How much have you made in a single trade?

Yes, I've been guilty of travelling at unadvisably high speed on public roads in a similar kind of car and can attest to the fact that even a very long, straight, smooth road seems to develop enormous unseen bumps and undulations that threaten to launch you airborne when travelling at 2.5+ x the national speed limit :innocent: 😱 :whistling

What were you driving at the time?
it was a 355 F1 👍

Nice 🙂

Hope this wasn't you though ;-)




Mr. Porfirio Rubirosa made the mistake of believing that it was a good idea to aim his Ferrari at a tree after leaving his nightclub of choice in the early morning hours of a new day in Paris.


Trees seem to be pretty popular with some drivers.


Ok let me explain the purpose of this thread. I am not interested in your average earnings now if you're successful. The following post is the reason for me thinking up this thread, so it's meant with tongue firmly lodged in cheek:

I mean, I am not going to include my very lucky trades back in the dotcom days when I made a penny or two... any idiot could make money back then, and I was one of them. Buy shares on IPO day and sell them the next day to become a millionaire. 😀

Anyway, I'm talking about silly, clueless trades that you just would not do now that you've learnt how to trade.

I'll start.

Gold binaries. Made about £70 after risking my entire account of £150. Not bad, eh! That's a 50% increase in my account about 1 hour.

Then lost the lot a week later in about 30 seconds.


unfortunately i never make much on one trade. i make between 4% and 10% per trade. but i trade a lot :-0
2003 - (SPX500) SHORT at 10300
LONG at 9989 (to close)
311 ticks x 100 quid
31,100.00 (GBP)

always good to keep an eye out for big moves.. 🙂
2003 - (SPX500) SHORT at 10300
LONG at 9989 (to close)
311 ticks x 100 quid
31,100.00 (GBP)

always good to keep an eye out for big moves.. 🙂

Im a bit lazy these days tho sometimes, if i make a few quid im usually happy with my lot and say to myself good job done.. !!
Over trading (GREED) isnt too good and just zaps your energy (and your draw down) too much -
Tradings too " monastic " for most people at most times - so its always good to chill a bit anyway..😉
I think it was George Soros who said - " its not whether your right or wrong, what matters is how much you make when you are right as opposed to how much you LOOSE when you are wrong "....!! -
That $10b loss that was just posted from Citigroup was probably about the same size as his timely short those few years back..!! and that was just ONE trade.. !!
WHAT A GUY..!! - makes Gormless Brown and that baffoon Darling look like Hinge and Bracket...😆

He knows a thing or 2... :smart:🙂