Human population explosion. Solutions please.

Paying extra tax to help improve population control.

  • Yes,happy to pay a tax that will improve population control and quality of living for poorer nations

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Essentially, NO. I'm aware the problem exists ,but someone else please deal with it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CB. Look, the world knows its cheaper to let nature run its course with these things.

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Funnily enough, if we paid for the solution ,it would be cheaper & deliver.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Shouldn't the POPE and condoms come into this topic somewhere ?

On Radio 4 the other night one professor was confidently predicting that within 50 years scientists would be able to double the lifespan of the average human. So assuming the " crown jewels " aren't affected that's a lot more people


If George W. etc don't hurry up on the climate change thing then both polar ice caps will melt and the oceans will rise 150 feet. London etc will all have to move inland - if that doesn't cause a bit of congestion I dont know what will !!
Same old dilemma
For instance
At the end of WW2 Truman should have grasped the nettle and said no one else will ever have atomic weapons but the USA. He was such a nice guy he didn't and now foul regimes around the world have (North Korea ) or soon will have ( Iran ). Talk about week decisions. The problem obviously wasn't going to go away and now its almost insoluble.
Just the same with the population problem. Let it fester until it's so bad something will have to be done about it. The pie in the sky liberals cant grasp the nettle and never will. Bringing in 4 million immigrants to Britain is only a drop in the overall ocean but a big burden here. Again EU liberals can't say NO ! and mean it.
One could suggest bringing on Mrs T.'s successor, sorry Gordie not you I guess ! or David or Menzies you haven't the balls.