I have found the Holy Grail indicator for the Dow Jones - 100% right so far

SAVE IT UNTIL MONDAY......!!!!!!!!!!!

So you were wrong again but now your saying 'tomorrow' again.
And when 'tomorrow' comes and your wrong you will just say wait until Friday then when Friday comes and your wrong you will say wait until next Wednesday ..................

The evidence is here for everyone to see but you refuse to acknowledge it. Your still in denial.

One step at a time...
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
JEHOVAH God has now confirmed to me through mathematical calculations precisely when a MEGA stock market CRASH will be. It will happen on the 6th April 2020 and the Dow Jones will begin to fall at 3:00 pm GMT and will CRASH at precisely 4:00 pm GMT. This will be what is known as a "flash crash" which will be caused by Algorithmic Stock Trading system computers. The Dow Jones will CRASH by over 50%. On Friday the 3rd April 2020 I will enter a "sell" go short order of a 1.7 CFD contract. I will let you know how much I make when the Dow Jones crashes BIG TIME. The Son of God, Christ the Messiah is about to rise up and be glorified by JEHOVAH.

Dow UP 4% better start getting the excuses ready as to why it didnt happen again.

"On Friday the 3rd April 2020 I will enter a "sell" go short order of a 1.7 CFD contract. I will let you know how much I make when the Dow Jones crashes"

Let us know how much you lost.
From your Wednesday post last week.
Wednesday at 12:00 AM
No the Dow Jones didn't crash as I expected and I humbly take everyone's criticism but I know it is very close to a MEGA crash. After doing further research and mathematical calculations I prophecy in the name of JEHOVAH that the Dow Jones MUST crash before the 7th April 2020. This is the day that Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate the memorial of Jesus death. On this day JEHOVAH is going to destroy "Babylon the Great" which is Watchtower. On this day the nations of the world will witness supernatural signs and miracles in the havens. On The 8th April 2020 I will take full control of the Watchtower and their hundreds of millions of dollars and I will make sure some of you who post on my thread get some BIG money handouts.

The stock market must crash before this date or I am done for good and I will never post on this forum again and I will accept I have a metal illness and seek professional help. After further investigation and the information that JEHOVAH has been feeding me the Dow Jones must crash on Friday the 3rd April 2020. There is no other alternative. In fact my Bible code Millennium software has confirmed this date 110%....

"The Dow MUST crash BEFORE 7th Apr." - YOUR WORDS.
It must crash or your done for good and accept you have a mental illness and seek help. Please honour your word.

Let us know how it goes for you, I sincerely hope it helps.
"re: On this day the nations of the world will witness supernatural signs and miracles in the havens. "
Don't want to go all apocalyptic on you, but recent events such as Betelgeuse star dimming and their being a new comet to observe is certainly interesting, as comets have always been seen as harbingers of doom. But close pass is in May, so maybe a tad late to the party.
re: ... " and I will accept I have a metal illness ".....

Lithium is good for that, I am told. (not by the voices in my head, in case you ask)

PS: I hope batsonar stays around, but really concerned esp the videos. Not a good sign.
Some quality time in a dark room, and help.

Have a good lunch, the US is about to open shop.
Is this a good time to point out that the US markets (including the Dow) are UP 4.8% this trading session so far ??

Maybe not.

Scold me for failing to resist temptation.

...MEGA stock market CRASH will be. It will happen on the 6th April 2020 and the Dow Jones will begin to fall at 3:00 pm GMT and will CRASH at precisely 4:00 pm GMT.

Is this a good time to point out that the US markets (including the Dow) are UP 4.8% this trading session so far ??

Maybe not.

Scold me for failing to resist temptation.

That dead cat has a decidedly rubbery aspect to it.
IT'S MONDAY......!!!!!!!!!!!



I don't think this is an issue for Mr. Hacche because his small trading losses will be made up by

I still don't understand why the Messiah needs to trade or gamble.🙂
I don't think this is an issue for Mr. Hacche because his small trading losses will be made up by

I still don't understand why the Messiah needs to trade or gamble.🙂
He should get a job making youtube videos he'd make a lot more money than with his trading system.
No the Dow Jones didn't crash as I expected and I humbly take everyone's criticism but I know it is very close to a MEGA crash. After doing further research and mathematical calculations I prophecy in the name of JEHOVAH that the Dow Jones MUST crash before the 7th April 2020. This is the day that Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate the memorial of Jesus death. On this day JEHOVAH is going to destroy "Babylon the Great" which is Watchtower. On this day the nations of the world will witness supernatural signs and miracles in the havens. On The 8th April 2020 I will take full control of the Watchtower and their hundreds of millions of dollars and I will make sure some of you who post on my thread get some BIG money handouts.

The stock market must crash before this date or I am done for good and I will never post on this forum again and I will accept I have a metal illness and seek professional help.

Your own words!

"the Dow Jones MUST crash before the 7th April 2020. This is the day that Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate the memorial of Jesus death. On this day JEHOVAH is going to destroy "Babylon the Great" which is Watchtower. On this day the nations of the world will witness supernatural signs and miracles in the havens. On The 8th April 2020 I will take full control of the Watchtower and their hundreds of millions of dollars and I will make sure some of you who post on my thread get some BIG money handouts.

The stock market must crash before this date or I am done for good and I will never post on this forum again and I will accept I have a metal illness and seek professional help."

@batsonar You are a liar and a fraud and not to be trusted.

155 views Mar 28, 2020

I am unsure of whom to believe now -- the Messiah or the U.S. Geological Survey. Since it's after April 7, I'll let the evidence speak for itself.
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There is no doubt that you clearly believe that you are the "Son of God" however your own studies in scripture should make you more than aware that it cannot be the case. Whether you believe in them or not, the prophecies made by all prophets came true and there is no case where they didn't. Both the prophecy that the Dow would never break above 25000 (and then went to 29000) and the latest prophecy that the battle of Armageddon would start on Monday 13th April 2020 were false.

It would be wise to reflect on the fact that you have been consistently wrong and that is not something that can be in any way possible for any true prophet or Son of God.

After all you will be very familiar with Matthew Ch7: v 15-20 "You will know them by their fruits" and in every case your fruits are proven to be false. The only way forward is to admit this and to repent of your sins.

Mon 13th Apr.png
You must expect people with irrational beliefs to say irrational things and carry out irrational actions. If you are rational that is.

I'm not sure that people with irrational beliefs can be reasoned with on the basis of what's rational and what's not.