High frequency tradin and Direct access - A few questions


Hello people.
I've been reading for a while now a few books about the development of the high frequency trading in the last few years and the use of technologies such as direct access to execute many trades in a very short period of time directly with the market makers. I have a little knowledge in computer science and economics, and therefore I would like to try out this technology. I have a few questions that I would like to ask you guys, and I'll be very grateful if you can help me.

First of all, according to my knowledge, the main markets in which I'm able to use the technology of high frequency trading are electronic networks such as the NASDAQ and the NYSE. Are there any other markets in which I can trade many times in a few seconds?

Second, what are the most famous firms that offer me the tools required for high frequency trading? I've heard names such as IB, Forex and a few others as well. Can those firms provide me the tools I need for this of type for trading? I know that they can provide me tools for regular trading over the internet, but are these tools can give me the ability to execute many trades in a second? I also heard that a few firms takes a constant number of cents per trade, 2 dollars for example. That of course destroys the option to execute many trades that their profits are not high, and therefore prevents the trader to use high frequency trading.

And finally, the money that I get from these trades using these firms, goes directly to my bank? Are those firms give me the ability to execute high frequency trading in the NYSE for example while my bank is in Europe and not the in US?

Thanks a lot for your help 🙂
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By the way, does anybody knows in which markets I can trade using brokers like IB for example? (NASDAQ , NYSE , other markets in Europe?)
Sorry, but you can't get involved in HFT trading unless you have at least $1million in capital and probably a starting R&D budget of the same, and even then it's probably not going to happen.

Basically you're up against HFT firms that are collectively investing in excess of $100m and maybe even $500m+ a year in R&D. As everyone is competing the same potential profits who's going to get them? The guy with a £500 Dell and an IB account sitting at home or Goldman's et al who are employing the best, paying the most and investing the most plus they have access to all the capital that's needed?
Why don't you simply go onto the IB site and see for yourself which markets you can trade?