How Do DayTraders Make Money in the Futures Market?

Here's your free trial dudes..note the closed captioning, noting the reversal points.

YouTube - DayRaider 2.0 -- 90% Automation With Simple Trading Rules!

Yes, it's a Super 8 mm silent film, do not adjust your speakers. If you want to hear my voice, open your

Paid subscribers have much cooler/sharper/bigger videos which you can see via a GoToMeeting session after you complete the Fundamentals of Futures Trading seminar on the condition that you whip out the credit card if I show you clear, concise trading rules with tight stops and known profit objectives.

Proprietary terms below in ALL CAPS.

Long Trading Rules:
Buy coequal GREEN levels if RHS trading rules occur (Fundamentals of Futures Trading) & you have TWO+ DOW BEHAVIORS (One Minute Methodology Subscription required). Consider exiting first long contract at HIGH DEVIATION 'x' minutes after Long Entry. 2nd contract exited based on Dow Behaviors/Time/Price behavior or if an Uptrend is occurring (market stays >= POWERFUL PURPLE.

If Uptrend occurs 'x' minutes past DRUP re-enter Long at URUP (timed entry @ MAX OS condition

Short entry rules are COEQUAL ORANGE/MAX OB conditions (DayRaider 2.0 subscription) based on DOW BEHAVIORS and BOY SCOUT shows NEGATIVE DEVIATION.

Exiting positions is always fun in the futures market, cuz you're not sure when you first enter the market how long things will continue going in one direction; trading software should give you real time reporting if you are in a trend or not - mine does, it definitely lowers the stress. Taking a "trading range" trade typically nets 25-35 MIni Dow points and you're in the market about 4 to 12 minutes BTW

If you want the low margin rates and possibly lowest trading account minimums, look up Global Futures. Ask for George. I don't get any spiffs - George shows up every day and does what he says - which is hard to find these days.

No more whining. All those that want a free trial, I'll be sure and ask your boss if he got a free trial before he hired

If we apply this to Stuart and his offering, the critics will say that he may well have a great product / strategy that's hugely profitable for him, but there's no way it'll be hugely profitable for you or me. Furthermore, because it is largely mechanical, even if it does work now, it's highly unlikely to work next month or next year because the markets are dynamic and forever changing. Lastly, subscribers to such services aren't 'real' traders and don't understand the markets. If they did, they wouldn't need the products / services of the vendor. When the system fails, or the vendor goes out of business, the subscribers are left floundering, unsure what to do next. Naturally, Stuart will argue that this will never happen! On this last point, prospective customers have to make up their own minds.

Not a system, a are rigid, inflexible and probably will have long periods of drawdowns during the best of times.

Methodology is flexible, uses SOME discretion to avoid repetitive losses or large risks..Paid subscribers can backtest the methodology as long as the data goes back on the data feed (a long time)...if they're dissatisified with it, I'll immediately credit them all they paid less $100 no questions asked once I receive a written request stating why within 2 days of their subscription start date. PayPal has a procedure for refunding customers, I will use that (I have never used it, but I am sure it is pretty fast). No risk.

Indeed there are. The problem you face is that actually there's loads and loads of them out there and, until you have some idea as to what to look for and what to avoid (that's well over 90% of them) you're going to be pisssing in the wind. You'll probably try one or two - they won't work - and then you'll conclude that trading isn't for you. I did this, only I wasn't smart enough to go for the free trial; I got out my credit card on the first day. I soon abandoned the system that I'd payed for, but stuck with learning to trade because I wanted to recoup the money I'd foolishly paid out.

There is tons of due diligence displayed on my site, especially after a person finishes the Fundamentals course; they know the technical causes of all reversals in the market I trade. If you consider any vendor, ask for due diligence (videos of past charts is a huge help).

Most vendors offer some kind of a free trial or a guarantee. In Stuart's case, it's clear that some training is required in the use of his software as well as instruction about the strategy as a whole. He can't offer a free trial as he would waste countless hours with people who wouldn't then become subscribers. It simply wouldn't work as a business model; hence his guarantee.

Follow the trading rules and training regimen and you will succeed. Go your own way, you will spin your wheels. I am a stickler on homework. You must replicate the methodology that I clearly, succinctly present in PDF form. None of this is difficult for a 6th grade general math student (basic algebraic equations, IF/THEN conditions, daytraders always solve for the "missing factor" before taking a trade). You are trading against computerized programs owned by the must have a computerized method to compete and piggyback their trades, otherwise you are playing with fire.

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Mechanically Trade ....3,765 Mini-Dow Points in 14 trading days

....more due diligence for the tire kickers of T2W....

The simplest trades in the One Minute Methodology are, what i call...Kindergarten Trades.

Kindergarten Trades, or KT's are mechanical...there is no doubt the reversal will occur. All the subscriber has to do is wait for the technical signal (one indicator only) then enter the trade (using a trading rule) on the futures. DayRaider will graphically display the likely reversal level (10% discretion/90% mechanical) - you enter the limit order and most likely get filled. Experienced traders can time the fills via a market order and probably get a better fill 75% of the time (3 or 4 ticks better)...newbies probably will enter late and chase the market a little, instead of believing the limit order # on DayRaider.

3 weeks of 90% mechanical trades (so far this month of February), as reflected in the Mini-Dow are displayed on the attachment (the spreadsheet in pdf form). The 3,765 Mini Dow Points are 'Trend Dow Points', the LAST profit objective as described in my One Minute Methodology of the Mini Dow. Traders would have taken intial profits on their first contract at 30 to 50 points, then let the 2nd contract ride most of the time.

A few trades have less than 50 point profits, these are in trading ranges - DayRaider tells you when you're in a trading range, and when you're in a trend. You exit quickly in trading ranges (trades last about ten to 20 minutes).

Check out the 3rd week, there were ONLY 4 trading days...410 mini dow points last Friday...Several 400 point days in the past 3 weeks.

All of this can be backtested on past data ad finitum...about 200 Mini Dow Points per day using KT's trading rule is the norm.



re: customer feedback


Than you for the extensive info in this forum.
I have a question for you, why is there only one testimonial on your web site? How many users have been using your system so far and for how long? In general what is their feedback?


Thanks for the kind words OceanBeu.

How many points profit did the testimonial state OceanBleu? How many minutes was the trader in the market OceanBleu? Not bad for a newbie, huh?

Most subscribers just learn what they feel comfortable with and keep their profits (and their news) to themselves. About a 1/3 or more of the clients are busy guys and plan on sitting on the sidelines for 3 to 6 months then start seriously trading...and then there is the 1/4 that just won't follow trading rules, their big egos say "I gotta do it my way".

The greatest testimonial is getting referrals from current clients. Half or more of my clients are referrals. BTW, Richard M. has recently sent me a referral. Speaks volumes. Version 1.1 was pretty good, but version 2.1 and 2.2 display the end of the oversold or end of overbought conditions very simply now, so traders can nail frequent trades using the same trading setups over and over.

In 12 years, I've never looked to someone else to see what I should do, cuz I have not met anyone that has my work habits and discipline. Folks that look for others to blaze a trail for them should not even consider trading, imo. Find out for yourself and do your own due diligence.

BTW, it's a methodology, not a system, so it takes a month or so to get the hang of it. The near automation of DayRaider has only been on the street a couple weeks, the final version (2.2) will start running on existing clients at the end of this week.

As the website posting states, version 2.2 will have a ironclad works every week :clap: or you get your one year subscription back.

People have a short window to sign up before the price goes up to $10,000 -- I don't want anyone to sign up unless they're serious about making 6 figures a year. Period. It may sound harsh, but I've met sooo many people that just aren't willing to learn basic things and put them into practice - and be held accountable for what they are taught.

There's 3 kinds of clients that are not successful;

1] those that are not willing to follow the simple rules and do the basics

2] those that insist on making things more complex than they are and are constantly nitpicking instead of seeing the 150 to 300 points per day 4 out of 5 days

3] or they would rather whine and complain about why things didn't go their way, when in truth - if they just followed a couple simple rules they would have gotten 30 or 40 points at least....and they still had 5 hours of trading left. Instead, they want the monster point trades every time (they're there every day) and many are not willing to be patient and let the market come to them. Even John Elway had to wait for 3rd and long in the 4th quarter quite a few times, but he ended up getting the defense right where he wanted them and Elway consistently won football games late in the 4th quarter.

Sit back, let the market come to you, and take one of maybe 2 or 3 trade setups..they're there every day. After a couple months of making serious dinero, you can catch the other 9 trades per day you missed.


The Mechanical Day Trader
Mechanical Trading is possible!

After reading the comments of this thread, I thought I should throw in my 2 cents worth.

I believe mechanical day trading is possible.... thanks to the great methodology and patient teaching of Stuart at MechanicalDayTrader. Before I found Stuart, I was caught up in the daytrading systems trap. Basically, I was trying to find the grail of trading. It was frustratring because I couldn't see beyond the system and know how the market moves and why. I didn't have a framework to review my trades against to understand why they worked or didn't. It was all just numbers and statistics. I wanted and needed more.

It is now refreshing to be able to turn my charts on at any time of the day and know where the market is in its cycle for the day and week. I can finally see the big picture and identify the low risk entry positions. In the past, this was just a mystery to me.

I admit that I am a slow learner and tend to complicate things. Stuart has been very patient and incredibly generous with his time to share his knowledge and information with me. Stuart says that this is very simple... it is. But it wasn't easy for me. It has taken me a lot of time and review and homework and perseverence to finally begin to see how it all fits together.

I am just starting the process of trading his method and rules. My success going forward will not be based on whether or not Stuart's methodology works.... it is rock solid and not likely to change. No, the key to my success now is up to me....discipline, money management and good execution!

Thanks for doing your part Stuart! You have under promised and over delivered (and continue to do so). That is a rarety today.

I hope I can become a successful and wealthy testimonial for you one day in the not too distant future!
I hate to spoil the party but I sit with consitently profitable daytraders in the futures market and they don't make money looking at a handful of indicators and moving averages.

They make money by examining the order flow, identifying what the algos and other locals are doing by reading the ladder and picking off the other, unsuccessful traders that don't know what they are doing.

I am not saying your method doesn't work - but lets not make the mistake of thinking that day traders at banks and prop firms are following anything like you show...because for the most part they are not.

I've seen many traders come in with "systems" - even ones that allow for the element of discretion. And none of them have made any money consistently.

As for the refund if its not profitable...well, will people ever admit they weren't profitable and claim for the refund? Probably not. Also, there are usually 100 get out clauses. You weren't following the rules. You weren't at your computer when the signals were given. etc etc

I saw in a post above you said something about making 150 pips on 4/5 days. I presume this is measured in pips per contract. As in: If you do do 50 pips on a 3 lot thats 150 pips. Because taking 150 pips PER CONTRACT on 4/5 days is not easy and I really am a doubter that any mechanical system can do it.

Just my 2 cents. Not trying to bring it down. Just my thoughts and something to think about for the newbs.
I hate to spoil the party but I sit with consitently profitable daytraders in the futures market and they don't make money looking at a handful of indicators and moving averages.

They make money by examining the order flow, identifying what the algos and other locals are doing by reading the ladder and picking off the other, unsuccessful traders that don't know what they are doing.

I am not saying your method doesn't work - but lets not make the mistake of thinking that day traders at banks and prop firms are following anything like you show...because for the most part they are not.

I've seen many traders come in with "systems" - even ones that allow for the element of discretion. And none of them have made any money consistently.

As for the refund if its not profitable...well, will people ever admit they weren't profitable and claim for the refund? Probably not. Also, there are usually 100 get out clauses. You weren't following the rules. You weren't at your computer when the signals were given. etc etc

I saw in a post above you said something about making 150 pips on 4/5 days. I presume this is measured in pips per contract. As in: If you do do 50 pips on a 3 lot thats 150 pips. Because taking 150 pips PER CONTRACT on 4/5 days is not easy and I really am a doubter that any mechanical system can do it.

Just my 2 cents. Not trying to bring it down. Just my thoughts and something to think about for the newbs.

Ya know Trade_Dante ya better stop deliberately distorting what is written, it will come back to BITE you. I challenge anyone to find that what I offer is a "system" in any post anywhere in my website or in any Forum that DayRaider is discussed by me. 90% mechanical, yeah, system no. Got it?

Anyone can send me an email and set up a online conference - I'll disprove every one of Trader_Dante's allegations/insuations in 5 minutes just by navigating thru my website. Every one of your posits or allegations can be easily disproven...the MOST GLARING being "pips"....My God!

Institutional Stops are mathematically projected, recognized, traded (many mechanically via Kindergarten Trading Rules) and cause ALL key reversals in the Mini Dow (ain't no "pips" in the Dow, Dante!)

The Mechanical Day Trader
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Trader= Dante's information on profitable trading is FREE - no indicators required.
You newbies read his posts - it takes time -then practice. All it costs you is time and determination.
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Dante, I'll challenge you daytrading ....

Trader= Dante's information on profitable trading is FREE - no indicators required.
You newbies read his posts - it takes time -then practice. All it costs you is time and determination.

copied from Dante's profile....

Preferred Trading Methodology
Break Outs, Candlesticks, Chart Patterns, Contrarian, Price Action, Retracements, Reversals, Technical Analysis

so, Dante, just WHAT is wrong with what I teach? Are you intolerant of others Dante? Or are you just RECKLESS with your words....

This is an outline of what I teach....

What is so controversial about what I teach Dante???

Preferred Trading Software (A-O)
CQG ----------- according to Calypso here at T2W, the COST of this platform is $600 PER MONTH (US) !! ....

Preferred Trading Style
Day Trader, Swing Trader, Position Trader

sounds like Dante is covering ALL his bases...he's not sure which one works?

I don't put anyone down that does well or tries to help others, whether they charge one cent or they do it free. It seems Dante has helped a lot of why is Dante so quick to put others down and why does he purposely misrepresent what I do?

Can't you just be happy Dante and count all the money you make over the weekend??

Like the title says, I'll challenge Dante to a daytrading competition just like I previously posted challenging another poster that purposely misrepresents what I publish...highest avg # of points per futures contract wins, you pick the best day during any week - I'll do the same. (I am frequently on vacation or have other stuff going, but I'm game to trade during a week of your choice),

Same conditions as the other post specifies.

The Mechanical Day Trader
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Trader= Dante's information on profitable trading is FREE - no indicators required.
You newbies read his posts - it takes time -then practice. All it costs you is time and determination.

If you had the decency to actually check my website out, you would know that I offer online TONS OF FREE are the links, whether you are a client or not, EVERYONE can profit from tons of FREE trading scenarios WITH ACTUAL CHARTING.

Market Psychology
Ten Core Ideas of Trading Psychology FREE

Changing Yourself As A Trader FREE

What Are You Doing Between Trades? FREE

Three Common Mistakes I'm Hearing From Traders


Granted, the newest, latest and greatest of what I have is NOT shown, but there is tons of stuff below that can give a newbie or an experienced trader that wants to upgrade what they know some great ideas.

830 MINI DOW POINTS PROFIT SHOWN IN ONE DAY VIA ONE MINUTE METHODOLOGY - STREAMING VIDEO ---ummmm...did I say it was FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ??? ....I even give some of the TRADING RULES via narration during this video...did I say..for FREE ???

Market Opens FREE

One Minute Methodology FREE

[URL=""]One Minute Methodology Case Study Quiz ------ FREE

October 1st One Minute Methodology Trades FREE

Globex Cycles & the Trades You Should Take Advantage Of FREE


Downtrend Reversal Trades FREE

Uptrend Reversal Trades FREE

Some of you guys need to get off your high horse and actually look MIGHT learn something...

The Mechanical Day Trader
I see your feathers are ruffled when someone points people to free information

Dante's stuff is still free....your advertising leads people to the below hype.
You do display a VENDOR could go to the commercial systems thread and "out" yourself as a seller of trading sytems.

DayRaider 2.0 Software License for 1 year ------- $2,400

Renewal Prices are locked in at the price you started and can never increase/ Clients must complete the Fundamentals of Futures Trading course ($500) before becoming a subscriber to DayRaider 2.0 .
I see your feathers are ruffled when someone points people to free information

Dante's stuff is still free....your advertising leads people to the below hype.
You do display a VENDOR tag....

...and you got caught misrepresenting and ignoring what I present.....

what is a "sytems" ?? ...(again, debunked..I teach and offer a methodology that's now 90% mechanical -- version 2.2).

..don't forget to mention that subscription prices are increasing 50% after March and more than doubling after April.

This thread is called HOW DO DAYTRADERS MAKE MONEY IN THE FUTURES MARKET. I started it. Clearly I accurately represented myself. Dante & Neil are not helping others make $ in this thread, so move on, pollute another thread. Sour Puss posters DON'T help you make $$$ in the futures market.

Now, Neil, ol buddy, if you offered some HELPFUL advice to other traders about my streaming videos or my FREE posts in my Forum that would be respected. I am always open to constructive input...We don't need another Sour Puss here.

Same daytrading challenge to you Neil...pick your best day during a week of your choice and email me your statement - call me ahead of time and I'll have mine ready as well - you'll get mine seconds after I get yours.

Thanks Aussie for your honest post about your experiences as a subscriber - I know you'll do well this coming week and even better when 2.2 is released!

The Mechanical Day Trader
You'll be waiting some time then, as no message received here yet

it's now been sent 3 times successfully, because the server refreshed properly after each time. There doesn't seem to be a sent folder that I can find in my profile to verify I sent it (with a time/date stamp) so you might have to get out the pliers and screwdriver on your server to fix something cuz they're sent...When I sent a PM, the screen didn't refresh.

Otherwise, you can send me a PM or email and I should be able to reply. My email asks 5 specific questions regarding this thread. Or send a email to my gmail account and I can reply with a copy of what I previously sent.


The Mechanical Day Trader.
how interesting...I sent a reply via PM to the moderator .....scratch that...I sent the moderator a email directly - I await the Moderator's response.

The Mechanical Day Trader

Dantes post wasnt bad or vindictive I dont see ya problem. He actually posts some real interesting stuff and well respected on here. As long as you trying to sell something on here you will get criticised apart from the fact its free advertising. Guess my turn to get shouted at lol. (Better defend me Tom!!)

Happy mothers day

I hate to spoil the party but I sit with consitently profitable daytraders in the futures market and they don't make money looking at a handful of indicators and moving averages.

I don't teach that..I teach about institutional stops; however, after recognizing an institutional stop, you can definitely qualify the oversold or overbought condition with indicators. Anyone that disagrees with that, imo, is not a technical trader. They would be classified in my book as a fundmentals trader. Dante refers himself as a position trader - they don't use technicals in the manner that I do.

They make money by examining the order flow, identifying what the algos and other locals are doing by reading the ladder and picking off the other, unsuccessful traders that don't know what they are doing.

sounds like scalping...I want 80% or more of the whole trend. There are several good videos on YouTube showing technicals that catch decent trading moves. Anyone that disagrees with that doesn't have credibility in my book. Live and let live - traders have the right to trade differently.

I am not saying your method doesn't work - but lets not make the mistake of thinking that day traders at banks and prop firms are following anything like you show...because for the most part they are not.

yes you are.

I've seen many traders come in with "systems" - even ones that allow for the element of discretion. And none of them have made any money consistently.

have I made any type of claim similar to the above? I am strictly speaking of HOW TO do it. Again, Dante doesn't take any particular post I write and rebut it; merely uses generalities. Be specific.

As for the refund if its not profitable...well, will people ever admit they weren't profitable and claim for the refund? Probably not. Also, there are usually 100 get out clauses. You weren't following the rules. You weren't at your computer when the signals were given. etc etc

The current guarantee is pretty specific and easily proven to any client - furthermore, Kindergarten Trading Rules are easily shown, I even have a Windows Media movie I show to Fundamentals graduates to see if they can handle the next step. No specific comment is made regarding the guarantee on the website, merely FALSE generalities ("100 get out clauses"). Ok, Dante, list them. I want all 100.

I saw in a post above you said something about making 150 pips on 4/5 days. I presume this is measured in pips per contract. As in: If you do do 50 pips on a 3 lot thats 150 pips. Because taking 150 pips PER CONTRACT on 4/5 days is not easy and I really am a doubter that any mechanical system can do it.

I don't trade pips Dante. Re-read what I wrote - every aspect of the above is false.

Just my 2 cents. Not trying to bring it down. Just my thoughts and something to think about for the newbs.

Yes, you ARE trying to bring it down. It rocks your world, I guess. "Just my thoughts" is just facts, just false generalities.

Daytraders need to be accurate...A their perception of reality, else they get it wrong. I invite Dante to reread my thread and quote specifics and be 100% accurate in what I write. THERE IS NO OTHER STANDARD in my trading or view of the MIni Dow. I set the standard pretty dang high for me and my clients.

Breakfast is almost on the's summer here in Costa Rica and absolutely beautiful...unless someone writes something really outrageous this thread is ignored for the balance of this month, have a nice rest of the month to go out and play then plenty of work to do the rest of the month.

The Mechanical Day Trader