I have found the Holy Grail indicator for the Dow Jones - 100% right so far

The Dow is going to seriously sell off again soon and then CRASH most probably on Monday the 19th August 2019 according to my calculations ... collapse. This world has put too much trust in money and now they have to pay the price. You can't have a financial system based on so much debt in the world. The financial system will eventually break down ... world. Tell me one good reason why we need money to live. Money is the most stupid invention man has ever made. Get rid of money and you eliminate most of the problems in the world. Make a world a free for all system.

  • Money IS 'trust' if you don't understand that simple premise then you have failed to understand what money actually is. Money is a promise to pay another person (originally an amount of gold). It is not money that has failed, it is people (Banks) abusing the trust of others. Banks have created so much money out of nothing that their promise to pay it back is impossible. Money is NOT the problem people are the problem.

  • We need money to live because I dont want to carry a live chicken down the pub in order to barter for a few pints of beer and some pork scratchings.

If you are a genius, please explain to us mere 'average traders' (harrumph) how you would obtain a loaf of bread from your local shop without money.
  • Money IS 'trust' if you don't understand that simple premise then you have failed to understand what money actually is. Money is a promise to pay another person (originally an amount of gold). It is not money that has failed, it is people (Banks) abusing the trust of others. Banks have created so much money out of nothing that their promise to pay it back is impossible. Money is NOT the problem people are the problem.

  • We need money to live because I dont want to carry a live chicken down the pub in order to barter for a few pints of beer and some pork scratchings.

If you are a genius, please explain to us mere 'average traders' (harrumph) how you would obtain a loaf of bread from your local shop without money.

I told you everyone works for free and everyone receives for free. You don't need a financial system. You could collapse it tomorrow and everything will run just fine. You don't need money to live. All you need is volunteers to produce the things we use in every day life and when work is over you go to the shops and get what you need for free. This system would get rid of poverty in the world immediately. Also inventions and technology would explode because money would not be holding development back. A free for all system. All the governments would have to do is make a law that everyone has to work for a few hours a day. The trouble is humans are so conditioned to think we need a financial system to live and we most definitely don't. Money has made this world corrupt in more ways than one.
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  • We need money to live because I dont want to carry a live chicken down the pub in order to barter for a few pints of beer and some pork scratchings.

Fortunately for me, at my own local (The Dog and Leper, SW London) their enlightened barter system caters for domestic fowl of all kinds and some rodents. The discussion over the size of the creature and the volume of the beverage is always stimulating. Ferrets seem to be quite a thing atm, which suits me perfectly as I find that I can neatly transport a day's supply together with my laptop in my backpack. I hear rumours of a digitalisation effort with Ferretcoin but this sounds almost as ludicrous as all the others.
I told you everyone works for free and everyone receives for free. You don't need a financial system. You could collapse it tomorrow and everything will run just fine. You don't need money to live. All you need is volunteers to produce the things we use in every day life and when work is over you go to the shops and get what you need for free. This system would get rid of poverty in the world immemorial. Also inventions and technology would explode because money would not be holding development back. A free for all system. All the governments would have to do is make a law that everyone has to work force few hours a day.
You do understand that the majority of people are lazy b@st@rds and will not do any more work than they are forced to. Then they will go to their local shop and obtain 6 litres of beer and/or cider along with 5 pizzas each night ('cause they NEED it) and would drive around in BMW's because its good for their back problems. Trex put it nicely "I drive a Rolls Royce, 'cause its good for my voice". Up the revolution brother!
Your infantile attitude would be laughable but for your mental issues, I suggest you start taking your tablets again.
I know I'm playing chess with a pigeon but I just cant stop myself, I think I need to examine my psyche to see why this fool triggers me so much.
I know I'm playing chess with a pigeon but I just cant stop myself, I think I need to examine my psyche to see why this fool triggers me so much.
Now there's an interesting thought - we're the ones that need therapy.......
I know I'm playing chess with a pigeon but I just cant stop myself, I think I need to examine my psyche to see why this fool triggers me so much.

Probably the unwillingness to see the world from "others" perspectives.

Then again, there is generally less tolerance for "others" points of view these days. Everyone seems to live in their own reality.
Now there's an interesting thought - we're the ones that need therapy.......
Gone are the days when you could have a rational debate.
This article sums up online debates perfectly.

You could substitute any subject into the chart and it would still be relevant. People dont want to discuss a subject and agree on a mutual conclusion based on facts they just want to believe their own internal reasons and shout down all opposing views. And unfortunately people are too stupid to understand even that.

Probably the unwillingness to see the world from "others" perspectives.

Then again, there is generally less tolerance for "others" points of view these days. Everyone seems to live in their own reality.
Ha, I was typing the same thing.
Are we in agreement? Oh no, two people agree in an online forum call the news. 🙂
Well that depends if you are a Brexiteer or a Remoaner. 😆
Take a guess ...

Here are eight reasons the EU will suffer more in both the short and long term.
Reason 1: Corporate Taxes
The UK can and likely will slash corporate tax rates. A lower corporate tax rate will mitigate much of the profit damage suffered by UK corporations in the event of no deal.
Note that one of the EU's biggest complaints against Ireland now is the "unfair" corporate tax structure of Ireland.
Reason 2: Currency Fluctuations
A falling currency is good for exporters and bad for importers. The British Pound has been falling in anticipation of Brexit.

Reason 3: Balance of Trade
In the event of no deal, WTO tariffs kick unless the EU offers to work out a trade deal. Under WTO rules, the EU could do that and rules allow a lengthy 10 years to get it done. The EU should agree to do that, but with animosity rising, it probably won't.
In a rising tariff setup, exporters will suffer far more than importers. Germany has an enormous trade surplus with the UK.

Image from Order of Rank of Germany's Trading Partners.
Angela Merkel is very concerned about German exports as well she should be.
Throw in the increasing chance of Trump putting tariffs on German cars and the EU will get crucified. A very severe German recession is in the cards and the EU faces a double whammy of Brexit plus Trump.
Note that a falling currency will mitigate some of the Tariff damage on UK exporters while compounding the problems for the EU.
Reason 4: Fishing Rights
In Brexit, the UK halts all EU fishing rights. EU fishermen will get clobbered.
Reason 5: Trade Deals
The UK will be able to make its own trade deals and set tariffs how it pleases.
Reason 6: Rules and Regulations
The UK will finally be free of inane EU rules and regulations on basically everything but especially agriculture.
Reason 7: Brexit Fees and Pay to Play Fee
Some dispute this, but the UK can halt the Brexit breakup fee. Boris Johnson has threatened to do that. Regardless, the UK will stop paying into the EU coffers even it does pay the breakup bill. The EU has budgeted for UK payments. When the UK stops paying, the EU will have to raise taxes to cover the difference.
Reason 8: Long Term Consequences
Both the EU and UK will suffer in the event of no deal but the long-term consequences strongly favor of the UK.

And here's a few more ...

And there are more than eight better reasons as to why the UK must leave the EU :

1: The UK along with all existing members of the EU lose their abstention veto in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon Treaty when the system changes to that of majority acceptance with no abstentions or veto’s being allowed.

2: All member nations will become states of the new federal nation of the EU by 2022 as clearly laid out in the Lisbon treaty with no exceptions or veto’s.

3: All member states must adopt the Euro by 2022 and any new member state must do so within 2 years of joining the EU as laid down in the Lisbon treaty.

4: The London stock exchange will move to Frankfurt in 2020 and be integrated into the EU stock exchange resulting in a loss of 200,000 plus jobs in the UK because of the relocation. (This has already been pre-agreed and is only on a holding pattern due to the Brexit negotiations, which if Brexit does happen, the move is fully cancelled - but if not and the UK remains a member it’s full steam ahead for the move.)

5: The EU Parliament and ECJ become supreme over all legislative bodies of the UK.

6: The UK will adopt 100% of whatever the EU Parliament and ECJ lays down without any means of abstention or veto, negating the need for the UK to have the Lords or even the Commons as we know it today.

7: The UK will NOT be able to make its own trade deals.

8: The UK will NOT be able to set its own trade tariffs.

9 The UK will NOT be able to set its own trade quotas.

10: The UK loses control of its fishing rights

11: The UK loses control of its oil and gas rights

12: The UK loses control of its borders and enters the Schengen region by 2022

13: The UK loses control of its planning legislation

14: The UK loses control of its armed forces including its nuclear deterrent

15: The UK loses control of its taxation policy

16: The UK loses the ability to create its own laws and to implement them

17: The UK loses its standing in the Commonwealths

18: The UK loses control of any provinces or affiliated nations e.g.: Falklands, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar and others

19: The UK loses control of its judicial system

20: The UK loses control of its international policy

21: The UK loses full control of its national policy

22: The UK loses its right to call itself a nation in its own right

23: The UK loses control of its space exploration program

24: The UK loses control of its Aviation and Sea lane jurisdiction

25: The UK loses its rebate in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon treaty

26: The UK’s contribution to the EU is set to increase by an average of 1.2bn pa and by 2.3bn pa by 2020
You do understand that the majority of people are lazy b@st@rds and will not do any more work than they are forced to. Then they will go to their local shop and obtain 6 litres of beer and/or cider along with 5 pizzas each night ('cause they NEED it) and would drive around in BMW's because its good for their back problems. Trex put it nicely "I drive a Rolls Royce, 'cause its good for my voice". Up the revolution brother!

Battyboy how do you intend to deal with the lazy gits in the world, come to think of it what exactly do you do to earn a living or contribute to society. I mean your not one of these spongers who takes government handouts while other people work hard to support you - are you?
I know you are an honest man so I await your response with bated breath.
Battyboy how do you intend to deal with the lazy gits in the world, come to think of it what exactly do you do to earn a living or contribute to society. I mean your not one of these spongers who takes government handouts while other people work hard to support you - are you?
I know you are an honest man so I await your response with bated breath.

I was diagnosed with Bipolar back in 2006 because of my beliefs which is absolute nonsense. I do not have any mental illness. The mental health doctors are mistaken. The trouble is when you get mentally retarded control freaks like the doctors who have a low IQ then they are obviously going to think a person like me with the ultimate intelligence as being metally ill. I am always thinking out of the box and the mental health doctors don't understand me. In fact most people don't. I was on a CTO (community treatment order) for 6 years whereby the doctors can force an injection medication on you against your will. On the 10th October 2018 I refused my medication injection and I half thought I would be recalled to hospital where they would force medication on me. They didn't. I then went to a hospital managers meeting and they decided to take me off my medication. I have been medication free now for over 10 months and I keep saying to my doctor and nurses where are my symptoms of Bipolar the ups and down moods. I have a very stable mood. Doctors don't always 100% get a diagnosis right you know. The do make mistakes. Yes I am on state benefits since 2006.
I'm very sorry to hear that.
You do have the right to close your account and have all data related to you removed from this web site including this thread. You might wish to consider that.
I'm very sorry to hear that.
You do have the right to close your account and have all data related to you removed from this web site including this thread. You might wish to consider that.

Why would I want to do that? I have nothing to hide.
I was diagnosed with Bipolar back in 2006 because of my beliefs which is absolute nonsense. I do not have any mental illness. The mental health doctors are mistaken. The trouble is when you get mentally retarded control freaks like the doctors who have a low IQ then they are obviously going to think a person like me with the ultimate intelligence as being metally ill. I am always thinking out of the box and the mental health doctors don't understand me. In fact most people don't. I was on a CTO (community treatment order) for 6 years whereby the doctors can force an injection medication on you against your will. On the 10th October 2018 I refused my medication injection and I half thought I would be recalled to hospital where they would force medication on me. They didn't. I then went to a hospital managers meeting and they decided to take me off my medication. I have been medication free now for over 10 months and I keep saying to my doctor and nurses where are my symptoms of Bipolar the ups and down moods. I have a very stable mood. Doctors don't always 100% get a diagnosis right you know. The do make mistakes. Yes I am on state benefits since 2006.

Yes I suppose it depends how far from the norm you venture. It's probably not healthy to be continually consumed by "out of the box" thoughts and I expect this is why the quacks came to the conclusion they did.

Anyway, putting this on One side for a moment. How about showing us what you are looking at. At the moment we have nothing to work with. Just saying.
I traded a "sell" go short order yesterday at Dow 25,878 on 400 contracts. I was in profit today so I moved my "stop loss" down to protect my profits. I just got stopped out with a profit of £60,305
My new trading system has generated a "sell" go short on the Dow. I will enter the trade once it has recovered a little and then starts to fall again. I am not sure when that will be. I will let you know.
I just traded a "sell" order go short on the Dow at 25,582 with 400 contracts and in 10 minutes I just closed the trade and made a profit at £32,106. We are heading for a CRASH soon I just know it.