Need I point out again that no one has provided any evidence yet?
It's possible that someone has built a home made spacecraft that can fly at nearly speed of light, and has already explored the solar system but just doesnt want to tell anyone. And yeah they have stealth technology too. Its certainly "possible"
Its "possible" ive made a trillion dollars in forex, but just dont feel like showing you my statements because I dont want people to know. Ignore the fact that the tax agencies would know.
A lot of ridiculous things are technially "possible", but until someone provides any evidence to support such claims, they will stay firmly in the realm of highly unprobable, which is a much better synonym for "possible".
Zanger has suffered some pretty terrifying drawdowns as well. If enough people like Zanger bet huge, with virtually no moneymanagement during the biggest bubble of all time, you will certainly end up with a couple of people like Zanger who are on the end of the luck bell curve.
Care to wager that zanger does not make 30% a month over the course of several years?
Care to wager that tony on does not make 30% a month over a course of several years?
One market + wild gambling does not equal consistent 30%/month returns.
Im not saying it cant be done technically. Im saying its highly highly improbable and that there is a big fat **ZERO*** set of evidence that exists today to support it. Its simply not rational to believe that it has ever been done consistently and the fact that there is no record that anyone has come close, should lead you to believe that its highly improbable.
In fact, there are many hedge funds who do want the world to know what their returns are. The more capital they can attract the more fee's the manager collects. Here are teams of phds, math wizards, traders and programmers who all word together to find the biggest consistent return and completely wish to make it as public as possible because it makes them more money to do so.
How many of these funds have come forward to advertise a consistent 30% a month return? NADA.
So your theory that people dont wish to advertise doesnt hold much water. There is a large group of fulltime sophisticated traders who want to do exactly that and have the best resources and access to data and intellectual ability to do just that. Yet they dont produce 30% a month. Hmmmm....why?
Here is another angle on it:
A lottery winner makes %1,000,000,000% return on their equity. What does it tell us? Nothing.
schoe said:
Longshot what you fail to understand is just because you don't know anyone making those returns doesn't mean its not possible.
If you were making that sort of money you would want to keep it quiet wouldn't you? Why? Because as soon as everyone knew you would get the begging letters and be inundated with emails from the 90% asking how etc.
Why would you post your audited returns over several years you have nothing to prove to anyone you are successful and doing very well you want to keep your methods quiet. The last thing you would want is to be in a book like Market Wizards! I agree once you get a very large account your returns will diminish.
I don't know if Tony Oz is a billionaire or not he may be but why would he tell me or you or anyone. I do know he made 56 % during a one month challenge as he details every trade on a 50k account. Zanger made an incredible 29,000 audited 12 month return swing trading but his was in the internet boom years and he will not be making so much now but that is a lot of 30'% s !
All I am trying to say is that you should not have a "it can't be done attitude" just because you do not know of anyone who has done it. Thats what everybody thought about the 4 minute mile now its commonplace.