How To Trade: Full Stop

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Would you believe that a day trader on Wednesday or Thursday this week made $50K over various stocks using ONLY the following information for each stock :

Open Price
Current Price
% change

To be honest, I hadn't realised before now that during market hours, this guy was not even looking at a chart.

Can you imagine ? Making tens of thousands of dollars every day without using a chart, trading lots of different stocks and having multiple positions on at any one time ? No automation, just a knowledge of how things work.

I hope now we can get back to the serious business of discussing stochastics, support and resistance, pin bars, candlestick formations and other things that will make us all hundredaires !
Have you been drinking Expert Kool-Aid?
Surely profits are related to pot size. You sound like one of those bad TV infomercials.

I'm just relating to you the way a pro trades without using the tools we deem essential to the task of trading - like charts for instance.

Profit is related to ability. There are many that will also say that there is a ceiling on the amount of profit possible per day from day trading due to:

- liquidity/position size issues
- number of positions you can handle at a time

It won't take you long to find comments to that effect on this site. Day trading is income but swing trading is where the big money is etc. etc.

Perhaps the limitations set are more related to trading off too much information. Perhaps if you trade off less information - i.e. that which is available on L1 as opposed to a chart, it would open up more opportunity.
Ask DT if he has discovered anything of REAL value, and DT, please give them an honest answer, for I expect no less, but, as mentioned, do not post about what you have learned.

Tell them all the truth DT, tell them what you really think, good or bad, for, if anyone is ever going to make it as a real trader in this game, then the truth must be observed at all times.

I am sure I will be called a stooge for this - but yes, this thread has taught me a few things I hadn't thought of/didn't know were out there.

I have not yet brought this into my trading as I will only bring in something new very carefully after much observation.

As I explained previously, I was already looking to refine the method I used to pick stocks to trade for the day as I was a bit 'scattergun' in my approach. Intra-day, I have some additional tools to use to assess overall direction for the day too.

Flame away.
Some price points of interest:

OK, for those who are serious.

Please post some serious questions and I will answer them seriously, no messing.

Have a nice day!


Okay then, I understand that we are looking for relatively high ADR stocks. Other than that, I must have forgotten a few things in the additional 30 pages. So,

1) What is the relevance of an opening gap?

2) How do you pick the stocks that you trade from amongst those with a high ADR?

3) How do you pick your entry and direction of trade?

4) What is your exit strategy?

Thank you.
Okay then, I understand that we are looking for relatively high ADR stocks. Other than that, I must have forgotten a few things in the additional 30 pages. So,

1) What is the relevance of an opening gap?

2) How do you pick the stocks that you trade from amongst those with a high ADR?

3) How do you pick your entry and direction of trade?

4) What is your exit strategy?

Thank you.

I am busy trading right now but will reply later on.

Okay then, I understand that we are looking for relatively high ADR stocks. Other than that, I must have forgotten a few things in the additional 30 pages. So,

1) What is the relevance of an opening gap?

2) How do you pick the stocks that you trade from amongst those with a high ADR?

3) How do you pick your entry and direction of trade?

4) What is your exit strategy?

Thank you.

1) Any event that moves price is relative.

2) Simple, I use my God given brain and 2 eyes, and even with diminishing eyesight I am still The Expert at it :smart:

3) If I told you that then you would be as good as The Expert, for, truth be known, it is as simple as ABC, really 😎

4) Similar to the entry strategy, but with the additional "get out" clause if required.

Please be aware that I can not tell you my edge, for if I do that I run the risk of you telling others, and before you know it everyone knows it and it is no longer an edge🙄

However, I will point you in the right direction so that you can improve on what you have, but, you must ask the right questions, and not looking for the "show me how to do it" way, for that will never happen with The Expert 😎

Despite my persistent barking up of wrong trees, I am genetically predisposed to want to solve riddles...

Apologies for the few that think here, the "little book" then.

OK, I will give you a hint, but it will not be an easy one like the last time.

Barry Rudd Is OK
For The Wiggle, Shows The way
The Way Being Clear, Is Not The Be
And End Of All, Will Make You Tall

The wiggle/retracement depth shows the way. The way being clear will make you tall. Tall = not short. Not short = long.

When You Are Tall, You Will Look Down
And See What They, Will Not Today
Once You See, You Will Know
This Game For Sure, Is All So Pure

Hmmm - see something that they will not see ? They being who ? The people that are short or just the crowd in general ?

He Comes Spot On, Just Like a Song
The Beats Do Follow, Into The Hollow
In You Must Go, And Also Know
That Time Is Near, And Yet So Dear

Like a song could be 'pop'. Hollow would be a gap I presume. The music references could refer to 'Harmonic' - Scott Carney. Which fits in with everthing being as simple as ABC...

He Hits The Note, Just Like A Gloat
The Hollow Space, Is Filled With Grace
Out You Must Be, Else You Will See
A Fool to Be, Is So, So Easy

The Expert, aka, TE :smart:

Well this must be a gap fill which leans me towards crabel but I think that's too obvious.

Anyway - I wouldn't give up trading to start a career in poetry !
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Pointing me back to Rudds work was actually fairly useful as some of the stuff on retracements whilst basic, is of interest and something that is of immediate benefit (although Mr C had certainly said the same to me in so many words).

I am looking at some of his setups too - some of the methods he uses to decide which stocks to daytrade are interesting. As I daytrade anyway and as I select stocks each day anyway - looking at a new way of selecting stocks it is not a hardship - you can drop things that don't work anyway.

For sure - one thing I do know - most days, if you look back (as I do with various scanners I have programmed), a lot of the news stocks move cleanly and are easy to trade - many are't though. Look at VMC for yesterday:


This wasn't even on my radar ! Nothing on, nothing on a lot of the news sites - but the night before - Cramer of all people pumping it up. Was this move because of that ? Probably not. Sector doing well ? Other times, the best movers of the day have zero news too. Of course, you have to be careful about assuming cause & effect but I do find looking at these things useful. Could be a waste of time, could lead to being better at finding movers for the day.

Also - the stuff on Bryce related to the S&P and movements that are likely to be sustained is again, very, very obvious. I just wouldn' t have thought about it myself. Now - as I watch the indices anyway - it is no great shakes for me to add the extra couple of symbols and watch them to evaluate his way of thinking.

In terms of ABC - not sure I've made my mind up on that yet. Could be misdirection, could be ABC as a method of enhancing stocks to select to trade or it could be ABCs on lower timeframe for day trading. Again, as I look at this stuff anyway - it' doesn't hurt to consider these things.

GAPs have been mentioned which brings to mind Crabel as well as the fact that a lot of gapping stocks (depending on the percentage) do have a nice rebound. I had dismissed Crabels work a long time ago as it smacks of backtesting/curve fitting to me. Which, as I am not enamoured with following past patterns, goes against my grain.

Now - can/should you put these things together to make a coherent system ? Perhaps. Have I done it ? not yet. I just have some new things to observe and some look promising. Observation costs me nothing other than a bit of brainwork.

One thing that I never figured out yet is the significance, if any of the phrase "I will only help those who are willing to help themselves and others" - I don't think it has been put in this thread many times by accident. Neither were 'ABC' and the occasional butterfly.

In terms of has TE displayed some knowledge - well, he has I'm afraid - it's just highly obfuscated. It appears he at least knows the framework of daytrading.

I would recommend to any readers of this thread an interesting book. Trouble is - I have this urge to put it in a riddle.

You know in Scottish
Who wanted to eat Red Riding Hood
He started moving
And couldn't stop
I guess that's what having a full head o' steam does for you

Even I'm at it now.... 🙄

BTW - if you want a list of yesterdays 'nicest movers up' - here's the list my apres-market scanner gave me.

All NYSE/NASDAQ, $10-$80, Avg vol > 500,000, Daily range > 80c
VMC Vulcan Materials
MEE Massey Energy
UFS Domtar Corporation
FFIV F5 Networks
FDS FactSet Research Systems Inc
LAMR Lamar Advertising 'A'
NBL Noble Energy
GRMN Garmin Ltd
CELG Celgene Corp
LEA Lear Corporation

S&P500 top 10
VMC Vulcan Materials
MEE Massey Energy
AZO AutoZone Inc
BEN Franklin Resources
NBL Noble Energy
CELG Celgene Corp
IP Intl Paper
TROW T.Rowe Price Group
LNC Lincoln Natl Corp

BTW - yes I know there's some overlap. Look at the daily charts, then look for the news on each stock. The results are sometimed suprising.

PS - TE did PM me something else of interest - but said I'd have a nasty slip in the bathroom if I revealed it.
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OK, I am back here for now, but, I am also laying down a few rules as well!

If anyone starts posting silly comments about anyone, or anything, and the mods do not do their job, then, this thread will just revert back to time wasting, and that I guarantee.

I will react directly to what is posted, no matter what it is.

Post constructively and I will respond accordingly, post a stupid post and I will respond accordingly, and so on and so forth.

Consider me a mirror, and I will reflect exactly the image that I see in front of me.

Hello TE, i was reading your posts, and also last one when you wrote a “poem”, have to say you the truth – I don’t really understand, maybe because English is not my mother language, or maybe I’m too stupid… Maybe you can explain me in plain English, or just with another words.
Hello TE, i was reading your posts, and also last one when you wrote a “poem”, have to say you the truth – I don’t really understand, maybe because English is not my mother language, or maybe I’m too stupid… Maybe you can explain me in plain English, or just with another words.

Please post the poem AV, and I will then reply to your questions.

Thank You,

"You know in Scottish
Who wanted to eat Red Riding Hood
He started moving
And couldn't stop
I guess that's what having a full head o' steam does for you"

Ken Wolff?
"You know in Scottish
Who wanted to eat Red Riding Hood
He started moving
And couldn't stop
I guess that's what having a full head o' steam does for you"

Ken Wolff?

Brilliant ! Indeed - I think his book is about the only one I've ever seen on day trading stocks that spells out what actually goes on. Not sure TE would agree with the contents though...
Brilliant ! Indeed - I think his book is about the only one I've ever seen on day trading stocks that spells out what actually goes on. Not sure TE would agree with the contents though...

I will have a look and see what I think, do you have the pdf link to save me looking it up:?:

Please post the poem AV, and I will then reply to your questions.

Thank You,

The Expert said:
Apologies for the few that think here, the "little book" then.

OK, I will give you a hint, but it will not be an easy one like the last time.

Barry Rudd Is OK
For The Wiggle, Shows The way
The Way Being Clear, Is Not The Be
And End Of All, Will Make You Tall

When You Are Tall, You Will Look Down
And See What They, Will Not Today
Once You See, You Will Know
This Game For Sure, Is All So Pure

He Comes Spot On, Just Like a Song
The Beats Do Follow, Into The Hollow
In You Must Go, And Also Know
That Time Is Near, And Yet So Dear

He Hits The Note, Just Like A Gloat
The Hollow Space, Is Filled With Grace
Out You Must Be, Else You Will See
A Fool to Be, Is So, So Easy

The Expert, aka, TE
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