DebRA - no hassle, please just consider... OK?


Hi Folks

I am raising an issue which some readers may feel offended/disturbed/repulsed/mad/whatever... I sincerely hope not and trust me, I've spent all day shying away from doing this but in truth - just cannot stay quiet any longer and as the saying goes gotta get offa me chest 😱

I'm an ex-dad (well... never really an 'ex') with two healthy/all grown up lads. Never experienced anything 'cept joy 'n love until the terrible teens 😈 and modern gunk and hormones took hold 🙂
Anyways - the point I'm tripping over is that never had any 'real' issue like what Jonny Kennedy & co. had. And... think is fair to say that 'until' the lead starts flyin - ya never trully know/appreciate - well, about anything - really.

I have'nt got the t-shirt, talked the talk, walked the walk - as far as this kinda scene goes, and I'm thankful for it too...

Some of you may have empathy for all of this... good, some may think I'm blaaaing on about nothin relative to this site... perhaps right but for sure we all inhabit the same planet and scratch away the paint and we're all pretty much driven by/appear same as, one and another.

Last night was my reality check - don't happen too often - get so bludgeoned day in day out with global cr*p goin down that one's focus narrows right down and the blinkers fit tight... ever feel that way too?

The Ch.4/21:00hrs program last night deeply moved me as well as many others... If not know/see/miss, just have a looksee at the links below - just spend a couple ticks, OK?

Witness Nell's Marathon page, which shows complete list of all donations.

Especially notice the amount of donators for today the 26th.

I saw it early this morning and by around noon over 7k had been added to the pot. Except for 7, all donations are dated 25th/26th.

People have been deeply moved by this - notice that some levels of individual donations run into 100's...

Perhaps the reader may consider a few points worth of profit for this issue :?:
Yup, that's what this post is all about I guess - not begging, not preaching, just maybe letting it all hang out and having my say.
Awareness/knowledge/empathy are some good attributes... yes? Well that's all I'm asking of you - just click the link - hava looksee - ponder for couple ticks - OK?

The main DebRA site is here

Nell's Marathon page with the donators list/table is

Please note that the page is growing all the time and therefore can take bit of time to load.
Once there just hit your 'End' key and see end-of-list...

Again, if you feel that I've broken one of the boards taboos or somethin... please know that I mean no offence towards anyone.
Sincerest Wishes to all

Yes... you may be saying - OK, 'another' charity... blah-blah...
And of course this is so, yet in the end being aware now 'n then about the 'other' side of life can help to put into perspective our own existences/relationships and indeed our thoughts/feelings towards our fellows...

Yes, I saw the programme, incredible guy. I intended to make a donation, but I'm afraid I failed to get around to it - until you reminded me.

I've now sponsored Nell for the London Marathon, some very generous people about. One guy's given £1000. It's at £25k+ at the moment. Excellent.

Thanks for the reminder.


Although not directly related to the above post, here is my little addition.

I use to give money to charities when someone came round with a bucket for children in need, or red nose day and never gave it a second thought. I never thought about the child/person at the other end who would benefit from the donation. I felt I had done my bit by putting a £1 into a collection and could sleep easy at night.

Of course life has a funny way of opening your eyes to things and I now find I have to rely on charities to be able to afford the things my son needs to give him a decent standard of living. Recently a charity offered to pay for his Wheelchair, all £8,500.

So I take my hat off to anyone who donates money to charities, it is amazing the difference it makes.

Thanks 🙂
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Great to see some responses.
My perhaps crazy idea was to spark wee bit more interest - but really, even just one reader could/can be significant... so who am I to say otherwise!

mutantcar - yep, the world out their does seem pretty great and willing to contribute. Yes, a 1k donation is amazing and even the small donations add up too, so all in all - Nell's just gotta finish and/or just do her best for Jonny!

adrianallen99 - you have probably echoed what many say/feel
I use to give money to charities when someone came round with a bucket for children in need, or red nose day and never gave it a second thought. I never thought about the child/person at the other end who would benefit from the donation. I felt I had done my bit by putting a £1 into a collection and could sleep easy at night
Your willingness to share is to me, very special - thanks dude 😉

My Best Wishes to all posters, readers and DebRA contributors...