How To Lose

Wait? Do you mean to tell me that those that make real money in trading do so because they trade in size and not because they pick up 100+ pips per trade?

"While thousands of stressed-out traders around the world tear their hair out trying to predict the market direction just to stay afloat, I can create consistent gains of 74%, 126%, 349% .... I can make that ... my students are making that ... and so can you"

You two have let the cat out of the bag. The real reason people loose is because they haven't bought a Nazi box yet.

There's still time to remedy that, but they must hurry. I believe that there are only 89 boxes left.

So don't be a looser! Let the great philanthropist Guy Cohen fill your pockets with easy riches, courtesy of the secrets of those well-known traders, the Nazis!
Wait? Do you mean to tell me that those that make real money in trading do so because they trade in size and not because they pick up 100+ pips per trade?

Scose, you really are a looser.

100 pips per trade? I spill that much.

If I make less than 500 pips on a trade, I count it as a looss just to keep myself sharp.
Why do tarders loose?

I don't know, but loosing tarders should always use a stop looss, just in case.
You forgetting I'm black? I ain't never had to worry bout that kind of thang dawg. Booyah!


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After you have managed to find a consistently losing strategy, you can do what LoseBooby did; teach your new method to noobs.

Give it a sexy name such as McLosing indicator.

if anyone complains; slap one of your employees
As a couple of people have mentioned, underestimating the effect of transaction costs is probably also a major factor in people loosing. For all that they have come down dramatically, they are a major hurdle.
It doesn't matter what method it is, method is not the issue, it is the "price" itself.
One cannot make a profit or loss if the opposite trade or the closing trade is made so to realise the profit/loss.

People lose simply because they:
1. Buy at a price and sell at a lower price or
2. Sell at a price and buy at a higher price.

By doing the above, one will lose consistently until one understands why.
The problem is they do not understand that they do not understand.....hence one cannot see beyond what one cannot understand!
They are trapped by their own keep repeating the above process.

Post No. 31 by bbmac is very good.
I shall add: Consistent loser strategy that can be reversed.

Broker's bread and butter can't be reversed
My 2 cents on this topic:

- Finding a losing strategy then reversing it; is certainly a creative way of searching for gold nuggets. Especially that human emotions tends to be opposite what trading requires.

- However; it is an added work. you will always have to find out if your losses are attributed to alpha or transaction cost. It is an exhaustive excercise; and will confuse you. albeit; you will have some *fake* Eureka moments from time to time (I did have my share of this) 😆

- Easier and less costly if you focus searching for consistently winning strategy.
You two have let the cat out of the bag. The real reason people loose is because they haven't bought a Nazi box yet.

There's still time to remedy that, but they must hurry. I believe that there are only 89 boxes left.

So don't be a looser! Let the great philanthropist Guy Cohen fill your pockets with easy riches, courtesy of the secrets of those well-known traders, the Nazis!

Sorry, lads and lasses, I've bought the lot, so I will now be making 89 times more profit than Mr C promises.