that's true mate, and agreed it all does take time I know, and I know you can be away for long periods. but what then were others doing while you were away? and the strange new nics you see when you do log back in that they've left for you? do you not ever think to yourself, hmm not seen that nic before, maybe i'll take a quick look?
though we are talking here of an example from early this morning. someone looks to have done something, and by the look at least removed the post(s) which solved in part the main issue. member and links all gone now I see 👍
agreed nobody is forced to click the links, but they do click them, or they do get taken in by a pm. but that's not the whole issue re the current complaint re this thread about these posts, which often end up sig carrier posts, or other copy/pasted posts, or posts carrying hidden links and other hidden stuff.
:idea: no post padding, it that still a rule? if it is still there and not lost, then maybe you could simply use that rule to combat these problems? be able to nip it in the bud before it gets to being a problem. it's all relevant and connected to this thread. members notice things, it irks them even though it may not seem at the time a big deal to admin/mods, they notice and complain.
being proactive in reducing member complaints is surely worth looking at? my immediate thoughts are that if there are more reports now than ever, as alluded to by t333, then it follows that posts/links aren't being spotted and cleared at a quick enough rate.