Btw. Have you ever considered your role in the market? As one of the participants I mean.
My role isn't even visible as a participant.
Btw. Have you ever considered your role in the market? As one of the participants I mean.
How you mean, you dont trade?My role isn't even visible as a participant.
Hi Darktone
I would agree with you on this part - P&Ping or scaling in and out every 50 -150 pips can work wonders if you can read intraday prices well.
But if you can read intraday moves well - you just get your timing right and buy at interim lows and sell at interim highs - all depending on how much time per day you have and how many trades you want to take
My - mate Marius the Private Fund guy as been even 5000+ pip out and still had an account making money - BUT his annual results - although positive - still are fairly low - normally around 15% -35% per annum - many would say that is good with a Capital Account size of $1 million +
I notice you might be taking 400 -500 trades per week - ie 80 -100 per day - a lot of trades - even if many just over a few minutes - with the possibilities of slippage ( both ways) on ever trade and a lot of trade management required
I guess you put in a 5 - 8 hrs + day - for that amount of time and effort surely 2% + a day is on ( non compounding ) - what ever way you play ?
Its not. These are executions for trade 2. 1% on tiny risk.Its all hypothetical cr@@
What you mean P&Ping F?
Cant say I read prices well F. Just sell when prices are high and going higher and buy when prices are low and going lower. As per the examples. You know how it worked, not hard is it.
I agree with the view about your friend. I wouldnt want to trade that way. Makes no sense when you can manage size. Its hold and hope at the end of the day isnt it. If youre small and the market doesnt totally spaz then it should work out ok but the returns as you say are low. Id guess he draws down a good whack too.
450 trades over 9 days was the number. You have to remember this the play account where I test. Id rather swing trade. Day trading is great practise for me tho. Gives plenty of round turns to explore ideas and test psych.
Only get positive slippage F, im a limit trader. Managing Is easy enough, you just put the limits out ahead of the price and wait for the dings to start. No need to watching every tick unless youre in play. even then I dont watch every tick. lol
2% on acc is certainly doable, depends on appetite for risk. The example I just did was sized 0.20. dax at 11100 x 0.20 = 2220. The account is 2630! so bigger than notional size lol. Max size taken on managing was 0.40. -6000 pts would be a hellova tick no 😆. Being hedged in that example youre only at that extra risk while discovering the lows, for the seconds or minutes while you get em on and scratch em out. Then your back in the hedge. All interesting stuff to explore, if youve a mind to.
P & P ing is ( pyramid & peeling )
Its not. These are executions for trade 2. 1% on tiny risk.
Its possible.
tar, the orders are right there, for you to see. Right there mate.Ofcourse and its possible to make 100% in minutes in Vegas .
Its all hypothetical cr@@ , why 2% why not 0.1% daily , and why +2% why not -2% or -10% daily ?! Based on what exactly ?
I for one know many day traders who can read PA very well they make 24% daily day in day out their max DD is 1% and their win rate is 80% plus , they aim for 10:1 R:R easily , they trade Euro while laying on bed and when they get up they trade the Emini and CL their sl is 3-5 pips max , and that's done on 8-9 figures accounts . And they compound regularly .
But to maintain 2% per day average ( non compounded) over a year on a retail account is doable - ie 450% + annum - and I am sure you could do as well as many other experienced intraday traders
With regards to the "Vegas" quote - ie 100% gain in minutes.
Yes its possible - but its not sustainable.
If you know what you are doing and you are worth your salt , you should be able to double your account day in day out or just quit trading . I for one make 500-1000 pips daily in FX not to mention other markets stops 3-5 pips most of the time no drawdowns at all no slippage ...
Hi tar,
My view is that the amount of profit that's achievable - or people claim to make - is a bit of a red herring and not really germane to the discussion. Whether a trader who uses stops (e.g. FoMo) makes a gazillion squids a minute or whether a trader who doesn't use stops (e.g. darktone) makes a gazillion squids a minute is neither here nor there.
What matters IMO - is the principle of trading without stops. The use of stops is so engrained in traders from the very start (and I accept I'm partly responsible for this in the official content I write for T2W), that it's rarely ever questioned. When it is discussed, the assumption is that they are always used and the only topic for debate is their placement: e.g. tight stops, wide stops or catastrophe stops. No stops is not an option.
Personally, I congratulate darktone for daring to poke his head above the parapet and outline an alternative approach that doesn't utilise stops at all. After all, isn't that the topic of the thread? That you and others think that trading without them is a seriously bad idea is fine and you make your points very well. But, equally, wouldn't you agree that it's important to encourage those who believe it's possible (to trade profitably and safely without using stops that is) to add to the rather paltry amount of content about how to go about it? I would like to see more posts that explain what's wrong with darktone's approach and why it's not safe, viable, workable and/or likely to result in loss. It may well be completely flawed but, to be fair to him, there aren't many explanations that I can see that clearly explain why.
PS. In part, I'm being devil's advocate to stimulate debate and to encourage those who don't like / use stops to contribute to the discussion. As previously stated, trading without stops is an advanced approach and is not suitable for new or inexperienced traders.
Belief hove albion, 2We have explained with many real life examples whats wrong with trading without stops , its your money do whatever what you want , at the end its an odds game and your odds will kick in sooner or later , the market will take care of this 😉 .
"As previously stated, trading without stops is an advanced approach and is not suitable for new or inexperienced traders"
On the contrary its a simple approach and unprofessional and it is employed by all newbs and inexperienced traders and newcomers its not new , i've never seen a newb or an inexperienced trader that uses a clear SL .
Trading without stops shows that you don't know how much you are willing to risk per trade/setup and it shows that you don't know where your trade/setup will become invalid , in another words it shows that you don't know a thing bout trading and you just punting "buy and hope" .
tar,. . .
Trading without stops shows that you don't know how much you are willing to risk per trade/setup and it shows that you don't know where your trade/setup will become invalid , in another words it shows that you don't know a thing about trading and you just punting "buy and hope" .
"Averaging down and scaling in out are not the same thing." - Obviously. As long as you're scaling into a winning position. I think we should all agree scaling into a losing position is averaging down.
I agree, lets call adding positions to existing losing positions at lower prices, averaging down.
What shall we call getting out of the positions we dont want? what I mean is the positions that I scratch to get back to the size I want.
I understand you disapprove of trading without stops. You've made your view crystal clear. What is a slight shame - and very much your loss - is that your mind appears to be so firmly closed to considering other ideas. That's all I'm asking of you which, let's face it, isn't much. Please at least try to embrace the spirit of my last post and contribute without making generalisations ("it's a simple approach and unprofessional") and without attacking people's knowledge and understanding ("you don't know a thing about trading and you just punting buy and hope"). Such comments add little to the discussion and don't explain why trading without stops is flawed.
....................What matters IMO - is the principle of trading without stops. The use of stops is so engrained in traders from the very start (and I accept I'm partly responsible for this in the official content I write for T2W), that it's rarely ever questioned. When it is discussed, the assumption is that they are always used and the only topic for debate is their placement: e.g. tight stops, wide stops or catastrophe stops. No stops is not an option..............