What do you mean with simply bot, whether this is robot trading that called as expert advisor to automatic trading, I am not use ea in my trades usually and still prefer manual trading.
I enjoy making my own coffee ......laughing
It is subjective because it depends on the trader. And there is a case that the income level is never reached.
How so? Wouldn't it indicate that you're doing something wrong if you can't reach your own target income? Perhaps you should rethink your trading plan a bit?
maybe not always we will can achieved target profit, in many business there are profit that always up and down and somettime loss, but of course if often loss hence need to rethink why and learn to get bettement trading skill
Yep, that's my point. You should either have a superior strategy to be able to achieve your goal, or have your goals fixed to fit realistically to your possibilities.
But however if likely we not achieved our goal hence don't let us in desperation, because sometime we faced with obstacle and then give up and leaving business, success will never come instantly I think
How so? Wouldn't it indicate that you're doing something wrong if you can't reach your own target income? Perhaps you should rethink your trading plan a bit?
I can only speak for my Forex scalping activity on a daily basis but to me you have to be very very mindful of setting too strict targets ...(aside from losses of course - that is bad !!!) ......I have indicators roughly telling me how much I should be making in the G8 market - based on the markets volatility and correlation factors
if its a bad few days in the market regarding such things you can allow yourself a little leeway and not get too upset ....give yourself a pat on the back in fact if you did well)...likewise if the day is a pipfest (like later London today)....you need to be upgrading targets to reflect the extra money possible
so flexed and pragmatic approach is recommended from me re targets :smart:
NO NO-I traded stocks for a number of years using leverage.very bad advice.you will get caught and destroyed-NO NO NO.Profit warnings-stocks halted and trading suspended-too many traps.NO NO NO🙁A person needs to understand the constantly changing environment of stocks world in order to stay in the game.
There are various strategies that you can follow for instance buying and selling stocks the same day which is called day trading. In this trading, you can leverage large amounts in order to get benefits from small price movements.
To make profits time and again one has to be disciplined and consistent in his approach.
Being a successful trader...is like obtaining a black belt in karate. :-0:| or a master's or doctorate degree.
Any wise, mature, experienced, successful trader will tell you so too.
Infact, it's easier...to obtain a master's or doctorate degree....then it is to be really, really successful in trading.
Could it be case that veteran traders have lost their edge due to arbitration of strategies that are publicly known and that the markets have changed from what they were 20/30/40 years ago and those vets have found their edge has been lost, so they write books and peddle strategies that worked 20 years ago but no longer, but naive punters believe the stories and buy the products, keeping the vets afloat.