jrffrey owen katz and donna lmc cormick
OR know of any others that or worth a read.
learn to trade

hi there i think that it is not hard to learn how to trade.but what is much more harder is practicing.so I advice you to practice on your demo account before having a live one.wish you best of luck🙂
Check out Trader Dante's "Making money trading" thread. (Sorry, don't know how to post a link; can anyone please advise?)

I started as a total newbie there and now, I'm not a newbie anymore. Definitely worth it!

Perseverance is the key.

Good luck. 😉
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I'm interested in learning to trade one to one with a trader who has done quite well.If there is anyone out there who is available then PM me


since you would like to learn trading...the best you can do is visit **edited** is the best trading platform for newbies. The Learning Center is perfect to learn and very easy and quickly understandable. I'm sure you will definitely benefit.

would be happy to see you there.. find me there ...boo is my username
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