Daytrading, swing trading, whatever, people dont make 30% a month consistently for years and years.
You know some futures traders? Really? I guess they must all be billionares by now then, or is it that they have only managed this for a very short time, or only once in a while, or is it balanced by a 30% loss every other month??
So Tony Oz had one 30% month during the biggest boom of all time, so what. Is tony make 30% a month these days? How many years in a row has Tony Oz made 30% a month outside of the raging bubble from hell??? I guess Tony Oz is a billionare by now too huh? Dont think so.
You "know someone" who makes 700 pips a week huh? How long has he been making this average? Years? Is he also a billionare, since Forex liquidity is effectively endless???
I just love hearing about, I know so and so, and he makes 30% a month, but no one can ever produce a real name with an audited track record to prove it. Ever.
Let's put the hearsay aside, and someone bring some objective proof to the table that someone can make 30% a month over a course of years, acros serveral different markets, and not just raging bull markets, to prove it wasnt just being lucky and sitting on the tail end of a bell curve.
I have a feeling ill be waiting a long time. Sorry to burst peoples trading fantasies, but ive been trading a long time, and have some very nice returns, and I also know, 30% a month return, that is not an outlier, has never been proven.
schoe said:
I'm confused here, Longshot are you talking about investing for long periods or daytrading. Of course it all depends on your account size but there are traders who make 30% per month daytrading stocks and futures with very little risk
I know of some futures traders who do this month in and month out. And have you read the book The Stock Trader by Tony Oz he makes 30% detailing every trade for a month only being allowed to go long in a downtrending market.
Just because you can't do it or know anyone who does doesn't mean it can't be done I know someone who makes 700 pips per week on average trading the ym and I watch him trade live.
ps. And some traders do get very rich look at Zanger/Williams/Parnesss