How many traders win consistently


The view we take on things we find interesting to us and our subsequent approach to them and the world in general depends on our nature and nurture.

I was curious and my curiosity has been satisfied. If this process has brought other insights that were not on my original agenda then this is a bonus for me. Finis.


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And it is so funny! I really like it. And this morning a BT circular landed on the door mat, with the caption,
Sometimes it's what we don't know that matters most.
Dear Comino,

Reply to question number 2:-

This consistency cannot be achieved via a mechanical route. It requires a lot of work on oneself in order to develop the correct mindset. Individuals who possess the wrong character will not and can not attain the correct mindset. It takes several years.
The good news is that it gets easier the more it is worked on.

That is good to know.👍
Blunderers dabble in "systems" - grafters evolve "methods"[.........], because it is obvious that a method can be applied to a system, but not a system to a method, please !

Quite like this one myself.