How many traders win consistently

Question number 3.

I do not understand what you mean. Ask the question more clearly and I will be happy to answer it for you.
started out around 9 months ago with a US$ 50,000 pot and today I have US$ 49,983.15 or 99.97% of my original pot.


That is an excellent result.
You are a survivor. Well done.
Question Number 4.

No. A specific requirement for consistent results involves specialisation, not trying to hit anything that moves only because it is moving. You have to understand how and why it moves, how and why it appears to move but doesn't and how and why it may be appearing not to move but is moving. This involves becoming familiar with a particular instrument and its behaviour and not trying to do so with several at the same time.
Questions 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 not suitable for reply via this medium, sorry.

Question 10.
Meditation not required for those posserssing the correct mindset.
Nor is Religious Prayer.
Nor the display of lucky charms or casting of spells.
Or any other nonsense.
What is required is contained in my previous answers.
You have to understand how and why it moves, how and why it appears to move but doesn't and how and why it may be appearing not to move but is moving.

I agree with this 100% and I have spent a lot of time recently on interpreting ( or trying to ) every single 1 minute bar on a bar chart in relation to the volume bars. The recent posts by dbPhoenix has helped me a lot recently.

For me, bar charts now tell me a story whereas just a couple of months ago they just showed me patterns with no meaning.
Dear Neil, thank you for your comment. I promise you the next discourse will be more paragraphed and spaced for your benefit.
Dear Neil, thank you for your comment. I promise you the next discourse will be more paragraphed and spaced for your benefit.

Bless you for considering the needs of an old man 😀
To be continued

I'm struggling with consistency in my trading i was asking what steps could one take to increase and maintain this consistency ,if for example we experience different circumtstances in life that can upset your balance.
Is it adhering to strict rules of trading and money management or do we need,in my case, my self supervision is not very strong at times and would gain from outside encouragement ,to maintain this balance. How do top traders counter this occurrence if it occurs to them, do they just stay away from trading or have they managed to sustain a balance whatever life can throw at them.
Hope this clarifies my question,thanks once again.
I'm sorry i have to leave now i'm starting working at 7 on the night shift,i'm on board a rig in Norway at the moment.
I'll probably log on later.
Comino Real,
In my early days, I used to ask myself,
"How can you have any self-respect if you can't control yourself?"
The reply isn't printable, but it worked.

Perhaps consider there are only two factors in trading:
a)The market
Which is easier to control?
Dear Comino,

RE: Your WOW reply:~

What you have just experienced is a realisation. A realisation is an acceptance of an axiom which hitherto had remained hidden or inaccessible to conscious thought applied to direct attention on a problem.

Some people can become very easily offended when it is pointed out to them that their method of applying thought processes to problems that prevent them from progressing is not correct.

They immediately become defensive. Some times rude. Occasionally worse.This is a mechanism for the protection of ego. But ego can be a nuisance. You have to force yourself to learn how to harness ego, who does not want to be harnesessed !

An axiom is a fundamental truth.It need not always be hidden, but frequently is, as a consequence of a hidden agenda.

Sadly, in this arena, the most important, the most powerful, the most brilliant and the most valuable axioms, remain hidden, by design.

All of this profession is constructed around interlinking axioms
but these remain hidden, as a form of challenge to the character of the challenger. Before you succeed in this profession you have to compete and win in the Character Olympics, only then do you earn the right to remain and play.
Very True

Dear Comino,

RE: Your WOW reply:~

What you have just experienced is a realisation. A realisation is an acceptance of an axiom which hitherto had remained hidden or inaccessible to conscious thought applied to direct attention on a problem.

Some people can become very easily offended when it is pointed out to them that their method of applying thought processes to problems that prevent them from progressing is not correct.

They immediately become defensive. Some times rude. Occasionally worse.This is a mechanism for the protection of ego. But ego can be a nuisance. You have to force yourself to learn how to harness ego, who does not want to be harnesessed !

An axiom is a fundamental truth.It need not always be hidden, but frequently is, as a consequence of a hidden agenda.

Sadly, in this arena, the most important, the most powerful, the most brilliant and the most valuable axioms, remain hidden, by design.

All of this profession is constructed around interlinking axioms
but these remain hidden, as a form of challenge to the character of the challenger. Before you succeed in this profession you have to compete and win in the Character Olympics, only then do you earn the right to remain and play.

Bliss 😀

You should read the Disciplined Trader by Mark Douglas
there is lots of deep thinking in this book about the kinds of
questions you are asking.
Thanks All

I better start training now then,do they come around every 4 years like the other Olympics?
On serious note, i appreciate all your thorough reply's and explanations,have to go away now and find a good thesaurus to decipher all this wonderful information,so i've got plenty to go on now.I now that a lot of constant learning and listening to this wonderful information that i'm receiving on this site from experienced traders like yourself ,will mould me in to a consistent trader and will aid my route to the top of the pyramid,it's helped a lot already, i know that i will get there because it's my destiny, otherwise i would have given up a long time ago.
Hopefully i can repay your kindness in showing in my journal that i've appreciate and am learning from this.
I'm learning to be more wrong everyday.
At the end of day it's a process in increasing ones self love.
Dear Comino.


What you are fumbling about in the dark for here in my circle we call "HOLDING THE ATTITUDE".
This particular discourse takes 2 hours and then only suitable for candidates who have met very strict criteria in terms of merit, ability and conduct, and therefore are hand picked.

In contradistinction to others who talk arcane nonsense that cannot be used in practicality, I am very strict, and everything that I deliver is the result of hard testing in the school of tough experience in the markets which is the most hostile theatre anyone can enter by choice. I have just over 38 years of experience in battling with these problems that seem to non veterans to be insurmountable. But they are surmountable, only if you are prepared to change your way of being. As you are at the centre of your own universe it is your humanity that gets in the way of attaining impartiality.

The biggest single problem that people face, and it does not matter what their background may or may not be is to come to terms with themselves first and the market second.

The first plank of this construction deals with acceptance. You must be ready to accept. In order to accept you have to be open minded and not opinionated. A view is different to an opinion. A view carries impartiality, but an opinion carrieswith it the viruses of greed, impatience, cockiness, hope, fear to mention the main components of this virus that anyone can identify at this level of understanding, but of course there is much more. A view is inert, impartial. An opinion is not. An opinion has the capacity to disable the ability to think correctly.

The second plank of this construction is that of choice. You can choose to be a mutthead and be contaminated with the viruses that opinions carry. If you choose to have and carry an opinion,
this opinion will disable you from carrying out an action. For example, whether it means exiting a trade that has gone the opposite way to the direction you anticipated or ending a relationship or disposing of a possession no longer needed or binning a gadget that cannot be repaired even if it ought to be, or changing a habit.

Now consciously develop an opinion about any of these ideas and choose one that will not cost you money and try and do it. go on, try.... you see? Now alter your posture and choose something and consciously have a view on it instead of having an opinion. Anything, the lottery, skydiving, nudism, the London Marathon, visiting the North Pole...Now try and do it.

You will now discover you feel different. You are not disabled from acting. You will be able to choose whether to act or not. The key word is choice. Choice is the expression of free will. You cannot enact free will if you are prisoner to some compulsion. we now begin to understand how a view and acceptance allow you to enact free will and how an opinion and a compulsion (which is the result of viruses) prevent you from enacting free will however hard you may desire to enact it. This is incredible - but true .

There are several more planks. First recognise these two and verify them for yourself, then we will continue.
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Sorry, sorry, forgot to include.....the catch that prevents the victim from enacting freedom of choice when held prisoner by an opinion is in many cases in the market due to PRIDE !
Dunno if old Socrates is a reincarnation or not, but I think I'll need one or two to finish reading his posts!