I wanna piece a the ad revenue!


Senior member
I'm serious, without me you guys would have like a thousand fewer members. OK, maybe not quite that many, but still, I've been doing more than my fair share of boosting the membership numbers.

And another thing. Look, I know it's wrong to send HoCo rude messages, but come on, is it really a hanging offence? Whatever happened to boys will be boys?

And another thing.

Er, actually, that's it.
The long standing members get paid per post. That's another few quid in the account right there.
ad revenue?

It was just a joke, but advertisers obviously pay to advertise on the site. They will pay more to go on a site with heavy traffic and a lot of members.

I was saying that through a combination of wit, trading insight and multi-niccery I had increased traffic and membership numbers and so the powers that be should come across with some scratch for your truly.
It was just a joke, but advertisers obviously pay to advertise on the site. They will pay more to go on a site with heavy traffic and a lot of members.

I was saying that through a combination of wit, trading insight and multi-niccery I had increased traffic and membership numbers and so the powers that be should come across with some scratch for your truly.

Except youve probably scared a lot of their advertisers away by calling them scammers. I mean that nice Mr Cohen that decoded the secret Nazi forex box, look how you treated him. If I was T2W I'd send you a bill for lost advertising from various dodgy operators.

Not that I'm one to talk.
Except youve probably scared a lot of their advertisers away by calling them scammers. I mean that nice Mr Cohen that decoded the secret Nazi forex box, look how you treated him. If I was T2W I'd send you a bill for lost advertising from various dodgy operators.

Not that I'm one to talk.


Made my day that one 😆.

And one to talk? I should think not indeed. You've got more trophies on your wall than Allan Quatermain 😀.
Except youve probably scared a lot of their advertisers away by calling them scammers. I mean that nice Mr Cohen that decoded the secret Nazi forex box, look how you treated him. If I was T2W I'd send you a bill for lost advertising from various dodgy operators.

Not that I'm one to talk.

it's much more entertaining when you tag team em👍

what happened to pippy5000 didn't he want a slice of t2w pie many moons ago?
it's much more entertaining when you tag team em👍

I lower the tone, unfortunately. PB strikes like a ninja with deadly accuracy and without any superfluous movement. I go about like a tanked-up viking on his first pillaging trip.

I do love the way he only seems to take about 3 minutes to dig up the dirt on them and apply a mammoth, evidence-based, incontrovertible smack-down.