Best Thread How To Make Money Trading The Markets.

Any stocks you recommend today Mr. Charts, besides the usual M&A activities happening today...? 🙂
Hi Richard.

Glad to see your still posting. Hope things are well.

T2W contacted me so I thought I'd check in. I Started posting on the scalping thread but I don't think they were up to speed with what day traders can achieve when they put their mind to it.

I was live day trading last week at two live trading seminars and doing the IX show this week. Swing trading and day trading in between.

Some of the swing trading has been just awesome in the last few months.

Must have that coffee together sometime.

Hi Alan,
I'll give you a ring next week and we'll fix up a "power breakfast" as usual - it's been ages ! 🙂
Hello Alan,
How good to see you still active !
Swing trading this year has been very very good.

You two ever get together with some time in advance please give me a nod. It would be good to join up and chinwag. I think I owe you at least a coffee for one of the best little pieces of advice anyone trading should ever get. I can't remember how many years agothat was now ,but it was definitely the start of the winning road for me. Of course for a small fee I could probably teach you a trick or two now ...LOL

Keep well.
Good to hear from you both. Perhaps we should have a coffee morning for traders in the future and see how we are all trading now.

Great times in the markets right now and interesting times to come.

We all have a wealth of trading experience behind us it would be interesting to hear everyones views.

Mr Chart I am on the first page (reading and studding it) I will let you know at Xmas how I get on.... 😆😆
Put a little time and effort in and you'll get the hang of it before the week is out 🙂
Amongst several other stocks, I've got my eye on a few stocks in the gold sector this afternoon (UK time)

Grabbed a quick +52c per share NEM on pure momentum reading, so a nice start to the day in the first few minutes.
Amongst several other stocks, I've got my eye on a few stocks in the gold sector this afternoon (UK time)


just seen this.... well done (gold up at teh mo) a bit expensive for me prefer under 10$ or 5$ even better
in EDAP + closed NVAX few $$$
in EDAP + closed NVAX few $$$
closed EDAP (4.11)
between those 2 I got enough for a pizza and a glass of wine... feel quite embarrassed to post here .....
it is like parking my 600Fiat into a Ferrari car park 😱

going out... see you later on or tomorrow....🙂
Guys, there are too many emails about those gold stocks for me to reply to them all, I'm very pleased so many of you made money.
However, I'm not going to post alerts here on t2w apart from very occasionally as they really are for my own private site members (invitation only).
Mr Chart I am on the first page (reading and studding it) I will let you know at Xmas how I get on.... 😆😆

Put a little time and effort in and you'll get the hang of it before the week is out 🙂

Hello Mr Chart
last night I did a lot studying on this thread (I am half way) and you could be nearly right I might get the hang before Xmas 😀
You got a professional approach and a nice simple way to put across a complicated mechanism/method making it very easy to understand (specially for a foreigner like me where the English it is not my mother tongue) COMPLIMENTS 👍

I will get to the end (catching up) your last post and then making a general comment to see if I understood properly everyone of your posts..... at the same time I am please because my D.I.Y. method/strategy got a lot of what you explain... double please because in some of those "second rates forums" that I started to frequent they where laughing at me etc...etc...

keep up the good work and thanks to take your time to give us a little-big smile 🙂

PS sorry yesterday I post some of my trading here on this thread I didn't mean to clutter it... but as I am new on this forum I haven't found my way around properly .....
what I would like to see it is a >>daily trading thread<< where each one post their trading so each one can see and decide what to do... 2 heads better then 1
maybe there is some less professional that got more time to post and comments
Hi Ciao,
You could start your own trading journal and put your posts on that.
I haven't got the time to look at others' trades and comment on them, I'm afraid. I'm busy trading and doing other things.
You could always click on my name at the top left hand corner and that will take you to my home page where you might find some general comments about US trading.
I shall have to try and find the time to update the open site more often 😉