I have found the Holy Grail indicator for the Dow Jones - 100% right so far

Dowser, that doesn't make any sense as an update can't be contained in the past...
His original premise: '100% right so far' is BS. It was never 100% right and never will be! The guy thinks he's the son of God and has been sectioned under the mental health act - Do your homework!
His original premise: '100% right so far' is BS. It was never 100% right and never will be! The guy thinks he's the son of God and has been sectioned under the mental health act - Do your homework!
Wow Dowser, unprovoked attack! However still does not make sense. My question was about an update on his trading system, you seem to think the fact that he has a mental health issue answers my question on whether his trading system is still sound. That is a completely different topic.

Maybe you're saying because he has a mental health issue his trading system was BS to begin with? Is that what it is? I'm not really sure, but just because someone has a disability doesn't mean they can't succeed at trading or anything else.
Wow Dowser, unprovoked attack! However still does not make sense. My question was about an update on his trading system, you seem to think the fact that he has a mental health issue answers my question on whether his trading system is still sound. That is a completely different topic.

Maybe you're saying because he has a mental health issue his trading system was BS to begin with? Is that what it is? I'm not really sure, but just because someone has a disability doesn't mean they can't succeed at trading or anything else.

The problem is that Bat has coloured his judgement from the off with his eternal Doomsday predictions.
He only ever looked at the short side, the catastrophic event.
The so called system did line up and give long signals, but he had no interest in trading long. Quite bizarre really, when the whole market is geared up for investors to be long and making money for their pensions etc.
Fundamentally flawed thinking will never succeed in trading.

So where are we now! Dow 3 or 4 k higher than his last Doomsday prediction. That's a sh1t load of points wrong, so NO he doesn't have a trading system. He never did!
Wow Dowser, unprovoked attack! However still does not make sense. My question was about an update on his trading system, you seem to think the fact that he has a mental health issue answers my question on whether his trading system is still sound. That is a completely different topic.

Maybe you're saying because he has a mental health issue his trading system was BS to begin with? Is that what it is? I'm not really sure, but just because someone has a disability doesn't mean they can't succeed at trading or anything else.
I think what Dowser is trying to say is, you've entered a thread that says "Holy grail 100% right so far" and you cant be bothered to read the thread yourself to find out if it works.
That says 2 things about you:
1. Your a sucker because only fools go looking for the holy grail.
2. Your lazy and you want others to do the hard work for you and give you quick answers.

Let me save you a lot of time and money right now - you will not be a successful trader. You'd be better off setting up a website selling trading systems 'cause your not good enough to make money trading your own funds.

Just my opinion.
"Chris doubt it" - jeez talk about rubbing peoples noses in it. Did you used to post as "Davy" or "Torrence" by any chance?
Wow Dowser, unprovoked attack! However still does not make sense. My question was about an update on his trading system, you seem to think the fact that he has a mental health issue answers my question on whether his trading system is still sound. That is a completely different topic.

Maybe you're saying because he has a mental health issue his trading system was BS to begin with? Is that what it is? I'm not really sure, but just because someone has a disability doesn't mean they can't succeed at trading or anything else.
If we give the Bat the benefit of the doubt and assume He is the Son of God, that would mean in the history of mankind there have been two such instances and that is precisely two more than there have been trading systems that are consistently '100% right'
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Off-topic, but for the purposes of historical accuracy in regard to latest comments:

The list of 'deities' supposedly born of a virgin on the 25th December and/ or claiming to be the Son of God well exceeds 2.

Even if you only counted those that pre-date Roman conquest, that still leaves a considerably higher number of sons of God than consistently right trading systems.

Go figure.

🤣 🤣 🤣
Off-topic, but for the purposes of historical accuracy in regard to latest comments:

The list of 'deities' supposedly born of a virgin on the 25th December and/ or claiming to be the Son of God well exceeds 2.

Even if you only counted those that pre-date Roman conquest, that still leaves a considerably higher number of sons of God than consistently right trading systems.

Go figure.

🤣 🤣 🤣
I hope you find some help, otherwise, some peace.
