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How to Compound Interest

to access 1:4 leverage, do i have to create a new account?
I failed to read the mail if there was one.

I fear you have to contact support for a live account if a change is possible for an existing account. For demo accounts you have to create a new one.

I've just created a new live portfolio and it won't let me update to 1:4. Only to 1:3 🤔 The demo has 1:4.

That's strange as the documentation "suddenly" only knows the 1:4 leverage.

The Darwinex page is not consistent hopping between leverage 1:3 and 1:4 in the explanation/examples.
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I've just created a new live portfolio and it won't let me update to 1:4. Only to 1:3 🤔 The demo has 1:4.
darwinex answered me this, it's in Spanish

Hola Gerson,

Gracias por tu mensaje.

En algunos casos, tras las respuestas dadas durante el proceso de apertura de cuenta, el apalancamiento máximo permitido es de 4x. En tu caso, el apalancamiento máximo aplicado es de 3x y me temo que, por motivos regulatorios, no puede ser modificado.

Saludos y disculpa las molestias.

darwinex answered me this, it's in Spanish

Hola Gerson,

Gracias por tu mensaje.

En algunos casos, tras las respuestas dadas durante el proceso de apertura de cuenta, el apalancamiento máximo permitido es de 4x. En tu caso, el apalancamiento máximo aplicado es de 3x y me temo que, por motivos regulatorios, no puede ser modificado.

Saludos y disculpa las molestias.

Didn't you ask them what those regulatory reasons are? I've also mailed them. I guess the answer will come tomorrow.
Here's the answer that my friend received from Darwinex:

"Before June 1st 2022 all the investor accounts had a leverage of x3 by default and cannot be changed.

Starting June 1st 2022 every investor that opens a real account has to go through a financial situation and risk profile questionnaire to calculate how much leverage can be provided. The result of the questionnarie may lead to a leverage from 1.5 to 4."

I must say I am a bit disappointed...