Human population explosion. Solutions please.

Paying extra tax to help improve population control.

  • Yes,happy to pay a tax that will improve population control and quality of living for poorer nations

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Essentially, NO. I'm aware the problem exists ,but someone else please deal with it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CB. Look, the world knows its cheaper to let nature run its course with these things.

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Funnily enough, if we paid for the solution ,it would be cheaper & deliver.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The agreement between Starbucks and the Ethiopian government is a case in point. It is estimated that Starbucks has been depriving Ethiopia of as much as £100 million per year.

This is one of the world's poorest countries and, yet, although we are sorry for them, that does not mean that we should pay more for our cup of coffee.


quote from above link:
"Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and famous for militant intervention to stop whalers, now warns mankind is “acting like a virus” and is harming Mother Earth."

The scene in "The Matrix" where Mr Smith describes people as a disease was certainly most thought-provoking. When said in his quiet, cold, voice, it sort of made chilling sense.

EDIT: found the text:
Agent Smith:
"I'd like to share a revelation I had during my time here. It came to
me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not
actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a
natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do
not. You move to an area and you multiply until every natural resource
is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area.
There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern.
Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer
Of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure."
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Thanks for your posts jtrader, I know most don't believe with what is going on in the world. People tend to stay in their comfort zone, anything out side the zone they tend to ignore it and most of the posters on her are ingnorning your posts, because its outside the comfort zone.

The same applies with trading. The money is made with SIZE and not a method that makes money 90% of the time.I would say 98% trade in a comfort zone and this stops them from making money worth talking about.

Hi laptop

Thanks, I know exactly what you mean.

One of the reasons why i post the links only now is because only 2% join the discussion. It's all about a comfort zone. I understand why in a public forum.

By only posting such links I'm purposely not expressing my personal views on them for all to see. Nor do i expect others to respond to such links with their opinions.

They are interesting links though.

Having an open mind is a good thing.

But then, having a debate, that ignores the possible bigger issues, only addressing mainstream media sources etc. can make such a debate pretty futile.

Perhaps I will ban myself from the lounge!
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This markets topping out, due for a slump ?

As of 2007, the world population had reached 6.5 billion.

The USA covers an area of 3537441 mi² ( = 2263962240 acre (

22639662240 acres divided by 6500000000 people = 0.348301 acres per person.

So basically, every child, woman and man on earth could be accomodated in the USA, and have 0.348301 acres for themselves.

One acre = 4047 square metres
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So basically, every child, woman and man on earth could be accomodated in the USA, and have 0.348301 acres for themselves.

One acre = 4047 square metres

Phew, at least someone else has done the maths.
As of 2007, the world population had reached 6.5 billion.

The USA covers an area of 3537441 mi² ( = 2263962240 acre (

22639662240 acres divided by 6500000000 people = 0.348301 acres per person.

So basically, every child, woman and man on earth could be accomodated in the USA, and have 0.348301 acres for themselves.

One acre = 4047 square metres

but does that 0.35 acres, or about 1400 sq m, have enough rocks and trees to build a house, enough metals for 2 cars, access to clean water, enough coal or wood for fuel and power ?

dont forget land encompasses rivers, deserts, mountains, marsh, etc.
"land" does not equal "habitable land".
but does that 0.35 acres, or about 1400 sq m, have enough rocks and trees to build a house, enough metals for 2 cars, access to clean water, enough coal or wood for fuel and power ?

dont forget land encompasses rivers, deserts, mountains, marsh, etc.
"land" does not equal "habitable land".

For sure.

the entire human population of the globe could probably be comfortably accomodated in lets say the land mass of USA + Canada + Mexico.
If you want to subtract the inhospitable land mass, and make more space for public buildings and resources, just add Europe to this list of places to live.
For sure.

the entire human population of the globe could probably be comfortably accomodated in lets say the land mass of USA + Canada + Mexico.
If you want to subtract the inhospitable land mass, and make more space for public buildings and resources, just add Europe to this list of places to live.

good point. [wasnt concentrating]

so, there IS enough land, and resources to keep everyone in good health and life-style.
This has probably been said or alluded to already .......... but the Gaffers have been considering population management for many years and have some interesting solutions.. ....... they are subtle and varied but are likely to be very effective.
This has probably been said or alluded to already .......... but the Gaffers have been considering population management for many years and have some interesting solutions.. ....... they are subtle and varied but are likely to be very effective.

"If" is a very big word. I think that nature will take a hand in the population increase if we can't do it, ourselves. There are 40 million aids victims, for a start. How many people are starving to death? These two problems, themselves, are on the increase and are going to affect the economic growth of all nations suffering the most from them, thereby compounding them, as most of the victims of both factors are working people and growing children. Sometimes, I wonder whether the powers that be, in this world , are deliberately standing back and watching it happen.

"If" is a very big word. I think that nature will take a hand in the population increase if we can't do it, ourselves. There are 40 million aids victims, for a start. How many people are starving to death? These two problems, themselves, are on the increase and are going to affect the economic growth of all nations suffering the most from them, thereby compounding them, as most of the victims of both factors are working people and growing children. Sometimes, I wonder whether the powers that be, in this world , are deliberately standing back and watching it happen.

Your last sentence is very interesting ...... they wouldn't would they :?:
I think that my last sentece could have been expressed better. They are standing back and letting it happen.

We are standing back and letting it happen... 🙄

I feel guilty and grateful a lot of the time. 😱
Population increase

Until the Governments of the world stop paying benifits when people have children we would not have half the problems in this world. China have a very good way to control the population by limiting the amount of children they have, even though they are very overpopulated, thats why they have this control. Good idea.Till we have some control over the population of this world, it will be unstainable. Its a joke with all this "human right" to have a child, which has been talked about, so the government has to pay the mother for the next 20 years while she has a few more.
It is getting beyond a joke. Alot of people who work cannot afford children and most live on the breadline or worse......because they work and pay high taxes.
We know who has the most children now and its them that need controlling and are such a drain on society. Its so easy to get benefits now and you just do not have to work. People come into this country ilegaly and whoops she has a baby, so what do we do, give them a home and benefits for the rest of there lives.

You only have to look at the problems of soceity in the towns and citys. It was so nice going to the cotswolds at the weekend to all the little villages, no problems there at social housing, you have to work and buy these houses.

Thats my rant over. Anyone who takes offence at what I said then tough.

Thanks for reading. Any replies welcome....good or bad.

Solution to what problem?

One problem is extrapolation from inappropriate or untested assumptions. Malthus is one the best known of those who produce essays on population growth and in using an inappropriate model, came to all the wrong conclusions. There is an assumption in the graph in post #1 that the population will grow as depicted. It may, it may not. The problem is that the derivation of the data has not been provided and the hypothesis/es upon which it is based has not been explicated.

The other problem is that there is an assumption that the global infrastructure can support growth at this rate. It might and it might not. Surface area is not a problem. You could assign every living being on the planet their very own two square feet of land and fit us all into an area 330 sq. miles. Physical resource is not a problem. There is sufficient natural resource for all to have adequate shelter, clothing, food & water.

What screws this delightful utopia up is the errant nature of mankind in being born where they’re born. Some choose the most god-forsaken parts of the planet to arrive into their lives. And then make it difficult for others to help sustain them.

Then there’s distribution. Where road, rail and shipping can easily reach, there’s little problem with supply and distribution for support of any size of population. Where these infrastructure do not exist or no longer exist, getting stuff to those who most need it is a problem.

Then there’s the issue of current distribution of the means to provide and acquire the necessary for life. It is concentrated into a relatively small percentage of the population and represents power. Many of these few, understandably, do not wish to part, willingly, with any of their stuff.

And finally (for this little snippet of a review) is the control of the national and global means of distribution: governments and commercial interests of significant size and power.

These are just a few of the problem areas and this is by no means exhaustive. But, having highlighted these few problem areas, I’ll suggest some possible solutions to them. You may not like all of them, but it’s a pick and mix type thing – take your choice.

The first solution requires simply ignoring the data in the graph on the assumption that it’s just plain wrong, or even if it isn’t, things will sort themselves out naturally (vv Correlation of Fox & Chicken population), or that the increasing malnutrition and disease in those populations which suffer most from their decision to live where they live, will eventually rob them of the ability to continue to reproduce at their current rate, if at all. This first solution requires no effort whatsoever from anyone and it my choice as the one most likely to be adopted, by default.

The second solution is the physically gather everybody on the planet into an area of land of 330 sq miles and then fire the starting gun. Everyone can choose where to live and to acquire the resources concomitant with the piece of land area selected, including houses, bank accounts, businesses, cars etc. OK, for the bleeding heart liberals will make it so when we’re all pushed into that little area together, those with the most go into the middle of the mass of humanity and those with the least on the outside. I tell you, even with a head start, I know how it’s going to end up within a very short space of time. There’s a reason why things are as they are.

Next solution is to go to all this difficult areas where people choose to be born and, sort of live, and instead of sliding in bits of aid, what remains of the aid that hasn’t been siphoned off by the various corrupt governments and military, and instead of giving them money and p!ss-poor excuses for civilised hygiene and self-support, simply gas or napalm them all. It’s a solution. No more comic relief. No more red nose day. And we can then turn our guns on the more local problems. I never thought ASBOs went far enough anyway.

The next solution is to forget maintaining infrastructure that in any way supports those that don’t have jobs, their own house (at least one) and at least two cars. If they have kids then private education would further confirm eligibility for the ‘Support Club’. Anyone not meeting the entrance criteria would simply be removed from the support grid and any road, rail whatever infrastructure currently in place would be left to rot, or better still, re-utilised in improving that of those in the Support Club. This would further reduce the reproduction capability of the lower orders and effectively, in time, remove their genetic influence form the global gene pool. I’m not suggesting we actually kill anyone closer to home and not in any of those nasty foreign places, just make it more difficult for them to live or breed. Of course, the old and the sick, even if previously of the Support Club should be considered for compulsory euthanasia in order to free up more resource for the greater good of the greater good.

Yet another solution is to simply take all the resource that is being hoarded by those that hoard all the resource. They might require significant inducement to part with their wealth, but a small price to pay for global equality-ish, wouldn’t you say.

And the final solution offered for your approval is the overthrow of all governments and return to a more locally organised support system. Again, those in power in governments are unlikely to want to go quietly and even though they came about through public disobedience and revolution, will not take too kindly to being ousted in similar manner. They also have big police forces and armies to help support them against such an eventuality, but if you can’t take up the baton that I’m passing you and develop the detail there’s really nothing more I can help you with anyway.

Anyone have any more problems they want me to have a shot at?
We are standing back and letting it happen... 🙄

I feel guilty and grateful a lot of the time. 😱

I don't feel guilty because there is little that I can do about it. Big money and power is what will move this, not what you or I can do. In any case, sooner or later, whatever is done, if the world population does not decrease, then nature will take a hand. Everyone says that we are going to have 9 billion by 2050. No one has suggested what the population will be in 2100. It's not far away. My father was born in 1900 and died in 1982 and my grandson was born 100 years later, in 2000.

Solution to what problem?

Anyone have any more problems they want me to have a shot at?

Shouldn't the last sentence read :-

Anyone want me shot ? ...........Well that's one less person but by the time I have typed this about 10 will have been born !!