How To Think Correctly

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A New Beginning

Thank you Starspacer,

I wish you, and all members, a very prosperous 2007.

I have read through very quickly where I finished prior to the holidays, and all I will say is we are now in a new year and what has happened has happened - time to move on.

I am going to try and re-start this thread - How to Think Correctly - as I still believe that it is of the utmost importance if one wants to effect any real changes to their current status quo.

On the subject of banning, I am in full agreement with Starspacer - controversial posts should be fully allowed once the "rules" are adhered to. In my opinion, the only thing that should result in a permanent ban is multiple posting by the same individual - as this indicates that the individual has an alternative purpose in mind - and thus is not been truthful.

The truth is the truth, no matter what we may like to believe, and the truth is all that matters.

To speak what is on one's mind is to speak the truth - this may offend others, so be it, but it is the only way. Most of the time, however, ones interpretation of the truth is not correct, so the only way to come to an understanding of this is to speak out what is on your mind - others will then share their opinion which may "enlighten" others into seeing what the real truth is all about.

To step back a little, I apologies to all that I have offended in the past - no real offence was meant and my comments were due to my following the "herd mentality" - very similar to what happens in trading, of course. This can happen to anyone, at any time, and is one of the main obstacles that all traders face on a continuous basis.

The act of trading is the easy part - and again - not to insult anyone’s intelligence, of course it is possible to make money trading various methods, for to say that this is not possible is not the truth.

However, it is also true that certain methods will allow certain individuals to achieve very good results. The majority, not been fully aware of these methods, for whatever reason, then fail to see how this can be so. They fail to see for one reason, and one reason only, that reason been that they have not yet learned How To Think Correctly.

When one starts the journey to discovering The Truth, they will quickly see that anything in life is possible once they understand that there are basic laws which govern all things in life. These laws are immutable (unchangeable) and no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves otherwise, it is just not possible.

So, as this subject of Correct Thinking is very dear to my heart, I am going to make the following offer to anyone who shows that are deserving of same.

The offer is as follows:

I have roughly about $10K worth of courses that I purchased since 1999 and I am willing to part with any of these, free of charge, to anyone who shows that they are deserving of same.

This is no trick, no catch, no nothing of the sort.

I am making a sincere gesture, as I know that some newbie’s do not have much money starting out and some of the material I possess will definitely help them in developing a trading method that will suit their personal situation. But, bear in mind, as I have previously noted, that the act of trading is the easy part, the act of Thinking Correctly is the hard part.

Why am I doing this?

I am doing this for one reason, and one reason only, to be of service to others. This helps the other person and me.

So, before we start getting the usual silly remarks, let me reiterate a few simple facts which just happen to be true:

1. I have approx $10K of training courses
2. I will give any of these courses away, free of charge, to any individual who shows that they deserve same.

To finish, this does not mean that any person wanting to receive a free course needs to suck up to me, or even agree with me!. It means that the person must show that they are deserving of the free material which I am offering. How one decides to do that will be determined by the way one thinks.

At some stage in the future I am going to make a statement that will shock many - and I myself have also been recently shocked due to discovering certain pieces of information within a few days of each other. I had access to some of this information for quite some time now, but it did not "click" with me fully until I came across some new information over the X-Mas holidays, which I must say, really got me thinking about what I had been reading.

As a background, I am posting the following link which is all I can find at the moment, but I will post more detail when I get the time to do further research.

Also, in case you are all thinking I am gone completely mad in 2007, this is all very relevant for understanding How To Think Correctly, more so that you can ever imagine!

But like myself, it is not very obvious to understand at first, and requires a serious level of concentration, which is hard to do without supporting scientific proof - "Blessed is he who does not see, yet still believes".

I suppose this is the real difference between those who are really wise, and US, the majority. The wise can read and interpret immediately, whereas, US, the majority, find it hard to even comprehend what the whole bloody thing is all about, this been due to our ignorance, nothing more, nothing less.

As I keep saying, the act of trading is the easy part, and that is exactly why the majority will always be the majority, and why a finite number will always keep the balance of power. History does tend to repeat itself, but we are now in an era that those who are willing to learn, because they now CAN, do not have to partake in the sequel. Anyone, yes anyone, can do whatever they so desire in life, but to do so they must first recognise The Truth for what it really is - and it is not what the majority think it is at all - far from it, far, far from it. We have been all blinded for centuries, intentionally, so that a select few maintain the balance of power. This balance of power is now there for the taking by all who wish to avail, but to avail is no easy task, it is by far the hardest task that will ever face you in life, but then again, would you expect it any other way!

How easy is it to change the habits that are, at this stage, encoded in our DNA, thanks to the select few that engineered it this way by suppression and domination.

But, we now have the opportunity to reverse this balance of power, and as this actually started in 1789 - and seeing as it is now 2007, would clearly show that it is no easy task to accomplish. But it can be done, why, simple, just because it CAN be done.

Here is an interesting survey that will show how little we really know about History:

Be honest with yourself - and a little advice, read and re-read, then ask yourself why do I think this is the right answer before answering each of the 7 questions.

I only got 2 right - I am a fraud 😢

Or maybe it was because I flew trough them quickly to see what would happen, without concentrating on each question and asking myself what is the most logical answer based on my limited knowledge of Egyptian history, and common sense!

Alas, the gods are only luke warm.


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don_h said:
Alas, the gods are only luke warm.

Good show don,

An interesting exercise, yes?

Maybe we should start a thread for posting mind exercises - or mind benders, whichever, although some will say that this thread is already fulfilling that purpose 😆

CYOF said:
Good show don,

An interesting exercise, yes?

Maybe we should start a thread for posting mind exercises - or mind benders, whichever, although some will say that this thread is already fulfilling that purpose 😆


Indeed it was interesting, although I confess I have an interest on this having been there and enjoy the subject. I was kicking myself for not doing better.

I must also say I am failing at the moment to see how this exercise is going to help correct thinking, but I will continue to follow your thread, no doubt all will become clear.


CYOF said:
An interesting exercise, yes?

Maybe we should start a thread for posting mind exercises - or mind benders, whichever, although some will say that this thread is already fulfilling that purpose 😆


Hi CYOF, hope christmas and new year where good for you

This test is actually quite interesting in many ways. I scored 5/7, but what does that actually mean? If I’ve interpreted your post correctly, your assertion is that the test will provide us with an indication of how much, or little we know of history. It perhaps comes as no surprise but I have to disagree.

I’d argue the test is measuring a number of very different things, and our knowledge of history plays only a small part.

Today you’ve posted a couple of links both concerning Egyptology, in which I assume you have an interest and some knowledge. You took the test and scored 2, Don, who admits to having knowledge of Egyptian history, scored 4 and I took the test and scored 5. But in all likelihood you actually know far more than I regarding this subject, however the test scores don’t support that fact.

For a start, there’s an element of luck at play. There where certainly one or two questions where I simply could not decide between 2 answers, so the choice was down to luck, so my score could very easily have been 4/7 or 6/7 which is quite a significant difference.

Out of the 7 questions, there was only one where I was able to answer correctly based on actual historical knowledge, so my actual score on this basis should be 1/7. Answers to all of the other questions where based either on pure logic, process of elimination, in one case a pure guess, or by considering what Id do in the role of Pharaoh or indeed any other political leader (which isnt of course necessarily the sensible or moral or correct thing to do)

If as you imply, this questionnaire demonstrates our historical knowledge, then on the basis of the test results we’ve seen to date it’s a highly flawed questionnaire, its actually showing the complete inverse.

I’m also struggling in seeing how this can aid correct thinking, particularly with respect to trading. I suppose that it does demonstrate the sometimes rather cruel effects of probability at play, and goes some way of supporting my earlier arguments about the need for rigorous and scientific testing regarding evaluation of an edge :cheesy:

In order to get the thread back on track, perhaps you could clarify something. When you talk about "correct thinking" are you specifically referring to the benefits or otherwise of NLP, or are you considering the wider aspects of "thinking correctly" ?

Logic and determination

CYOF said:
Good show don,

An interesting exercise, yes?

Maybe we should start a thread for posting mind exercises - or mind benders, whichever, although some will say that this thread is already fulfilling that purpose 😆


You have 12 balls of equal size and shape, but one of them is either slightly heavier or lighter than the others. Can you find the odd ball and determine whether it's lighter or heavier with just 3 weigh-ins on a balance scale?

A Happy New Year to you.

I think we’re all keen to share knowledge. Flawed or incorrect knowledge is never apparent until someone points it out – that’s why we repeat mistakes but don’t know why.

Knowledge, perhaps more broadly, thinking and clarity of thought, progresses through the exchange of ideas and opinions (if one is open-minded). However, I’ve no objection to being subject to the didactic if there is merit – if I don’t see the merit, it should be explained. Otherwise, it’s mere dogma.

Hopefully, as you state, this New Year will bring a new emphasis in mutual development (I could certainly do with it). But it can only develop if it isn’t presented in quasi-mystical, pseudo-scientific BS.

Re your generous offer. As a starting point, why not share what you consider the most valuable aspects? These can be held up to scrutiny, improved (or rejected). That’s progress.

In the meantime, I’ll check out your links.

Don & Zu,

I will try and cover both of your posts with the one reply, but if I miss anything then feel free to ask again - and yes Zu, I did enjoy the break and thank you for asking, I hope you also enjoyed your time off.


This exercise was not planned - I came across it and thought that it was good - that is all.

But, I am glad to see that is has aroused some discussion, for whether we know it or not, how we actually think is repetitive, it is habitual, and for trading this can be disastrous as your hard earned money is on the line.

It does, however, show that we may all obtain different results, some scoring low, some high, and some in between - as the sample is only 7 many will of course get the same figures.

The question here is why we all score different. Is it due to knowledge, or lack of it?

Or is it due to not actually stopping and thinking logically - in other words not looking at why one answer may be more correct than the other - or is just because we actually don't know, and we are only guessing?

I have no doubt, that if an Egyptologist answers he/she will get all 7 correct - why, because they are experts at what they do - it is their life.

Trading is no different - in order to become an expert it must become your life - not some pastime that seems like a good thing to do.

So, unless one is set on becoming an expert, then one should not expect to score high.

Seems quite logical to me!

As for my other post regarding:

this is the one that requires some serious investigation - as it has the potential to reveal what many have for centuries pondered over - well, at least in my opinion it has. And who knows, maybe I might be just right, but then again, there is only one way to find out, and that is to unravel the mystery.

I am sure that there is at least one here who knows what I am talking about, and it is not who you all think it is, but it is quite obvious from his posts that he has adopted a similar way of thinking a long time ago.

I will put forward my statement when the time is right, not until then, as it will offend many, but so be it, for it is surely The Truth, this I am now 100% convinced. And as well as that, I want to back it up the best I can, from a scientific and philosophical viewpoint.

Not an easy task, but I consider it well worth the effort. Those who want to participate are free to do so, as those who want to ridicule and try and divert, well, you are also welcome, but remember "an eye for an eye" 😉

Remember, this is a Psychology section, and as I keep mentioning the act of trading is the easy part, and there are many willing to help out with this type of learning in the many other threads.

I consider the Psychology aspect, and more importantly the ability to learn How To Think Correctly, of far greater value than any trading method that is learned. The act of trading is a required skill, and this skill, as with all professions, will vary per individual.

But, there is one thing that we can never change, no matter how hard we try, and that is The Truth. When one has discovered The Truth, one will then realise why things are the way they are, and when one realises why things are so, one will see that all is required in order to change any situation in life is the ability to How To Think Correctly.

This is not easy of course, but if things were easy all the time then our brains would not be producing those many new brain cells that are required each and every day, so that we may experience life to the full. There is only a beginning here, no end, well, not until we are put six foot under or scattered to the wind - either way it makes no difference - when our brain dies we are no longer a part of The Whole - we cease to exist and all is left of us is memories in some one else’s mind.

This is going to get better - so if you think at this stage that I am really mad, then you better get the straight jacket ready 😆

But then again, maybe, just maybe, there is some sense in what I say. After all, I am not pulling all of these thoughts out of nowhere, my thoughts are a direct consequence of my reading and viewing and how I interpret the information. If I am mad, then I need not worry, for many learned, successful and worshiped individuals are also mad, so I really have nothing to worry about at all 😱

new_trader said:
You have 12 balls of equal size and shape, but one of them is either slightly heavier or lighter than the others. Can you find the odd ball and determine whether it's lighter or heavier with just 3 weigh-ins on a balance scale?

I won't spoil the fun for the others, as I already know the answer.
But another mindbreaker for you: you have three bags with coins. One bag holds false coins that weighs 55 gram each. The other two bags are filled with coins that weigh 50 gram each. Each bas has coins of a specific color, different from the other bags (eg red, green, blue).

Now if you only got to weigh once, how can you determine which bag holds which coins? This time it's not a balance scale, just an ordinary numeric balance (like the one you stand on to weigh yourself).
firewalker99 said:
I won't spoil the fun for the others, as I already know the answer.
But another mindbreaker for you: you have three bags with coins. One bag holds false coins that weighs 55 gram each. The other two bags are filled with coins that weigh 50 gram each. Each bas has coins of a specific color, different from the other bags (eg red, green, blue).

Now if you only got to weigh once, how can you determine which bag holds which coins? This time it's not a balance scale, just an ordinary numeric balance (like the one you stand on to weigh yourself).

never thought that an episode of Columbo would be educational. 😉
new_trader said:
You have 12 balls of equal size and shape, but one of them is either slightly heavier or lighter than the others. Can you find the odd ball and determine whether it's lighter or heavier with just 3 weigh-ins on a balance scale?

Good one n_t,

Maybe we should start a new thread for mind stimulation - the effects can only be positive.

Would you like to do the honours, and I will definitely contribute?

In the meantime I will write this down and work on tonight.

CYOF said:
Good one n_t,

Maybe we should start a new thread for mind stimulation - the effects can only be positive.

Would you like to do the honours, and I will definitely contribute?

In the meantime I will write this down and work on tonight.


I've started a new thread in the Jokes and Humour area, I didn't know where else to put it 😕
grantx said:

A Happy New Year to you.

I think we’re all keen to share knowledge. Flawed or incorrect knowledge is never apparent until someone points it out – that’s why we repeat mistakes but don’t know why.

Knowledge, perhaps more broadly, thinking and clarity of thought, progresses through the exchange of ideas and opinions (if one is open-minded). However, I’ve no objection to being subject to the didactic if there is merit – if I don’t see the merit, it should be explained. Otherwise, it’s mere dogma.

Hopefully, as you state, this New Year will bring a new emphasis in mutual development (I could certainly do with it). But it can only develop if it isn’t presented in quasi-mystical, pseudo-scientific BS.

Re your generous offer. As a starting point, why not share what you consider the most valuable aspects? These can be held up to scrutiny, improved (or rejected). That’s progress.

In the meantime, I’ll check out your links.


Hi Grant,

My belief is that if something is handed to someone on a plate, then it is of no real benefit, as the receiver will not have done the necessary work that will enable them to be fully aware of what is been offered by the giver.

There was a very interesting programme on TV the other night - which I unfortunately did not record - which went into great detail about the Exodus from Egypt, and why the story in the Bible may be actually true - not ridiculous mumbo jumbo as most think.

The scientific proof that was put forward, which clearly showed how so many male first born Egyptians may have died in that time - backed up by the discovery of male mass graves - was due to a release of carbon dioxide from an underground water source following an earth tremor of some type or form. It was an Egyptian custom that the first born, who were privileged, slept low to the ground on a special bed. Also, as carbon dioxide is heavier than air, it will travel like a mist when released in a large enough quantity - suffocating any living thing that happens to get caught in its path - hence the scientific proof as to how many male Egyptians were struck down by a mysterious plague.

The results were also shown - TV recording -of a similar calamity which happened in the not too distant past 1970 - 1980 I think?, where several hundred, or thousand, of villagers, along with all of their cattle, were killed by a similar event - apologies, but I have forgotten the name of the country and the year, but I will try and find it. The nearby lake was noted to have turned blood red a few days prior to the calamity - sound familiar!

Now, what does this tell you?

This is very important, as it has relevance to all that I am speaking about. If you do not see any correlation yet, then you must start to think about what I am saying, but purely based on the facts that I present - no hearsay is allowed - everything must be based on factual information.

Of course we can never say for sure that the carbon dioxide killed all the male Egyptians, which then led to the Hebrew slaves been freed, but at least we now have a scientific theory which supports the writings in the old testament. Very important - and a lot more important than most will ever imagine!

So, I am not trying to cover anything up, or confuse anyone, but I do want people to get an understanding of where I am coming from, else when I get to the The Truth, no one will have a clue what I am talking about. This will require some effort on the part of the receiver - and in turn will make me put in more effort - an adaptation of the Socratic dialogue, which, it’s a great pity more do not appreciate the real value of.

grantx said:

A Happy New Year to you.

I think we’re all keen to share knowledge. Flawed or incorrect knowledge is never apparent until someone points it out – that’s why we repeat mistakes but don’t know why.

Knowledge, perhaps more broadly, thinking and clarity of thought, progresses through the exchange of ideas and opinions (if one is open-minded). However, I’ve no objection to being subject to the didactic if there is merit – if I don’t see the merit, it should be explained. Otherwise, it’s mere dogma.

Hopefully, as you state, this New Year will bring a new emphasis in mutual development (I could certainly do with it). But it can only develop if it isn’t presented in quasi-mystical, pseudo-scientific BS.

Re your generous offer. As a starting point, why not share what you consider the most valuable aspects? These can be held up to scrutiny, improved (or rejected). That’s progress.

In the meantime, I’ll check out your links.


Hi Grant,

Just in case you think I am ignoring the last section:

It really does not matter what I think about trading - for the act of trading will be different for all.

As I mentioned earlier, it may be best to stick to psychology only here - but to clear things up, as I may have misunderstood your request, I have courses on the following:

1. Daytrading & Swingtrading Stocks - several, some of which I would not give to anyone as they are now defunk - like Wade Hill and David Nassar - total waste of anyone’s time.

2. Daytrading the S&P Futures - very good, but requires professional data feeds.

3. Trading Stocks & Commodities using Conventional Methods - bars, ma's, volume, trends, etc,etc, etc - Good, but the author puts too much emphasis on TA.

4. Trading Forex - I gave this one up - needs direct access broker and long term strategies - which I don't like doing.

5. Trading Options & Futures - OK, but too much for a beginner and requires some serious work.

6. Trading Commodity Options - Very Good - small risk if done correctly with 85% chance of winning.

Oh, I nearly forgot this one as it was the first course I ever done:

7. Fundamental Analysis of Stocks - what can I say, I was starting out 😢

The majority of these are full text courses, some with videos - some are pdf courses.

If you want my opinion, based on my experience, but I will not discuss it any further here, the best method I found for me, was Daytrading Nas Tech Stocks between 09:30 & 10:30 - that's it -finished for the day, shut up shop and get out and enjoy your life. Leave the rest for others as there is plenty to go around - been greedy will only result in one thing - losses.

I will gladly continue this discussion in the relevant thread, but not here, as it will only sabotage this thread which I believe has far greater potential for achieving consistent success at trading than any trading method - lets see if it works out that way!

Many traders with experience will see a similar pattern here that most go through – so you see, I have been there and done that, and it has cost me a lot. I will not go back to my old ways ever again – the next time it will be as simple as 123 – you win some and you lose some – the nature of the game. The KEY, of course, is to have you winners multiples of your losses, that is keep your loss at 0>1 R max, and have you winners at 2-3R or greater.

No more – another thread no problem, but I am not getting sucked in again. This is the Psyco thread, and I am truly a Psyco 😆

I just have to get away from the new puzzle thread for a while - it is so addictive 😆

As we seem to be having a quiet start to the year - which will hopefully stay that way - I am going to put forward some of my thoughts on how to improve on ones way of thinking.

The first step - which seems to be fairly well recognised by many - ranging from top executives to Buddhist monks - is SILENCE.

If one can't take some time out for complete silence - then it will be a pure waste of time and no benefits of any kind may ever be realised.

Many think that it is just a matter of thinking about different things - not so - it is a process that must be learned and developed through practice, and more practice.

This is probably why so many never even try it - for it requires commitment and dedication.

Have you ever wondered why top executives have their own secluded office - away from everyone else and no appointments unless booked in advance? These people realise the value of peace and quiet in oder to be able to concentrate on whatever it is they are trying to do.

Silence is THE MOST IMPORTANT KEY for learning How To Think Correctly - without it, it will just result in a total waste of time - so be warned - do not expect to learn anything from this thread unless you are willing to take some time out and relax completely undisturbed for a short period of time.

Actually, I will go as far and say that it may be not in your own interest to even read this thread if you do not make a conscious decision to allow for some SILENCE in your life -because all that is said by me here will just sound like more of the mumbo jumbo psyco rubbish - but I can assure you it is not - for when I make my statement about The Truth, anyone who has practised the art of SILENCE will realise that what I am saying is actually TRUE - for it is the way things are - there is no other way that it can be - we can't change the immutable Laws no matter how hard we try - in other words - we can fool ourselves for as long as we like - or we can wake up to the real TRUTH of why things are exactly the way they are - and how everyone of us gets exactly what we deserve in life - and what we get is entirely dependant on how we think - and how we can change any situation in our life just by learning How To Think Correctly.
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