GameOver22 said:
I look down on gamblers, gamblers are seen as losers to most, that is my problem with it.
I would NEVER in my life gamble a single penny of my money.
So please think harder when you tell me i am wrong, as im simply, and politely, not.
words are meaningless, but the associations we ATTACH to them however can have an affect on us.
seen as losers to most ? maybe its better for us if we step outside the circle and determine if we need to be with the "most" and blindly think that things are so because most are saying so.
losers winners, are we not all winners in life because of Life itself.? The rest is our experience we choose . Then theres conditioning since birth.
now it might be helpful if you say why it is you have a problem with gamblers seen as losers?
what is the worst thing that can happen? if and at some point someone may say to you..... trading shares. ohhhh your a gambler then. (their belief not yours) you perhaps will avoid and defend and block any aspect of identifying with being a loser ,because by your definition, gamblers are losers here etc.....
I mean you will encounter losing trades, its actually beneficial ,long term if you get that "kicked" into you at some point by the market, we then have to deal with the issue of winners and losers which can take time,varying by how fixed our beliefs are on identifying with I'm a winner and I'm a loser as seen by the "most" .
I think at the moment, that when we approach the market in the early years this trial and error stage winning ,losing, our emotions kicking in etc. is partly a great deal to do with figuring out how to act or be with a very dynamic and ever fluid shifting of hurdles.
we are not used to it, as we are conditioned to conform to rigid rules and apply rigid thinking to uphold our installed beliefs which if used in the markets are simply not the tool for the job required.
Its ok to take a trading loss, now if you identify as being a loser for doing that, then thats when a time and money extension required to fund your self learning will continue and be ongoing until you or WE change ourselves and not as humans naturally want to do and force to change their external environment first.
hmm ive rambled on to losing from gambling taggs, but only because you mentioned you "have a problem" with losers gamblers etc..
all the best for 2006, and remember trading losers are humans too but their self education still needs to be attended to. and it will not be offered on a plate, although the plate sits right on the table in front of them/us/we/everyone/together.