Best Thread How To Make Money Trading The Markets.

PS Still haven't had a losing trade using this method since someone asked..........sorry to disappoint 😉
There will certainly be one before long and I'll try and remember to grab the image 😉

You would certainly be a billionaire by now.Just need to increase position size with every winning trade .Glad I taught a billionaire to compound profits.

It doesn't work like that with day trading US stocks as larger position sizes (say hundreds of thousands) may not get filled at current inside prices unless there is sufficient depth. Very large size can cause price changes and can be taken on by market makers and floor specialists.
For most stocks several thousand shares is no problem. The liquidity needs to be there.
Like everything else, taking things to extremes causes disruption and systemic changes.
Mr Charts - This is great stuff. Only found this thread this week, have read through to page 35 of this thread (I'm still in March) - This is incredibly generous of you and clearly time comsuming. I am looking forward to going through the whole thread again.

Paul, don't be such a hypocrite

I have to say, I'm normally quite vocal about vendors.

Most of the vendors on this site are here for a single post, they spam the board with a link to some piece of **** EA and then get banned.

Mr Charts has made no attempt to hide the fact he's a vendor. He's showing us an entry technique that can be used. I actually PM'd him and traded emails about this entry technique and he did give me some more insight into it as well as some literature, all free of charge. None of the literature was pre-sales collateral dropping hints and promising more, it was all pure information free of hyperlinks or hints to buy something.

At no point during this exchange did he offer for me to join up as a student, nor did his emails contain any links to any training website.

You can actually make the technique here work but like Mr Charts says, maybe it works better with L2.

This thread was going fine until tenbobtrader started sticking his oar in. I have to wonder how much effort he put into trying to trade this method. I wonder if he reached out to Richard to confirm things he didn't understand. I am guessing he didn't. I am guessing in fact that he did little more than read this thread, see the 'works better with level 2' comments, saw his half-empty glass and started crying foul. I would also hazard that at no point will this guy ever be a successful trader. There's some free info here, it's of use. No point getting your titty in a wringer just because you aren't given the whole thing gratis.

It would be a shame if this thread ended here in my opinion. This site needs a few more traders and a few less critics who have shown a good degree of ineptness trading-wise thus far.

Hmmm i wonder, seen enough to know that Pedro01, or Mr. Smith is not really what he seems
those who steal shouldn't talk, those who talk should be honest
Hmmm i wonder, seen enough to know that Pedro01, or Mr. Smith is not really what he seems
those who steal shouldn't talk, those who talk should be honest

Father Christmas isn't real too.

You must be really having a tough time today, buttercup.
Mar Charts

atr/volatlity vs percentage spreads

Some stocks have spreads of almost 10 % to 15% of daily volatility, unlike oil which has 1.6% speads as a percantage of volatility or euro usd 0.6%.I find it theoretically impossible to make money from stocks day trading.

I looked at Vod 25 spread vs 200 volatily

What is your opinion on stock spreads?

ODT, sounds like you are using a spread bet company to look at stock, they are a total waste of time, and Mr charts style wont work on them.
Trading US stocks DMA there are so many to chose from, so you only trade stocks with a 1-2 cent spread and good daily range, OK so at the open the spread can widen but if its too wide you pass. you can find literally hundreds of stock $20 and above with a spread under 2 cents, and a daily range of well over a dollar, and that's in practice, not theory. 😀
Oh the spread on VOD was 1 cent on the last few trades from last night looking at my time and sales, and even now in Pre Market its only 3.
Mar Charts

atr/volatlity vs percentage spreads

Some stocks have spreads of almost 10 % to 15% of daily volatility, unlike oil which has 1.6% speads as a percantage of volatility or euro usd 0.6%.I find it theoretically impossible to make money from stocks day trading.

I looked at Vod 25 spread vs 200 volatily

What is your opinion on stock spreads?


IMO u should be buying on the bid and selling on the offer anyway. The only time u should punchin/out is when your trying to get out of a losing trade.
IMO u should be buying on the bid and selling on the offer anyway. The only time u should punchin/out is when your trying to get out of a losing trade.

It is not easy to get fills on limit orders in a trending markets, generally liquidity is lower on the trending side , plus slippage etc

It is not easy to get fills on limit orders in a trending markets, generally liquidity is lower on the trending side , plus slippage etc


Stocks never just move in 1 direction. They jig back and forth so u can always buy the bid and sell the offer... u just have to be patient.

You dont get slippage if you are bidding/offering u either get filled or you dont. Yea sometimes i bid a stock a little to low and if it doesnt jig back enough i dont get filled, then it shoots off and i miss the trade. Most of the time if im patient i get the fill.

even if your punching in you can stop slippage buy using a limit order at the price of the offer but again u might only get a partial fill. Still punching in/out isnt the way imo.
Stocks never just move in 1 direction. They jig back and forth so u can always buy the bid and sell the offer... u just have to be patient.

Mr chart's method is a one way trend

You dont get slippage if you are bidding/offering u either get filled or you dont. Yea sometimes i bid a stock a little to low and if it doesnt jig back enough i dont get filled, then it shoots off and i miss the trade. Most of the time if im patient i get the fill.

Never heard about slippage infliction software used by bucket shops ,high frequency trading to front run trades or the front running software by bonus kings of Dr Goldman 's stock ramping Cohen.

even if your punching in you can stop slippage buy using a limit order at the price of the offer but again u might only get a partial fill. Still punching in/out isnt the way imo.

You can be deluded that the slippage was avoided, but even god or the son of god only knew after he was crucified, nor will you know after many years how much you were front run


o d t
gl with your trading

Thank You.

For your information I trade only the most liquid instruments Euro/usd ,gbp usd and oil. stocks have much lower liquidity, but despite ample liquidity on euro usd , I am still struggling to get fills in fast moving markets.I am struggling getting filled on limit orders on euro /usd trading $1 tn daily

The problem on limit order fills is likely to be greater on stocks.

Second point is try applying Mr Charts method on most trends and traders will come unstuck.His success is probably more to do with his skill and experience in trading.

Here is an image of a trend , try trading it and you will see how choppy it is.It really does not look that easy to trade for me.


