as I understand it:
TD is offering to make available the equivalent of a £5K prop-shop training for FREE.
TD is offering to show how we can access professional set-ups, and feeds, etc, and the best places to find them, for nominal costs.
TD will show how to plan your day: by implication, what the pros look at (news, order flow perhaps) to structure their trading day, and their biases for that day.
I dont think he is offering a winning strategy, but merely the tools to give some advantage.
(maybe he can impart some inside knowledge from his experiences)
I cannot believe there is so much cynicism. There appears to me to be more upside than downside.
This reminds me that you should trade what you see, not what you think.
Why are people not evaluating the offer in front of them (what we can see), rather than concocting ever-outlandish reasons why its a con (what they think) ??
I would take the offer up to pick up new ideas/insights, dependent on there being no signing up to a specific broker, or any kind of long-term sign-up to services.
The only thing TD hasnt mentioned is length of course/training, and how he would deal with after-training back-up.
Either the previous posters are marginally-profitable traders looking after the pennies, or people badly burnt by expensive courses. (of course, we are assuming the courses were fine, its just they were bad students. workman, tools, blame, etc)
Surely, we are experienced and liquid enough to have a couple of K to blow on courses?
EDIT: maybe I was hasty with my "pennies" and "bad students" remarks. This offer is aimed at relative newbies, so very experienced traders may feel the course may not offer any new knowledge. But then, you have to balance the risk (what do I stand to lose) with the upside (what do I stand to gain).
Thanks Trendie. Honestly, from some of the criticism I get on here you would think I'm promising the holy grail for £100k per month rather than just wanting to expand the knowledge base.
Thing is, there are a lot of lurkers on these boards that have PM'd me without ever posting and they always push my thought processes in new directions. In my opinion (and if my inbox is any indication) there are a lot of newbies that deep down know there are a lot of scammers and are scared of parting with their money and know that there is info for free on the web but they have so many questions it could take them a lifetime to find them out and they would rather pay 5k and take the chance of being fleeced. It's all well and good to say "it's all out there for free" but its not in a centralised place which means that an important factor for many newbies is DIRECTION. They want to have facts available in one place and for many of them this is diretly related to TIME. People in day jobs have a few precious hours to learn and if you've learnt without paying a penny like I have you know how many years it can take of being in the dark before you get a single light come on.
For most of us this is all old hat and we have walked the path and profitable or not, we have the information but I was a newbie not long ago. Infact, I went to see Arbitrageur (incidentally where is he lately??) at his trading desk and he really inspired me when I was close to giving up. And I knew next to nothing. I remember being amazed that he had a 1 tick spread on the Bund. All I had ever known was 3 ticks. A lot changed when I was given a chance at a prop house. But like I said, I know how newbies think. They have a whole lot of info infront of them and they can't make head nor tail of it. They want to go about this like a professional but they don't know how. 50% maybe read thread after thread hoping it will illuminate them and 50% probably couldn't give a flying f*ck about trader_panties pin bars and want to know plain and simple, how does a professional futures trader, TRADE, at one of these firms in the city. Plain and simple.
Their mind buzzes:
- What charting do pros use?
- What software do they use to place orders?
- What feeds do they use for news?
- How expensive are all these things?
- What markets do they mostly trade?
- How do they trade? Do they scalp? Do they swing? Are they outright or spreads traders?
- What would they teach me on a prop course? What EXACTLY would they show me?
- What would I be told to look at each day?
- What specific excercises would I be asked to perform each day to increase my understanding?
- How should I structure my day? What time would I start? What time would I finish?
There is a lot in this list. And this is what some firms will now charge you £5k for.
And I started this thread to see who would pay that, since I know it all and have a habit of revealing all I know on here.