Mr. C,
Please forgive my relative ignorance as I am just beginning to educate myself in this stuff and it will be a while before I risk a single cent.
Other than the bailout from this past weekend and its effect, can you give some examples of something in the news and how it was predicted to, and did, affect a certain stock?
I've read about one set up that waits for a spike at open due to some news to run its course and then enter short as it slides back down toward open. Some of the theory behind this says that its the hogs who buy according to the news and that savvy traders sell the news (assuming its good) by shorting the slide back. What do you think?
Also, I have read that in most instances in order to short you have to do so on an uptick, but in your charts it seems clear you shorted on a downtick. Please set me straight if you would.
Finally, the setup outlined in this thread might be called scalping, no?
Thanks for the thread and the time involved. It is very informative and demystifying.
There are news stories every day which can give rise to great trading opportunities like QCOM on Friday which gave me a 37c profit in the opening minutes.
"expect pressure on RFMD as a key supplier to NOK and also QCOM as derivative indication of handset market weakness".
I really must emphasise again, I don't trade the news as such. News sometimes alerts me to possible moves and I then wait and see if one of the set ups I use occurs. I do NOT think to myself something "should" go up so I'll buy it - NEVER.
A lot of people do and the vast majority fail.
Re- Your para #3
It's not as simple as that if you want to be consistently profitable.
I do have specific set ups for that opening situation which work extremely well, but I'm not prepared to discuss them openly on a BB. Sorry. I could say more but the mods will ban me if I do.
Uptick? Like most things in books and that people on BBs who don't trade for a living come out with, this is NOT true. There used to be an uptick rule some time ago and you will find out of date references to it all over the web, but even then there was no such rule on ARCA so it was never really a problem except occasionally on NYSE stocks before the ARCA merger. I'm afraid a lot of people base their views on bad or out of date information they pick up from the internet.
Scalping, no. You can't call a profit of $1.10 a share a "scalp".
Another thing worth emphasising, is that I also use the set up on this thread on 3 MINUTE and 5 MINUTE candle trades, not just 1 min trades.
In other words, you could call them "swing" trades.
Hope that helps,
PS Alberta is a beautiful state. We did a cross Canada journey from Atlantic to Pacific last year - wonderful