As you know, Amit, I do prefer the steady, very readable ones, and I don't trade for fun, but winning trades are always fun anyway. If a high ATR/volatility stock shows up I usually don't bother with it, but sometimes they are either readable on the chart and/or on L2 T&S. Watching the flow of the tide on them even without specific participant activity sometimes means you can trade tighter than with the ATR or previous candle as a guide because a change in behaviour presages a change in direction - obviously BEFORE any sign on the chart 😉
There are times when I know I'm not in COMPLETE control with some of the APPARENTLY wilder stocks, a bit like riding a bucking bronco, but without the risk, but I can always get off instantly though maybe at a price three or four cents away from the ideal.
Of course you position size according to your personal risk profile so you can't end up losing much if it does go pear shaped.
You feel the adrenaline flowing and that produces a minor sense of stress, but I remember teaching a paramedic to trade and he said the "stress" of trading was similar to attending a RTA. You don't know exactly what you will find, what horrific injuries you will have to deal with as a result of the accident, but you feel and know you are capable and competent to deal with any situation, so you just get on and do what you have to do. It gets easier 🙂
Talk later,