Honest opinions please


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Baghdad: Iraq has announced a competition to design a new flag for the country, and is calling on everyday Iraqis, artists and designers inside and outside Iraq to take part.

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Apparently there is a cash prize of £42,000 on offer to the winner so I've decided to submit an entry.

I've taken the current version of the Iraqi flag and played around with the colours a little bit and I've also taken artistic license with the overall layout of the current design.

I'd be grateful if members could give me their honest opinion of my proposed design.

As a non-Iraqi citizen and a non-muslim I'm a bit concerned that I may have made a basic mistake that only an Iraqi citizen/muslim would notice.

So I'd be interested in the views of any Iraqis/muslims although constructive criticism from anyone whatever their nationality will be very welcome.

click on the link below to see a full size image of my proposed design

Thanks in advance



  • Proposed design for the new Iraqi Flag.jpg
    Proposed design for the new Iraqi Flag.jpg
    66.5 KB · Views: 358
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Any self respecting Iraqi citizen would notice the blazing error in your design, the ommision of the extra star, uniting them into the fold.

Save for that slight oversight, your design seems worthy of a valid entry
Honest opinion?

That flag looks really cr@p 😆

Though the design is ideal for printing toilet wipes !

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Apparently there is a cash prize of £42,000 on offer to the winner so I've decided to submit an entry.

I've taken the current version of the Iraqi flag and played around with the colours a little bit and I've also taken artistic license with the overall layout of the current design.

I'd be grateful if members could give me their honest opinion of my proposed design.

As a non-Iraqi citizen and a non-muslim I'm a bit concerned that I may have made a basic mistake that only an Iraqi citizen/muslim would notice.

So I'd be interested in the views of any Iraqis/muslims although constructive criticism from anyone whatever their nationality will be very welcome.

click on the link below to see a full size image of my proposed design

Thanks in advance

Well it might look crap but at £42000 it's far cheaper crap than the London 2012 logo which was farmed out to expensive "consultants" and look what a dog's breakfast they got.