Your opinions on this company


Junior member
Okay, I've been in contact with this company and had a meeting the other day, I applied for a role as an intern, and was hoping to work under one of the founders (its not a massive company, about 8 - 10 people) - and the founder is the only one who has worked in the financial industry in the departments when I wish to eventually enter.

But when I was in the meeting with them, they discussed in more detail about the business and where I could go, I've made it perfectly clear I was to work in the financial advisory role with them or with another company (in Spain) and they said I could eventually move into that position after about a year - 18months after I've completed training etc, they said they would pay for all my exams and training with the SII, and help me through that.

The downfall to all this is they want me to start off selling something I know nothing about, and completely unrelated to where I want to go , (they want me to sell phone contracts / handsets to expats in Spain) - which I said I wouldn't mind doing for a short while to prove my sales person capabilities, but what I don't want is to sell this for say 4-8 months, then they give me something else to sell and it take a long time to actually get to where I want to be. - I would rather apply for banks in London / Madrid etc.

let me know your thoughts on this, I'm in two minds whether to think they really want me to be a member of the financial side of things in their company or just use me as a sales person selling products I know little about.

Their website is (//foreign////-////trust////com) - sorry about the //// 🙂

any advice would be appreciated, thanks.