Hmu if you’re struggling and need help as far as day trading goes or just wanna chat


Hey there. Just joined this platform as I am looking to expand my trading community. I see a lot of new traders here as well as experienced traders in the industry and would love to connect and see how I can help out anyone who’s hungry to grow in the market. I’ve been in the game since 2016, and I’ve partnered with developers to create an AI trading system with a 93% win rate with a track record of over 8 years. It’s the same system I trust for my own trades—and it's all about consistent, stress-free results.

If you're looking for something reliable and easy to use, or just wanna connect in general let's chat!
Hey there. Just joined this platform as I am looking to expand my trading community. I see a lot of new traders here as well as experienced traders in the industry and would love to connect and see how I can help out anyone who’s hungry to grow in the market. I’ve been in the game since 2016, and I’ve partnered with developers to create an AI trading system with a 93% win rate with a track record of over 8 years. It’s the same system I trust for my own trades—and it's all about consistent, stress-free results.

If you're looking for something reliable and easy to use, or just wanna connect in general let's chat!
Hi reignfx,
Let me see if I've understood you correctly . . .

You've "been in the game since 2016" and, along with your developer partners have an "AI trading system with a 93% win rate and a track record of over 8 years". I've checked the calendar and we're now in 2024 which, if my maths is correct, is exactly eight years after you started. So, the inference is that you've been consistently profitable from the get go. That's quite an achievement; unique in my experience.

Be that as it may, knowing the win rate or success ratio, (i.e. the total number of winning trades relative to the total number of losing trades), is meaningless without knowing the profit ratio (i.e. the average £’s won on winning trades, relative to the average £’s lost on losing trades). This figure will tell us whether or not you're net profitable and have anything of any value. (For the benefit of any newbies reading this who don't understand the significance of the profit ratio, you can have a success ratio of 99% such that you win £1.00 on 99 out of 100 trades but, if you lose £100 or more on just one of the hundred trades you're a net loser - in spite of the impressive sounding success ratio.)

Assuming the profit ratio is such that your system is indeed profitable, and you've been caning the market for eight years on the trot, why do you want to "expand my trading community" and "help out anyone who’s hungry to grow in the market". A sudden outbreak of altruism perhaps?
Hi reignfx,
Let me see if I've understood you correctly . . .

You've "been in the game since 2016" and, along with your developer partners have an "AI trading system with a 93% win rate and a track record of over 8 years". I've checked the calendar and we're now in 2024 which, if my maths is correct, is exactly eight years after you started. So, the inference is that you've been consistently profitable from the get go. That's quite an achievement; unique in my experience.

Be that as it may, knowing the win rate or success ratio, (i.e. the total number of winning trades relative to the total number of losing trades), is meaningless without knowing the profit ratio (i.e. the average £’s won on winning trades, relative to the average £’s lost on losing trades). This figure will tell us whether or not you're net profitable and have anything of any value. (For the benefit of any newbies reading this who don't understand the significance of the profit ratio, you can have a success ratio of 99% such that you win £1.00 on 99 out of 100 trades but, if you lose £100 or more on just one of the hundred trades you're a net loser - in spite of the impressive sounding success ratio.)

Assuming the profit ratio is such that your system is indeed profitable, and you've been caning the market for eight years on the trot, why do you want to "expand my trading community" and "help out anyone who’s hungry to grow in the market". A sudden outbreak of altruism perhaps?
I like to keep my words short. To summarize it, yes I have a team of developers who have developed this strategy into an algorithm hence it started to execute the trades in 2016. I own a company that is meant to help new and experienced traders with the system; meaning we attach the algo to their account. Point is the algo is unmatched and yes it’s overall win rate is 93%. I have my own MyfxBook for it; not sure what there is to question?
. . . I have my own MyfxBook for it; not sure what there is to question?
Paragraph two of my post makes crystal clear that your success ratio is completely meaningless on it's own: you need to tell us your profit ratio. So, what is it?
Who are you? lol
I'm timsk.
Now, please answer my question: what is your profit ratio?

You've told us your success ratio of 93% but, as I've made clear and any - and I mean ANY experienced trader will tell you - this is completely meaningless without knowing the profit ratio! I even gave an example as to why this is the case in my first reply. This is basic trading 101: if you don't understand this, then you're in no position to "help out anyone who’s hungry to grow in the market"!
I'm timsk.
Now, please answer my question: what is your profit ratio?

You've told us your success ratio of 93% but, as I've made clear and any - and I mean ANY experienced trader will tell you - this is completely meaningless without knowing the profit ratio! I even gave an example as to why this is the case in my first reply. This is basic trading 101: if you don't understand this, then you're in no position to "help out anyone who’s hungry to grow in the market"!
If you wanna be a client I will be more than happy to share those details and more.
If you wanna be a client I will be more than happy to share those details and more.
So, now we get to the crux of the matter. Under the guise of being Mr. Nice Guy who's merely here to "connect and see how I can help out anyone who’s hungry to grow in the market" - the truth of the matter is that you're here to sell a product or service without providing a shred of evidence that you have anything worth buying. Who knew!

To any newbies reading this: caveat emptor.
reignfx's approach is a time honoured way of luring in novice traders to sell a product or service that almost certainly doesn't do what he claims it does. Think it through folks: if - as reignfx claims - he's been profitable for eight years since he started in 2016 and has a 93% win rate - then why is he here trying to flog his wares to us? If his "AI trading system" worked half as well as he claims, he wouldn't need to do that. He'd either trade it himself to make loads of money and/or sell it to a hedge fund. My advice is to steer well clear as, unless and until reignfx answers my most basic of questions about his profit ratio, it's wise to assume he's a snake oil salesman who's here not to help people but to rip them off. Claiming that he'll only share his profit ratio with clients is akin to a second hand car salesman telling a prospective customer that he'll only tell them how many miles to the gallon the car does or show them the vehicle's log book and MOT history when they've bought it. It's total BS folks - don't fall for it.
So, now we get to the crux of the matter. Under the guise of being Mr. Nice Guy who's merely here to "connect and see how I can help out anyone who’s hungry to grow in the market" - the truth of the matter is that you're here to sell a product or service without providing a shred of evidence that you have anything worth buying. Who knew!

To any newbies reading this: caveat emptor.
reignfx's approach is a time honoured way of luring in novice traders to sell a product or service that almost certainly doesn't do what he claims it does. Think it through folks: if - as reignfx claims - he's been profitable for eight years since he started in 2016 and has a 93% win rate - then why is he here trying to flog his wares to us? If his "AI trading system" worked half as well as he claims, he wouldn't need to do that. He'd either trade it himself to make loads of money and/or sell it to a hedge fund. My advice is to steer well clear as, unless and until reignfx answers my most basic of questions about his profit ratio, it's wise to assume he's a snake oil salesman who's here not to help people but to rip them off. Claiming that he'll only share his profit ratio with clients is akin to a second hand car salesman telling a prospective customer that he'll only tell them how many miles to the gallon the car does or show them the vehicle's log book and MOT history when they've bought it. It's total BS folks - don't fall for it.
Who are you talking to? lol. Anyways, I have an established product to offer, which for some reason ticked you off. Stay bitter 😘
Who are you talking to? lol. Anyways, I have an established product to offer, which for some reason ticked you off. Stay bitter 😘
I'm 'talking' to the same people you're trying to con: inexperienced newbies who may be taken in by your sales patter. If you had "an established product to offer" - as a bare minimum you'd have explained how it worked, posted trade examples, addressed my comments and - have I mentioned this - provided your profit ratio. You've done none of these. As for being bitter and ticked off - not at all - I love exposing grifters like you. Although, in your case, it was all too easy - no challenge at all!
I'm 'talking' to the same people you're trying to con: inexperienced newbies who may be taken in by your sales patter. If you had "an established product to offer" - as a bare minimum you'd have explained how it worked, posted trade examples, addressed my comments and - have I mentioned this - provided your profit ratio. You've done none of these. As for being bitter and ticked off - not at all - I love exposing grifters like you. Although, in your case, it was all too easy - no challenge at all!
Get well mate
Get well mate
A typical response from a grifter who's been rumbled!

reignfx, if you're not going to show us any trades or answer the most basic of questions about how you produce "consistent, stress-free results", at least provide us with some entertainment and post a link to your website - assuming you have one. Doubtless it promises prospective punters $1,000s of profit every day working for just 15 minutes and is festooned with bikini clad lovelies aboard super yachts, villas by the med' and, inevitably, any number of Lambo's, McLarens and Ferraris etc. If by some slim chance you haven't got such a site, then that's where you're going wrong and why you're failing to attract any punters!