How to start learning forex trading

Draw trendlines of support and resuistance
61.8% fib retracement
Risking 1 to make 2
This has a 50% success rate, so with a RR of 1:2, you can double your money

No rocket science needed
Draw trendlines of support and resuistance
Hi bwge,
George has declined to enlighten as to how he 'draws trends' - but I'd be very surprised indeed if your description reflects what he does. He'll certainly have a very hard time convincing many members that this is the 'correct' way to do it, not least because support & resistance lines show - wait for it - support and resistance, whilst trend lines show - wait for it - trend! They are two completely different things which serve two completely different and wholly independent purposes.

Having said that, if doing whatever it is that you do works for - good on you - stick with it!
Given what you've said, if you're not prepared to accept our house rules - that is of course your prerogative. Equally, do not be surprised if - having gone to great lengths to explain them to you (and Mike) in clear and simple terms - we elect not to host any more of your posts. I've reported your post to DickLexic to the Mods, as it is clearly taking the pi$$ and blatantly negates the basic principles outlined in my post #72. If you want to use fancy jargon that only those in your private clique will understand - do it on your own blog - not here.

The bottom line is this: if you don't want to play by our rules - that's fine - kindly go somewhere else.

i don't think this is right timsk and there is no private clique seem to me you girls just can't back down from this stupid argument ...t2w need people like george this site is dead without people like him imo and from your earlier posts you know he's a good guy really and so are you….maybe he needs to calm his pants a little but that's come on girls kiss and make up😍
i don't think this is right timsk and there is no private clique seem to me you girls just can't back down from this stupid argument ...t2w need people like george this site is dead without people like him imo and from your earlier posts you know he's a good guy really and so are you….maybe he needs to calm his pants a little but that's come on girls kiss and make up😍
Mr DDDDDDDD ,,,,,,,
Thank you for your supporting words 😎 ( never thought what i would look like in a skirt or a dress 😆 ) , although i do NOT deserve this much ,, BECAUSE ,,,,,,,,
I am ONLY an ordinary person just like everyone else ,,,,,,,,,
I DO ordinary things by looking at the same charts as everyone else ,,,,,,,,,,,,, BUT ,,,,
I just have a tendency of doing things in an UN ordinary manner , just like you do .
BUT it is sad that people have a problem with that .
Besides ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
What i was talking about in my post to YOU , about markets WE personally trade and follow ,,, WAS directed to YOU and NOT a public post ,,, So there is also a problem when 1 member talks to another about a particular point ???? is that classified as a sin ???? We under NO obligation to involve every member , and go into full details ,, it is our private points and opinions about things we do , and a particular point and market .
Cheers ,

Maybe i can look good in a Scotsman kilt ??????? 😆 😆 😆
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Draw trendlines of support and resuistance
61.8% fib retracement
Risking 1 to make 2
This has a 50% success rate, so with a RR of 1:2, you can double your money

No rocket science needed
Exactly bwge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing in life is rocket science !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is NO set right way to succeed in trading ,, as the word right is ONLY a perception in the mind of many , as there are many successful traders using different methods !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We just tend to have different takes on things , and i am NO different from anyone else !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You use Fib retracements ,,,,
Although this next point will be like throwing a cat amongst the pigeons ,,,,,, i do NOT use Fib retracements ,, very very rarely i would take it into count . because it does not work NOR fit in the theory i have come to learn from the market .
BUT i respect your findings , and the way YOU trade , as i have NO right to knock your way .
I also do NOT use trend line ,,, for obvious reasons to ME ,, and thats my prerogative .
I dont use any indicators ( the MACD and the likes ) , again for obvious reasons to ME .
I am simply a FULL FIB trader ,, BUT again , that is MY prerogative , as i do NOT impose it on anyone !!!!!!!!!!!!
I tend to have a totally open and unlimited outlook at the market, BECAUSE i am SELF TAUGHT .
Incidentally ,, What u were reading here in all the posts back and forth really makes me laugh 😆
This whole problem all started when i extended an invitation to share my knowledge with constructing swing correctly ( for a new trader) , BUT i can NOT do that here in a written form without doing it on a one on one pro active talk , and also visual examples on Team Viewer . THATS ALL .
george 😎
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I've been keeping an eye to this thread for past few days and until now. I must say that I am a bit entertained by the exchanged of messages between two parties concern but at the some time I do learned something. Thanks Tim for giving light to this intellectual discussion. Hope that this case may now rest at peace. Cheers.

2 Parties ????????????????????????? 😆 😆 😆
Its great fun to get to experience people's thinking Mr lee !!!!!
i think this is great experience for the new comers , and in particular the younger members , who can get hyped up quickly , which can reflected in the words they can end up using , because i truly believe this conversation/difference has been carried out in an adult manner ( which is a credit to the parties involved 😛 ) , and with high level of respect and integrity on behalf each one of us with our words , and that is the proper way to have a discussion OR solve a difference , OR point a point across .
Cheers ,
George 😎
Given what you've said, if you're not prepared to accept our house rules - that is of course your prerogative. Equally, do not be surprised if - having gone to great lengths to explain them to you (and Mike) in clear and simple terms - we elect not to host any more of your posts. I've reported your post to DickLexic to the Mods, as it is clearly taking the pi$$ and blatantly negates the basic principles outlined in my post #72. If you want to use fancy jargon that only those in your private clique will understand - do it on your own blog - not here.

The bottom line is this: if you don't want to play by our rules - that's fine - kindly go somewhere else.
What do u really want me , or expect me to say Tim ???????????????????????????
I think Dick said enough already !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think this has gone to a nitty gritty level Tim ,, and i truly want u to also put this reply to the mods as well,, because my TALK to another member WAS strictly to another member ,,,, and i can NOT see why i have to go into details about something we BOTH understand and use , and MOST IMPORTANTLY , it was NOT any anyway form or shape directed at any other member , or even insinuated to bring any member into this conversation, which was very clear from the way i was talking to him .
I NOW feel that ,,, WE ARE being singled out and targeted, and possible for personal satisfaction trying to prove a point , and i did say POSSIBLY , and that is totally and utterly UNFAIR , and IF THIS IS the way people are treated in this forum, THEN ,,, it truly saddens me .
furthermore ,, what you are asking from me in reality is this ,,,
Firstly we both know THAT ,, NOT every one reads every post in every thread . AND based on that fact then ,,,
I would need to make up a complete written explanation of my theories , which will probably be 4 to 5 pages long of this form , and ,, EACH time i need to make a comment OR say something to MY friend members ( who know how we both trade ) OR to any member ,, i would have to post my pages of my theories before i can make that comment , INCASE a person MAY read it, who has NOT read my earlier post , and does NOT know my theories ,,,, COME OOOOON TIM !!!!!!!!!!!
I urge u to RE look at your approach , as u have been very unfair to YOURSELF and US . as this has now gone BEYOND LOGIC
I am wondering IF we are adults here ,, OR primary school children !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO further comment
Cheers ,
George 😎
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Won't be hearing much more from me Lee, unless you make a sincere effort to put in some work, which almost nobody does. Best of luck.

For Mike Farrell, I disagree on innocent until proven guilty. It applies in a court of law, in a situation where authorities will attempt to assign guilt to an individual, and possibly take away his freedom. It is such a serious and unbalanced situation that innocent until proven guilty makes sense. It doesn't apply in everyday life, so I don't buy your indignation. If you're on a night out, and you notice someone who appears violent and looking for a fight, you don't worry about proving that he has a history of violence, you don't try to convince a jury of 12 random people, you don't wait until he's punched you in the face to consider him trouble, you just avoid.

I already know what George is. I know what you are, and i've seen enough. No proof required. I will avoid.

P.S. Interesting to see so many real sounding full names in this thread. Almost makes me think they are all unique genuine people. 😆

Dear Shakone,

I am not going to let this one go by.

The whole theme of this thread has been to treat anyone who wants to PM another member and help them out is being JUDGED as being a scammer. Even down to your last distasteful remark about "real sounding names"

You reckon you know what I am do you?

I don't have a "real sounding" name. Mike Farrell is my real name and I liven in Canterbury UK.

And, if you care to check out my posts and other threads you will see that all I have done is try to help others in my quest to be successful in Forex. You would also see that when I have started a thread such as "EJ Daytraders v the Rest of The World" I have explained in crystal clear detail what the rules I am adopting and using in relation to trades. My own publicised strategies on T2W are simple ones and not complex one like George has.

So now you know who I am and what I stand for the question is: who is "Shakone?". what is your motis operandi?. I don't hide behind a pseudonym as you do.

You should be very careful about knocking other people when you literally have no foundation in doing so.
Dear Shakone,

I am not going to let this one go by.

The whole theme of this thread has been to treat anyone who wants to PM another member and help them out is being JUDGED as being a scammer. Even down to your last distasteful remark about "real sounding names"

You reckon you know what I am do you?

I don't have a "real sounding" name. Mike Farrell is my real name and I liven in Canterbury UK.

And, if you care to check out my posts and other threads you will see that all I have done is try to help others in my quest to be successful in Forex. You would also see that when I have started a thread such as "EJ Daytraders v the Rest of The World" I have explained in crystal clear detail what the rules I am adopting and using in relation to trades. My own publicised strategies on T2W are simple ones and not complex one like George has.

So now you know who I am and what I stand for the question is: who is "Shakone?". what is your motis operandi?. I don't hide behind a pseudonym as you do.

You should be very careful about knocking other people when you literally have no foundation in doing so.
Uncle Mike ,
I did ask him , and gave him a chance , which till now with NO reply , to elaborate on that comment , before we assume the wrong meaning , so Thank you for ur reply as i could NOT have put it better myself !!!!!!!!!!!!
Please do NOT forget to mention the fact that my real name is George 😛 , and we are both are human beings and NOT robots , and YOU know that first hand , as u had met all my family in the photos u saw .
I could NOT agree more in ur comment that , we do NOT need to hide behind any names ( i am NOT implying that is NOT his real name OR apart of his name ) .
I am so glad this situation has arose , because IT WILL iron out alot of nonsense that happens in these forums,, people just have nothing better to do than knock others un necessarily and un justifiably , and try to bring them down to their level IF they can NOT understand NOR agree with anything they may say , extremely sad
George 😎
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Hi Mike & George,
I must apologize to you both. I've tried very hard to explain as clearly as I can in as much detail as I can what the issue is and, based on the last two posts by each of you respectively - I have failed dismally. So, I shall make one final attempt before giving up. I shall spell out each point, numbering them as I go . . .

1. No member is obliged to explain any aspect of their trading methodology. There is no way T2W could enforce this even if it wanted to - which it doesn't. Each member is at complete liberty to say as much or as little about their trading practice as they are comfortable with. George / Mike - is that clear?

2. The PM facility is there for members to communicate privately. That's what it is there for and it is fine for them to use it for that purpose. However, it can be abused - and has been abused in the past - and T2W has a duty of care towards its members to try and prevent further abuse in the future. George / Mike - is that clear?

3. Members can post anything they like both on the public forums and privately to specific individuals via PMs and e-mails - so long as they do not breach the T2W site guidelines as laid out in the Community Constitution. George / Mike - is that clear?

4. If a member posts and uses words such 'right' or 'correct' in their posts - this strongly implies to anyone reading their posts that they have knowledge and experience and know what they are doing. George / Mike - is that clear? This is an important point, so if you don't agree with this logic - please say so.

5. Having sowed the seed in the minds of anyone subscribed to the thread that they are an experienced and knowledgable trader, it's reasonable to assume that their readers will then be interested in their market views, trading techniques and methodology etc. and, furthermore, will naturally want to know what the 'right' or 'correct' way to do something is (such as drawing swings for example). George / Mike - is that clear?

6. Now, we arrive at the crux of the whole issue. This may not apply to other forums, but this is the way we do things here on T2W - which is a completely free and open access public forum. If a member says there is a 'right' or 'correct' way to do something, it is reasonable that they should then explain publicly what that right or correct way is. Conversely, it is considered to be unreasonable and unacceptable to imply that they have certain knowledge that might be of great benefit or interest to members and then refuse to share it with them openly. George / Mike - is that clear?

7. Following on from the above, to then invite members to PM them to find out what the right or correct way is - is viewed as being an abuse of the PM facility. Why? Because this is the modus operandi of scammers and ne'er-do-wells. Please note: I am NOT accusing George or anyone else of being a scammer, merely that this is typical of their behaviour. George / Mike - is that clear?

8. Because PMs are private and can not be seen by anyone including Moderators, those intent of making money from naïve and gullible newbies can - via the PM facility - promise to disclose the right or correct way of doing something in return for payment. As previously stated, T2W has a duty of care to do its utmost to prevent the PM facility being abused in this way. George / Mike - is that clear?

9. Even if the person is honest as the day is long and has no intention of asking for payment and wants to help fellow members for purely altruistic reasons (and I'm sure this applies to George) they will still need to provide a written explanation to anyone who enquires as to what the right or correct way is. Given that they will have to take the same time and trouble to reply via PM as they would to post to the public forum, there is no advantage in using the PM facility. In fact, there is a disadvantage, as charts can not be attached to PMs - which might be an issue for someone wanting to show how to draw swings for example. On the other hand, there is a big advantage in posting publicly, namely, that many more members will benefit from their wisdom, expertise and desire to help others. George / Mike - is that clear?

10. Finally, if a member is not willing to explain in public what is the right or correct way to do something (draw swings for example), then they should not imply that they know how to do it in the first place. They should just keep stumm. To imply that they know something and then refuse to explain what they mean for the benefit of everyone is completely contrary to the whole purpose and ethos of the site. To conclude, only imply that you know how to do something if you're prepared to follow through and explain to everyone how to do it via a post(s) to a public forum. George / Mike - is that clear?

I have explained this in as clear and as logical way as I possibly can. George / Mike, please tell me that you at least understand the 10 points - even if you don't agree with all of them.

Dear Tim,

Many thanks once again for your very detailed reply and I understand all the points that you have made.

As I have pointed out to "Shakone" the whole theme on this particular thread is slanted towards any one who seeks to PM another member with regard to helping them out is to regard them as being up to no good.

You have said yourself in point 2 above that the PM facility is there for members to communicate privately so i still don't see what all the fuss is about if George offers to do so by that means.

I wouldn't mind knowing if you have statistics which show how many complaints T2W has received from members to indicate that they are being scammed in this way. I only mention this because if the percentage is of serious proportions then the moderators should consider withdrawing the PM and email aspect from T2W. Just a thought.

Also, as explained to Shakone when I have started threads on T2W I have always explained in great detail what I am doing as I only use simple strategies and not complex ones that apply to George's theories. The point I am making here is that I am a genuine person who seeks to profit from FX and I share my own strategic information freely in crystal clear terms.

I don't want to get into arguments about whether George has not explained something correctly or backed up his theories on a public forum. George is George and one has to accept him as he is. He is more passionate about FX than any one I have ever talked to on the subject. As I have said before if George's prerogative is that he is willing only to take a few of us under his wing then I feel so fortunate that he offered to help me.

Also, as I have said before any one being persuaded to decline his help will miss out on improving their trading.

Maybe all this doesn't fit into T2W's Community Constitution but it seems a great pity to me that some new members will not benefit from his experience.

Once again I do thank you so much for dedicating time and effort to respond to us both.


George and Mike, you'll have to PM me if you want a response beyond this. I refuse to reply in an open forum to sensible posters or stupid idiots, and especially not vendors. So that includes you two.
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George and Mike, you'll have to PM me if you want a response beyond this. I refuse to reply in an open forum to sensible posters or stupid idiots, and especially not vendors. So that includes you two.

your reply saddens me for YOU 🙁 🙁 🙁
At what point in this thread do we actually start learning forex trading?


Good one Peter , Mike and myself were wondering the same thing 😆 😆 😆
Although it is very hard to do ,, BUT i am always aiming at keeping myself un educated , so i am always ready to learn something .
George 😎
Now back to the original topic ,,, :clap:
How to start learning Forex .
I would like to re phrase that IF i may , and say ,,, how to start learning chart analyses FIRST .
Please lets get 1 very important point on the table upfront ,, and this is only for your own benefit ,, and i am sure every trader will second this point ,,,
I will NOT spoon feed anyone with information , as I will ONLY share the basic idea and how to to do things , because ,,,,
Unless YOU put in the hard hours in , and do the testing , and see things happening infront of ur own eyes and for yourself ,, it will never be YOURS ,,, there is a certain power in learning by doing (practicing , testing , and researching )
Here is a little suggestion on how to think to be able to achieve FULL potential .
Please read this carefully as it is GOLD , and IT IS what makes the difference between full success and average outcome .
You are an ordinary person like everyone else .
You do ordinary things like everyone else ( after all ,, we ALL look at the same charts )
BUT ,,,,,,
YOU MUST do things in an UN ordinary manner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW ????
I will answer it by an example ,,,,,,,,, 😛 😛
If we look at our mothers/wives , ourselves IF you are as good a cook as i am 😆,
We see a meal prepared for 4 or 5 people , it is a large meal , and it is large in volume ( actual physical quantity ) in that pot , BUT you will notice , by adding ONLY 2 teaspoons worth of salt and some spices , they will make the difference between an eatable and tasty meal as appose to NOT adding anything to it , and yet that meal in that pot would fill up hundreds of teaspoons .
SO ,,, IT IS the little things that WILL make the big differences .
BE attentive , pay attention to detail , do NOT just look at something ......
Please dwell on what i have just said as it will serve you as good as it has done for me ,, remember ,, i was also there , and no one is different, so i am ONLY passing on what was given to me , as it is my duty as a human being to do so ,,,,
As i did mention before the interruption in the last few posts by different people , i truly suggest for new comers to truly learn how to draw swing charts , as it is the very foundation of this business , i can NOT stress enough this point . and as did mention , i do NOT know of anywhere you can find this information or education , and i can NOT explain it here in written form ,as it needs to be a one on one pro active explanation , as YOU will have many questions , and i do NOT want to ,, and will NOT waste the many many hours required to write it out . as i usually do it through Team Viewer , very effective method .
As simple as it is ,,,, it is reasonably complex when we get to the smaller swings , and tricky ones , as there are strict rules to drawing them , so you can come up with the correct tops and bottoms , and swings become structures and major swings , and thats when the real fun starts with chart analyses and trading .
The second point i would like to suggest , and that is ,, keep in your mind this important point from my own experience, and it is obvious when u look at charts , and all time frames , and that is ,,,,
Every bar has a mathematical relationship to the bar before it .
This point will have your thinking wide open and very sharp , and it is an extremely important theology to have ,especially IF you want to master Fib trading .
Now what do i mean by BAR , or Candle if u wish to call it . is ,,,,
And as much as this may sound irrelevant , or primary school stuff ( we are children in the heart i suppose ?? 😆 ) , it is extremely important and there is a message behind it , so please learn to start using ur innovative self here , and stop being an imitator , and wanting a trading system or strategy before learning the important basics , as these things are the outcome of this information. or atleast this information will lay down the foundation to developing and achieving these goals (strategies and systems ).
So lets start ,,,
A daily bar has 24 hours X 4 ,,, 15 mnt bars = 96 bars of 15 mnts
4 hourly bars have 4 hours X 4 ,,, 15 mnt bars = 16 bars of 15 mnts
That is the basic point.i will not bore u with more as im sure u can get the concept ,, 😛 😆
Now zoom into ur 15 mnt charts for example , and draw some dividing lines at the 4 hour intervals , which will give u 6 sections, the imporant part is to look at each section as ONE 4 hour BAR ,,, and u will start to see how the market is moving in relation to each of the intervals , as you will start to see some mathematical relationships between them , as this will break it down for you , and makes it easier to understand the concept of what i am trying to say .
This market does 1 of 2 things only ,,, expand or contract , and move up or down ,,, that is all that there is in this business .
Some are in the believe that the market does 3 things , which include what they call sideways move , which i disagree with( that is MY opinion ) for 1 simple reason , and that is , IF we zoom into the so called sideways moves , we will see swings also there and NOT a constant price . Make sense to my justification??
Why is it important i want u to think this way ?????
These sideways moves can be and ARE very important areas , as they hold the key to some very nice quick sweet trades with very small stops and very high probability trades , IF one studies them closely and learn what is happening there . and that WILL come with time .
These areas have other purposes , BUT that will come with time once one learns the swings fully , as they will become obvious when u start dealing with major swings on an intra day level . and market structure analyses .
Believe me , this info will serve u greatly well later in time
Another thing to note is ,,, and that is , while you are studying the charts day by day , which is one of the most important points , and u will see every clearly on a 15 mnt chart for example , is that ,,,,
The market will start the day with a range , and each day it will be different , it can be up or down range , and this range IS of extreme importance ,, BUT the point here is , with time , deep and detailed study , one will see that , that range will be the basis on which they will construct the daily movement . BUT in saying that , do NOT discount the original point ,( each bar has a mathematical relationship) , and this is where we need to widen our outlook , and incorporate different time frames , as the market evolves , we also need to evolve our thinking with it .
Eventually , once u get a FULL understanding of swings , you will start wondering why the market stops at certain places , why at exact prices , how many swings are there in a particular day , inner swings within a larger swing , many many questions will start to surface , as long as you leave urself UN educated , you will be fine ,,, and you WILL continue to evolve with the market and ur thinking will continue to widen and become unlimited in ur thinking , it WILL become your second nature .
To sum this up , i will extend this suggestion ,,,,,
BE passionate about this business , and love it .
Everything can be achieved IF there is a will !!!!!!!
And have this next point as a foundation, which is what i base everything in my business life on ,,,,
The common factor here IS ,, TIME ,,, and if we take that out of the equation ,,,
we end up with the final result
I feel there is more than sufficient base for you to start , and will have u working many many hours , BUT i promise you ,, IF you follow ,, you will be rewarded greatly . 👍 👍
I will NOT desert you , and will always be here to answer any question , withing the guidelines i have set .
I would like to express the following ,,,, 😀 😀
The effort i have put in here is totally for the purpose of helping NEW TRADERS , and it is based on my OWN humble knowledge and experience .
I have kept it as simple as i could , and as short as i could without missing some important foundations , both technically or fundamentally , as my aim to to build a complete and correct mind set and a strong foundation in the mind of NEW traders .
I would very highly appreciate it , IF people will respect that , and its purpose , and NOT to try to knock OR add any negative things here , as none of us is in need any aggravation , and IF anyone does NOT agree with what i am saying ,, either add ur POSITIVE and CONSTRUCTIVE comment to mine , OR just move on please ,, as i WILL IGNORE any negative replies .
Cheers ,
George 😎
Please excuse any typing errors IF i missed any 😛 😆 ,, pls bring it to my attention so i can rectify IF i can !!!
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I will try to see IF i can find anything anywhere that will relate to what i am talking about regarding drawing swing charts , and post the link here .
I will also look into maybe drawing some diagrams and post them , BUT i can see it will be IN effective and will take for ever and a day .
George 😎
2 Parties ????????????????????????? 😆 😆 😆
Its great fun to get to experience people's thinking Mr lee !!!!!
i think this is great experience for the new comers , and in particular the younger members , who can get hyped up quickly , which can reflected in the words they can end up using , because i truly believe this conversation/difference has been carried out in an adult manner ( which is a credit to the parties involved 😛 ) , and with high level of respect and integrity on behalf each one of us with our words , and that is the proper way to have a discussion OR solve a difference , OR point a point across .
Cheers ,
George 😎

Hi George. It was a great experience indeed. I am seeing it as an intellectual debate, not so ever negative thing. You know I always see the positive side of the discussion. And I am learning a lot from the exchange of views and ideas.
I will try to see IF i can find anything anywhere that will relate to what i am talking about regarding drawing swing charts , and post the link here .
I will also look into maybe drawing some diagrams and post them , BUT i can see it will be IN effective and will take for ever and a day .
George 😎
I have looked on youtube, and SADLY there is nothing i was able to find that can explain the above .
I have here a chart of the EURO/YEN 15 mnts. , which i have prepared for your benefit to demonstrate something visually about what i am saying above in the notes .
This is the level one should get to , and YOU WILL get there , i promise u :clap: :clap: !!!!! BUT it is ALL up to you and how passionate you are . 😛 😆
DO NOT compare yourself to anyone , as competition will ONLY limit ur abilities and hence your outcome by ONLY limiting yourself , to be better than the person you are comparing yourself to ,,, instead of the UN limited potential and power and outcome you will achieve when you are free spirited . innovative and original NOT imitator 😆
firstly ,
This is how I personally see the chart when i look at it . as i do NOT see bars or candles , i see it the way it is drawn , ONLY SWINGS , BUT with the finer details, which i did NOT draw on there , as at this stage this is zoomed in enough as a visual and example .
I call it ,,, ATTENTION WITHOUT INTENTION ( UN CONSCIENCE COMPETENCE ) very achievable IF u put the time in .
Now ,, this is the stage u will come to with time and thats where you should strive for ,,
I have put some questions on the chart for this reason ,,,,
1 . u see the chart as swings
2 . you will be asking urself , WHY that top at that price ,,, WHY that retracement at that price , WHY these small swings within the larger swings . WHY 3 in one area and 2 only in another area ,, everywhere u see the WHY and WHAT are the areas you will be asking yourself .
The greatest reward is 😛 , with time ,,, YOU WILL KNOW WHY :clap: , and it is very simple to master that 👍 , as every point i have marked on the chart IS a Fib level :-0 :-0 , and ALL these levels are related , and they form a complete story for the day ,, from the lowest swing to the very top of the day ,, its that simple .
This market is mathematically calculated and harmonically balanced to the highest level .
Mastery is NOT a matter of IF ,,,,, IT IS YOUR CHOICE :smart: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
George 😎
I will see what else i can put together that will help you , as i truly love doing this , driven by the passion i have for this business , which has started about 14 years ago for me ,,,, With alot of stories i love sharing !!!!!!!!