jacinto said:it means that through the use of reason you have accomplished true freedom. Every time you are faced with an option to act, you choose to act or not, and thus either enjoy the benefits or suffer the consequences of your decision to act or not. That means you are truly free.
I'm not sure that one's true feelings come into it when accepting responsibility for one's actions is concerned, although I enjoyed your post very much. Regardless of what the other posters have said i.e. that we can always blame the broker, or whoever, I cannot see how any online trader can expect anyone else to assume responsibility for his actions, apart from himself. He is the one who makes the final decision and, even if he is accepting the advice of someone on T2W, he is the one paying the piper.
Perhaps that is the way my own character has been formed, I don't know, but, personally, if I have to take responsibility for a loss- which I have to do, there being no one else- I do not feel liberated by it.
Certainly, I have more sense than to blame Socrates, who never accepts the blame for anything 🙂