How do these people read and post so quick

Such as? I've seen nothing incriminating in any of his posts, or his profile.

Out of curiosity, when one mod deletes something or edits something out of a person's post, are all mods aware of it?

I remember a while back that a mod told me a poster was warned as it was first offence, but I could see that another mod had already deleted one of the vendor's
posts 2 months previous.
It depends.

Things like infractions will appear in their profile, and there will be a "paper trail" in the "Infractions" subsection. In the case of this guy, he has no infractions.

If something is deleted or edited, then we will see these only if we go to the thread in question. There is no paper trail in this case, so it is hard to keep up if no mention is made of it, yes.

On that, I'll be back tomorrow to discuss this further in case you're wondering where I went off to. 🙂
It depends.

Things like infractions will appear in their profile, and there will be a "paper trail" in the "Infractions" subsection. In the case of this guy, he has no infractions.

If something is deleted or edited, then we will see these only if we go to the thread in question. There is no paper trail in this case, so it is hard to keep up if no mention is made of it, yes.

On that, I'll be back tomorrow to discuss this further in case you're wondering where I went off to. 🙂

So you can be a vendor and break the guidelines, have material from your posts removed, but not have an infraction. That's one issue right there that could be improved - in my opinion of course.
So you can be a vendor and break the guidelines, have material from your posts removed, but not have an infraction. That's one issue right there that could be improved - in my opinion of course.

Funnily enough, I got an infraction when a certain moderator removed my post on a certain vendors thread.

Said vendor had no badge (but everyone knew who it was) for those who didn't immediately realize who it was he posted a helpful link in his signature !

No idea if others suffered the same fate as I did (I know posts where deleted) but it does seam a bit strange, there's still a very pro vendor agenda, which is ok, I just wish they'd stop beating around the bush and admit it.
It depends.

Things like infractions will appear in their profile, and there will be a "paper trail" in the "Infractions" subsection. In the case of this guy, he has no infractions.

If something is deleted or edited, then we will see these only if we go to the thread in question. There is no paper trail in this case, so it is hard to keep up if no mention is made of it, yes.

On that, I'll be back tomorrow to discuss this further in case you're wondering where I went off to. 🙂

it's not quite as straight forward as that.

full post delete. yes, there's a record easily seen. but what if it was moved directly to a bin with no redirects? what then? where would it then say it was deleted and who did it? sure you could still see the post, but you'd have to be looking for it in a different way to see it was in the wrong place.

post edit. no, not always, depends how it's done. done right and you can't see any record of the edit.

the clever bit is that on both counts the actions are recorded on a log. so if anyone tries it on they get caught red handed 👍

sigs and sig links. now that's a real tricky one. I'm going to stick my neck out and say that they are different and you can't see any record anywhere of any action taken if you edit or delete sigs, also there's no record that you can see of what the sig was.
When sig links are deleted then if an infraction is given you have a trail but it does require the infraction otherwise there is no record.
Funnily enough, I got an infraction when a certain moderator removed my post on a certain vendors thread.

Said vendor had no badge (but everyone knew who it was) for those who didn't immediately realize who it was he posted a helpful link in his signature !

No idea if others suffered the same fate as I did (I know posts where deleted) but it does seam a bit strange, there's still a very pro vendor agenda, which is ok, I just wish they'd stop beating around the bush and admit it.

Nice of the vendors to help out and give us clues 😆😆

It explains a lot that things occur without any infractions. I've often found it strange when a mod tells me someone hasn't done anything wrong, when I've reported several of his posts, and another mod has even taken action.

It may not be intentional, but the way the system is set up, it certainly does react as if it has a pro vendor agenda.
one day one of you guys might have something good to say about T2W - I think I'd faint clean away with the shock.
even with the infraction, there's still no record of what the sig contained

Does it really matter ? If they have an infraction for signature rule violation then have another link in their signature all that matters is that there is a record of having previously done the same.
Does it really matter ? If they have an infraction for signature rule violation then have another link in their signature all that matters is that there is a record of having previously done the same.

looked at on an individual member basis then no, you're right it doesn't matter. on a bigger picture basis, yes it does matter, as not everyone working together is a multinic.
one day one of you guys might have something good to say about T2W - I think I'd faint clean away with the shock.

Our very presence here is saying something good 🙂

The fact we complain rather than just leave...
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^ Yes, and I'm thankful for that. I think this thread is excellent -- it's very healthy and constructive, and airs out everyone's dirty laundry. Hopefully we can build something good out of that.

Anyway, after thinking about it, Hare's idea of a Vendor-only area would perhaps be the best vendor/member compromise? It allows vendors on the site while not impeding on member contributions. That sounds pretty good to me.

I'll respond to the rest tomorrow, or later today for you guys.
Anyway, after thinking about it, Hare's idea of a Vendor-only area would perhaps be the best vendor/member compromise? It allows vendors on the site while not impeding on member contributions. That sounds pretty good to me.

I'll respond to the rest tomorrow, or later today for you guys.

There are probably better options but they take resources that don't appear to be available. The vendor 'cess pit' idea will never be implemented here for reasons that are quite apparent to most long term members.

What's really needed is some honesty and transparency about the sites attitude and policy on vendors. At the moment, they are trying to please everyone, but it just ends up alienating practically everyone.

Vendors are encouraged, but then their efforts are wasted when mods are backed into a corner and forced to act by the anti vendor lobby. Likewise management promise a tougher stance on vendors, and nothing gets changed, and the situation gets worse day by day.

Someone should just ask the questions why does t2w want vendors ?, what does it want vendors to do ?, what doesn't it want vendors to do ? Honestly answer those three questions, communicate the answers to the community, and everything will be a lot clearer.
OK, wtf???

Why are my posts in other threads (on topic lulz, nothing offensive) getting removed but the sh1t described on this thread takes a supernatural act to get removed/banned?


Maybe I missed something, but why are you calling me names and ask for me to be banned (if I missed something accept my apology).?
Maybe I missed something, but why are you calling me names and ask for me to be banned (if I missed something accept my apology).?

I don't recall saying anything about you at all. My post that you quoted above doesn't refer to you. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else?

I don't recall saying anything about you at all. My post that you quoted above doesn't refer to you. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else?


Ok, thanks for clarifying. As I stated I might have missed something. I know this thread was started to single me out for fast posts and one member thought I was a bot which I think was resolved. I do know there is a bigger issue with low quality members and posts creeping in this forum. Again, sorry for the mix-up.