Mr Charts,
Good job on posting some very profitable trades! I have some questions I hope you can answer.
What is the size of your 2 monitors? Do you find that 2 monitors allow you to focus better?
How often do you glance at your 16 charts? How often do you scroll through your stock list? How often do you scan?
Do you have a consistent routine? Are you able to complete the routine even if you are in an open position?
If you normally on average have 20 stocks why do you not have all 20 charted instead of 16? How often do you look at the ones that are not charted?
I think I addressed this type of questioning in my reply to you six months ago.
The actual size of my monitors and the precise number of stocks I am tracking isn't really significant. Nor do I count the number of times I look at a particular stock.
R.Mr. Charts,
Can you explain to me how you form your daily trading watch list? I have read here on your thread that you read and scan the premarket for stocks and that you are looking for stocks that are stronger or weaker than the SPY/QQQ.
Do you then use a top down approach that you allows you to sort them out before the open?YES
Or do you look at them on a 1 minute chart to see how they are trading and what levels they are near at the open?YES
How does the SPY/QQQ factor into what you are looking for in the premarket?TELLS ME WHICH WAY, IF ANY, THE WIND IS BLOWING
Hi Richard,
Hoping you'd be able to answer a few questions🙂.
I normally trade US Futs in the UK evening but am finding the action around these mkt highs recently v difficult, most of the readable moves are over before I switch thought I would investigate US stocks.
I notice that this thread is now 9 yrs old and ur interview here 7, so I'd like to ask the following:
Do you still use esignal scanner? NO
I left them a few years ago for Sierra Chart so wouldn't want to go back. Looks like Finviz would be a decent standalone one would you have any comments? APPARENTLY GOOD
Do you still use IB for ur trades or have you found someone better? IB
For your preparation you look at the news, YES
do you subscribe to a news feed BRIEFING.COM
or a is there a good freebie somewhere?
Finally if you could trade only the US PM, would you do anything differently to how you trade the AM? NO
Many thanks, T