Best Thread How To Make Money Trading The Markets.

Re: Mr Charts, methodology is quite fine indeed!

The problem with the internet is that it provides a voice to everybody including idiots. I can see that mik1973 has been extremely rude to Mr Charts and thats just plain cowardice. I bet he wouldnt have the guts to say what he did to Mr Charts face.

I remember meeting Mr Charts at our lovely home for a training session in August 2003 . He drove all the way up to Cheshire from Richmond and spent the entire day working with me without stopping. I will never forget the day I spent with him...... ever. It was unquestionably excellent. Hes one of the few people in the trading world that has the ability to take the most complex of theories and make it sound so deceptively simple. Trading isnt for everyone you know. One needs to be intelligent, and Mr Charts, a former dentist, has plenty between his ears for sure.
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First of all i'm no coward -i would tell anyone in front of their faces what i think.
The issue i have with this thread is the pointless claims of points made. The only way to prove that this system (or systems) work is by posting LIVE calls- end of.
You may have spent a lovely day with Mr Charts and i hope you are reaping the rewards of any cost you may have incurred for the day.
Seems strange that there are very few people who are endoring Mr Charts training course (or any other vendors for that matter).
Surely if the knowledge acquired from these vendors was that good there would be legions of traders endorsing their seminars- courses- "lovely days" or whatever.
And so what if Mr Charts is a former Dentist - what the hell has that got to do with trading? I would argue that i'm in a better position to trade having worked in Bookmaking and Financial services for nearly 20 years- means Jack Sh*t at the end of the day.
Oh for your information i have read the whole thread and an issue that did seem to crop up on numerous occassions was the vagueness of the actual technique being used.
Seems it's a case of trading on momentum with small stops- not rocket science - but i'm sure i'll be corrected somewhere and told to RTFTagain.
First of all i'm no coward -i would tell anyone in front of their faces what i think.
The issue i have with this thread is the pointless claims of points made. The only way to prove that this system (or systems) work is by posting LIVE calls- end of.
You may have spent a lovely day with Mr Charts and i hope you are reaping the rewards of any cost you may have incurred for the day.
Seems strange that there are very few people who are endoring Mr Charts training course (or any other vendors for that matter).
Surely if the knowledge acquired from these vendors was that good there would be legions of traders endorsing their seminars- courses- "lovely days" or whatever.
And so what if Mr Charts is a former Dentist - what the hell has that got to do with trading? I would argue that i'm in a better position to trade having worked in Bookmaking and Financial services for nearly 20 years- means Jack Sh*t at the end of the day.
Oh for your information i have read the whole thread and an issue that did seem to crop up on numerous occassions was the vagueness of the actual technique being used.
Seems it's a case of trading on momentum with small stops- not rocket science - but i'm sure i'll be corrected somewhere and told to RTFTagain.

+1 valid points mik1973 , lol at the dentist remark 😀
First of all i'm no coward -i would tell anyone in front of their faces what i think.
The issue i have with this thread is the pointless claims of points made. The only way to prove that this system (or systems) work is by posting LIVE calls- end of.
You may have spent a lovely day with Mr Charts and i hope you are reaping the rewards of any cost you may have incurred for the day.
Seems strange that there are very few people who are endoring Mr Charts training course (or any other vendors for that matter).
Surely if the knowledge acquired from these vendors was that good there would be legions of traders endorsing their seminars- courses- "lovely days" or whatever.
And so what if Mr Charts is a former Dentist - what the @#!*% has that got to do with trading? I would argue that i'm in a better position to trade having worked in Bookmaking and Financial services for nearly 20 years- means Jack Sh*t at the end of the day.
Oh for your information i have read the whole thread and an issue that did seem to crop up on numerous occassions was the vagueness of the actual technique being used.
Seems it's a case of trading on momentum with small stops- not rocket science - but i'm sure i'll be corrected somewhere and told to RTFTagain.

You're in for a rude awakening if you think dunderheads can make good traders and investors. Its a highly intellectual activity and top brains litter the field. It's no accident that famous trader Alexander Elder for instance was a Doctor, not a bin man or bookie.

Incidentally the things you are asking for are available from Mr Charts on fee basis ie his trading screen and detailed methods. So why don’t you subscribe instead of cowardly abusing him on a keyboard like you did?

Remember, success never visits thick, nasty individuals.
Where do i start with you Peugots?

Tell you what let's start at the very beginning- a very good place to start as the song goes:

Checked out your profile which i find interesting.

You joined this forum in 2001 (just a month after Richard i believe) and correct me if i'm wrong you took his course in August 2003. From reading between the lines you found that this course wasn't for you (trades were too quick?) and decided not to take it further.

Approximately three years later you started a new thread back in 2006 asking if anyone had taken Richards course and what feedback they could give- any particular reason why you would ask this after attending the course?

Oh before i move on on your profile you also stated that you are an occupational therapist- seems a bit unprofessional to me to call someone a coward straight off the bat before you know anything about that individual (assuming that the remark was directed towards me).

I would have also thought that someone from your background would also be able to handle the discipline and pressures of trading far easier than someone from a humble "bookies" background

I could be being a bit pedantic here but you also say that you're based in the US- United States and that you reside in Cheshire-- i've been to the states a few times not sure where Cheshire is over there - but if Richard drove from Richmond over to the States then fair play.

My man point with trading vendors is that they are operating in a totally unregulated environment. Given the price of these courses it is only wise to carry out due dilligence- find out as much as you can from these individuals and companies. There is absolutely no transparency in their claims which could result in any Tom, Dick, Harry, Alan , Richard or Phil selling courses to the public.

Oh and one last thing (i'm too busy eating macdonalds to continue) what the hell is it with you and Dentists?- In another post you wrote back in 2006 you were once again singing the praises of Richard being a former Dentist- just what is your point in having to repeat this?
I've got so much more to add but just haven't the time at the moment-
You've given one example of an intellectual "Alexander Elder"- can you list another 10-15 from that type of background?
Having been a member of these boards for nearly 11 years do you consider yourself to be a member of this elite group?
I've got so much more to add but just haven't the time at the moment-
You've given one example of an intellectual "Alexander Elder"- can you list another 10-15 from that type of background?
Having been a member of these boards for nearly 11 years do you consider yourself to be a member of this elite group?

It's quite simple really. Mr Charts sells a service, therefore, it is not in his interests to give free live calls for your free benefit or to allow you, free of charge, to ride on his coat tails. What he does post is, however, quite easy to follow and he does state he has other approaches not discussed on this thread for which you have to pay. Your choice really but whining that you cannot receive free signals is pointless.
Who said i wanted "free" calls- you have totally mis quoted me- and i am certainly not whining.

I certainly don't need Mr Charts signals or ride on his coat tails either.
Would appreciate if you can read my posts before making these claims and accusations.

Could you also have the courtesy to highlight exactly where i have made a request for these signals for my own benefit?

The only thing i did ask was for Richard to justify his calls by posting live calls (f only for a short time scale or to provide a moderator with proof).

Seems strange that he continues to post his "results" after all these years.

With correct money management strategies and his apparent success rate he would be raking in enough money without having to run any courses.
It's quite simple really. Mr Charts sells a service, therefore, it is not in his interests to give free live calls for your free benefit or to allow you, free of charge, to ride on his coat tails. What he does post is, however, quite easy to follow and he does state he has other approaches not discussed on this thread for which you have to pay. Your choice really but whining that you cannot receive free signals is pointless.

Good points , anyway that was a nice trade i did close today , entry from the left of the chart , exit at today's LSE close ... have a nice weekend ...


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Good points , anyway that was a nice trade i did close today , entry from the left of the chart , exit at today's LSE close ... have a nice weekend ...
I can quite see that this is how it must look to anyone who joins this long running thread without reading it from the get go. Moreover, I also appreciate that that is a huge ask in itself, given the sheer size of the thread. However, the explanation is there in the early pages and, once one understands the rationale of the approach, the charts posted throughout the thread by Richard do make sense. To help anyone wanting to get to grips with it, there is an edited version of the thread which will help you to get up to speed on methodology without having to wade through all the extraneous posts. However, be warned, even that will require some concentrated effort; the whole approach isn't neatly encapsulated in the first couple of posts. Here's a link: [Best Thread] How To Make Money Trading The Markets
However, be warned, even that will require some concentrated effort; the whole approach isn't neatly encapsulated in the first couple of posts.
Well, if you’re not going to give it to me in a nutshell, I shan’t bother reading it. That’ll teach you.

Behead tismsk!

In all seriousness, Richard is probably the arch proponent of a belief that the majority will simply shy away from anything vaguely resembling effort or hard work. This is good news for those of us that do not and indeed who embrace the opportunity to do the hard yards.

For those blessed few, you will relish the opportunity to: Start at the beginning; avidly work your way through it all and then; arrive at the end, which is where you’ll begin. I strongly recommend you take the opportunity offered.
I can quite see that this is how it must look to anyone who joins this long running thread without reading it from the get go. Moreover, I also appreciate that that is a huge ask in itself, given the sheer size of the thread. However, the explanation is there in the early pages and, once one understands the rationale of the approach, the charts posted throughout the thread by Richard do make sense. To help anyone wanting to get to grips with it, there is an edited version of the thread which will help you to get up to speed on methodology without having to wade through all the extraneous posts. However, be warned, even that will require some concentrated effort; the whole approach isn't neatly encapsulated in the first couple of posts. Here's a link: [Best Thread] How To Make Money Trading The Markets

Goodmorning Tim

I read the whole thread 4 years ago , makes sense very smooth mini-trend following strategy , and there is nothing wrong with this trading approach but ....
Instead of mocking Mr Charts, why not seriously try his method. He has over 10 years experience day trading. Mr Charts is legitimate.

How do you know that ? on what evidence is that based, and where can others see that evidence ?
The best tools which are in the market now are moving averages and momentum based indicators. They look simple, but in the right hands they can prove invaluable to your trading career. Try to add these 3 tips in your trading carrier you may gain lots of profits in future:
Familiar with stocks
Go for online trading
Focus on your goals
How do you know that ? on what evidence is that based, and where can others see that evidence ?


You beat me to it-would have posted that myself.


Tell you what i have a better idea-- why dont YOU trade his ideas.

I have my own methods for trading.
Am actually waiting for the ok smart ar*e why don't you post some trades then.

Only got one open trade at the moment on BAE and am showing a small loss at the moment (relatively high yielding blue chip)- boring i know - reflects my personality i guess.

Still looking for tesco to recover (if at all) and would be looking to go long around 3.10

Had this thing about Mann group (thinking it would recover but took the hit)
One of the ways in which I keep my losers small is to exit when momentum turns against me and/or the price, on the balance of probabilities,doesn't move the way it should. Then I recognize the chances of success have shifted against me and I'm comfortable taking a small loss. In a sense, it's the cost of doing business and that's the way it should be viewed, not a failure as such, merely one of the small percentage of trades which simply do not pan out for random, unpredictable or unknowable reasons. It just comes with the territory.
Here's an example from today when I took a breakout and it didn't follow through but started moving in the wrong direction. I entered one cent from the high and exited at the time of the screenshot just a minute later for a net loss including commission of six cents.
In my experience, keeping the losers small is a vital part of long term and consistent success.


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