How I made £19,000 in 4 minutes

She seems to be ctrl+v'ing the same thing on numerous threads.

Ah, I see, thanks. (And I just found out what Ctrl+v does😀)

Back to the op and the radio program-

Arabian made a very interesting post a while back. It was something to the effect that once one has mastered a few basic (extremely basic) principles, there really isn't much else one needs from external sources, just practice, serious thought, work and commitment. This idea is not one conducive to spending money with vendors/training etc., and so must be suppressed.
Why was the original post from this thread deleted? I think it was from Kirstin, or someone like that?

although as rsh01 rightly says that there were many postings from them, i believe pb was the thread starter for this particular thread. likely kirsteen must have spammed the message here also.

the bbc spamming message boards! unthinkable!! maybe the proggy not so bad for helicopter guy, and it's his minions doing the spamming? 🙁

pb links to the first and original thread in post 1.
I think they're hoping that people with experience of being ripped off by him will call into the program.
yeah agreed, i am desperately trying to avoid the thought of the bbc as spammers.

the lulz will be strong, nay epic! helicopter guy will try load up the callers with his satisfied customers. do the bbc publish transcripts of their radio shows perhaps?
Hi jungerns,
Without wishing to take this thread off topic (seriously, I don't :cheesy🙂, how can one do this? I'm about to move to southern Spain for the winter and I can't get iPlayer there. Also, on a holiday in Crete last May, iPlayer wasn't available. If there's a way around this, I'd really appreciate any tips. (I'm a fully paid up licence payer btw - and will continue to be while I'm out of the UK.)

Hi Timsk,
I live abroad and use expat tv for all the bbc shows
there are several providers for this for service.
If you have problems finding a good one, let me know and will private message you the one I use.
19000 is easy and can be made in seconds weather you still have 19000 at the end of month is another thing al together
Good wasn't it? Interesting to note that it was all nicely factual with none of the words (scam, fraud crook etc, etc) that cause such difficulty for T2W. Just left people to draw their own conclusions.

Thought GS had a bit of face to participate!!
The enthusiasm from the happy guy who paid 2 grand for the course in December last year and still hoping after a year - priceless

Feel sorry for the other guy who spent 23 k and gave up (together with that unemployed girl that spent 2k and the other unhappy client)

Any chance of a quick summary for those of us that couldn't listen in?

Started off with extracts from the heavy marketing video from Knowledge to Action/Learn to Trade.

Then two or three clients who reported their negative experience and lost their money (as mentioned by Zen above) and nothing like what they had been told .

Then an ex-employee who was put up to clients as a mentor, but whose title in the company was salesman.

Presenter compared all these experiences and "whistle-blowing" to the marketing hype and talked about Seckers claim to "have been fortunate to have worked closely with top traders at (I forget who)" was in reality him being involved with IT systems at said company.

Secker participated and mounted a pretty smooth rebuttal claiming that BBC were being very selective picking a few disgruntled clients from thousands of happy ones and saying that if was all so bad why did the "whistle blower" set up his own company using the same business model. Also he produced a happy guy who came on and said he was happy with what he'd got, supposedly funded by KTA for trading, but questioning revealed that he hadn't actually used it yet, or made anything on his own account but was practising on demo after a year.

Interviewer suggested to him that how could he be happy if he'd paid out for the course but hadn't made any money yet ....

That's the bones of it I think. As I say, very careful not to draw any conclusions - just left people to draw their own conclusions after the facts had been presented. Good penetrative questioning by presenter throughout.
These courses and the people running them will always be around because its easier to sell a dream than reality.
I think the BBC program just highlighted why so many people sell training courses. 20 to 50 people, at £2k a go, for a weekend course and a few follow up phone calls. I believe the appropriate saying for that is "Caveat emptor" and that people that go on them have more money than sense.

As it is clearly a successful business model, but is being exploited by the companies such as the one highlighted in the BBC show. I suggest that the t2w membership could create their own training company to do it right and not exploit people, as there's enough successful part time traders on here to come up with a range of training materials for beginners to intermediate traders to learn from. We could crowdfund the start up capital for the company through to give everyone on t2w the chance to own shares in the company and then do it properly. pboyles would obviously have to be involved 😉
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A major issue with a lot of these courses is the high selling price
"It must be good if the price is so high"
sort the wheat from the chaff, money makes money, keep the riffraff away, you are distancing yourself from all those traders on forums, who will not be shown the correct way.
Basically you have been specially selected.