Mojo or Hilda Baker?


Hi All

I have noticed that there seems to be some bad blood between these 2 guys

This is my experience..

I used to spend a bit of time hanging out on moneytec chat room, learning bits and pieces from BunnyGirl she was really very helpful, then I left the chatroom for awhile came back and found out that BunnyGirl had gone to some "paltalk" room, I found out that the "soultrader" was the guy running this room and I tried to get access to It.

I got rejected because i was not a "pro trader", which is fair enough people are entitled to have their own little groups.. unfortunate for moneytec, as the chatroom was fun and educational when Bunnygirl was around.

I then found out that Soul was selling this Hilda Baker system with a Hefty Price Tag and thats what they talked about mostly in their Paltalk chatroom.

So IMO Soultrader = Unhelpful to newbies+selling System for $$$$$

I stumbled across a post on moneytec after an overseas trip to Dubai and London in a period where i decided to become a little more serious about trading it was posted by "Forexhusky" and it went along the lines " I WILL HELP ALL TRADERS NEWBIE OR NOT.. " so i thought id give it ago and contact him.

Forexhusky is very friendly and helpful, he showed me his System MOJOPIVOT for FREE and never charged a cent I have followed the system for awhile now and found it to be quite successful.

When I first met Husky he was not selling his system, only helping people, but at a point he decided that he would start charging for the Indicators (Custom Indicators I might add) FAIR ENOUGH IT WORKS.. now however much he charges $100 a month or whatever.... thats 10 Pips hardly anything for a Profitable set of Indicators and you dont have to keep using and using it, you can decide to quit anytime, even if you dont want to buy the Indicators ForexHusky will still help you.

There is a post here which mentions Husky charges 50% of your profits, this has never been the case, you could get the indicators for free if you signed up to certain broker ( which he was obviously getting a spotters fee on) but it never came from your profits

If you are someone who is willing to invest in a set of customer indicators then I see this a far less risky option than whacking down thousands of dollars for the Hilda Baker System that may or may not work.

I hope this clarifies things as other posts were just going around in circles and i was getting deeply annoyed by peoples attitudes towards husky.

thanks for your time.

Dear Fuzion

i have no clue who are you,thx for good words.
But since you are new registered member it can be suspic. to admins,and i dont wanna new problems by someone start talking about Me advertising something in hidden agenda.
Im totally against that kind of threads witch dont bring nothing good to forum,unless someone here will start giving recommend with screencaps in background.

I will really want you to delete this thread since i we don need another useseles discussion,betwen 2 groups.

We are doing great and noone can beat our group,but there will be no talking from my site about Mojo on this forum.

thx and Best to You All
Why to people need to sell methods systems. I am sure if it was so good. one could make more money trading it. than selling it.
badtrader said:
Why to people need to sell methods systems. I am sure if it was so good. one could make more money trading it. than selling it.

I agree. By the way: You can now get Hilda Baker free - read the Hilda thread here. 😛
Baruch said:
No mystery. Soultrader is one of the MT administrators. 😈

None of us will ever know what “actually happened” but Baruch of course “just knows” so feels it appropriate to comment. I really don't know why I'm bothering, I can already anticipate the reply, but I need to improve my typing skills and spelling , and Im bored cos the suns stopped shinning so here goes.

It is just possible that the thread was deleted as someone over at MoneyTec simply didn't want to run the risk of running foul of copyright issues. From my personal perspective if any of my copyrighted material where freely available for download in such a way, I know exactly who I'd be taking action against. It certainly wouldn't be some anonymous forum user who may not have a pot to **** in, my target would be the forum for allowing this to occur.

I really cant see why your complaining regarding the ban and removal of this particular thread. Its also hard to understand how anyone who went out of their way to infringe someone else's copyright could begin to take the moral high ground.

On joining FunnyTec the member agreed to abide by certain rules one of which being “you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws”. He chose to break that rule. He was banned because he broke the rules, much the same as you where banned for breaking rules. Sorry but that's how things operate, if you don't like it your free to start your own forum.

I'm certainly not defending FunnyTec, the standard of moderation over there is absolutely pitiful, but if Soul chose to remove the thread as you imply I don't see the problem. He's enforcing the rules members agreed to abide by, and protecting MoneyTec's interests.

Id have done absolutely the same, what's the use of having a bit of power if you don't get to abuse it from time to time 😀

I must also admit that I almost wet myself laughing reading the latest developments on the “Hilda Due Diligence” thread. I'm not having a pop at anyone personally, but I did think it was somewhat amusing that a member who'd quite happily ripped off Soul's system asked “HOW DO I LOAD THE INDICATORS”.

My suggestion would be to try reading section 2 of the manual he'd just stolen where this very topic is discussed in some detail, the author couldn't really make it any clearer if he'd tried !

I did think that particular post pretty much sums up the prevailing attitude of many on these forums. People want something for nothing, and even when they get it, they simply cant be bothered reading it !.

So Baruch, are you trading Hilda now ?


Why do think 4 or 5 threads about Hilda Baker has been deleted on MT? (I don't write on MT anymore). :cheesy:
IBM_Clone said:
the thing is, we don't know if this is the "copyrighted" system or not. The indicators are freely available & the .doc doesn't bear any indication it was from ST. So where's the" or otherwise violative of any laws" come into it?
As Coastie pointed out, if they'd left the post there it would have sank into obscurity..but now, by doing what they have, they're confirming that the system posted is pretty close to the "copyrighted" one.
Though I'd like to see a copyright case against freely available indicators on a free platform

Judging by ST's rant on E L I T E trader I would say he was pretty sick about I wonder what that could be ?

PS Don't you just get tired of Zupcon forever licking ST's boots - No Zupcon they are not going to let you back in their room..........

PPS Errrrm what is the copyright number Zupcon ?