How much sleep do you get?


Junior member
The title might be a little funny but I personally consider sleeping schedules as a major point of interest. I am mostly reffering to traders who operate on their own. Since my sleeping schedule is a bit f!@#d I am interested in learning how others maintain balance between their work,everyday life and sleeping. For example, let's say you trade in european exhanges ( london TZ). How is your day structured? What time do you wake up and what time does your research end after the market's closure?
Sleep is for wimps 😆

Trading the FX overnight obviously going to screw up your sleep pattern.

Even trading the US markets till 9pm uk time.. the emotions of a big winning day or a big losing day could prevent you from falling asleep before midnight.

But if you finish at 16:30, hopefully that would give you enough time to put the trading day behind you.
The title might be a little funny but I personally consider sleeping schedules as a major point of interest. I am mostly reffering to traders who operate on their own. Since my sleeping schedule is a bit f!@#d I am interested in learning how others maintain balance between their work,everyday life and sleeping. For example, let's say you trade in european exhanges ( london TZ). How is your day structured? What time do you wake up and what time does your research end after the market's closure?
i am my own boss so I sleep as much or as less as I want. :clap:
there are days when I sleep for more or less 8 hours, while some days I am on bookworm or reading mode that I sleep just 3-6 hours.

i usually do my research/extra reading on weekends so I can afford to sleep continuously during weekdays. I also take naps whenever my prior sleep is inadequate.

if you are having problems around your sleep/day schedule, try becoming a polyphasic sleeper, wherein you take several sleep/nap time in any given day. I have seen one forum before dedicated to this, you might wanna search for it.
Sleep only when you need to.....I find the more activities going on around me the less I need

5 hours tops a night

The title might be a little funny but I personally consider sleeping schedules as a major point of interest. I am mostly reffering to traders who operate on their own. Since my sleeping schedule is a bit f!@#d I am interested in learning how others maintain balance between their work,everyday life and sleeping. For example, let's say you trade in european exhanges ( london TZ). How is your day structured? What time do you wake up and what time does your research end after the market's closure?

read up about sleep patterns at Lance Beggs Trading site

he trades out of Australia and was testing some sleep patterns where he went to 2 shorter sleeps a day and some other ideas all based on sleep research ....

dont think it suited him though 😉

read up about sleep patterns at Lance Beggs Trading site

he trades out of Australia and was testing some sleep patterns where he went to 2 shorter sleeps a day and some other ideas all based on sleep research ....

dont think it suited him though 😉


Thanks, i'll check that out, seems interesting!