Hi! New to the boards


Junior member
Hi Guys/Gals,

My name is Chris and I just wanted say hello and that I have been trolling this forum for a little while now. Lots of good information here.

I will do my best not to ask too many stupid or redundant questions.

Happy trading and Cheers!
happy to meet you i am also new in this forum
hope we can share trade experience with each other
enjou yourself here
vendor badge? I take it that is a bad thing?

I am selling nothing but my perty little face and sexy body and oh hell, i don't know. I sell Boxers occasionally when i breed my Mickie Rae.

Tell ya what, here is my personal website.. so if you are into quitting smoking, i tried the electric cig for a while and my brother in law sells a mini flesher for taxidermy. I'm sure you all are quite interested in that. However, if you think im selling something. Right now, I'm just buying this forums line of bs for how to learn forex. Oh, and my boxers are on my website also.

check it out and tell me then I am selling something. http://www.fieryirish.com
vendor badge? I take it that is a bad thing?

I am selling nothing but my perty little face and sexy body and oh hell, i don't know. I sell Boxers occasionally when i breed my Mickie Rae.

Tell ya what, here is my personal website.. so if you are into quitting smoking, i tried the electric cig for a while and my brother in law sells a mini flesher for taxidermy. I'm sure you all are quite interested in that. However, if you think im selling something. Right now, I'm just buying this forums line of bs for how to learn forex. Oh, and my boxers are on my website also.

check it out and tell me then I am selling something. http://www.fieryirish.com

Actually you have stated on your vendors badge that you are a 'trading system vendor'. I suppose you are going to tell us that was a mistake.
By the way you are the picture of respectability in that photo, sunglasses on in the house, cool.
umm.. I am a technical support geek. Sure, I walked into my sisters house one day still had my coat on and still had my glasses on. That is supposed to mean something?

You want to know how to fix your pc? I can do that just fine.

You know what... you got me. I am a best selling author of how to trade currency's. I know futures also! I am here to sell you miracle software! Yes yes! If you use it, you will make millions in a day also there is an added bonus. Get this oh yes, one time offer. I will personally make sure that the software works for you! and there is more! for a measly 50000 dolla's.. haha..

You wanna know my favorite stocks? ACM and CAT. Infrastructure stuff

You gotta admit though, my boxers are pretty kickass.

later.. I'm still gonna read what you guys have to say.
Have you read the book" how to win friends and influence them"
I ask a simple question and you respond like that. Ill remember to point this out to othere
There I corrected all my crap in my profile.
Hi fihunts,
You're still sporting a vendor's badge (it's the cash register icon beneath your username). Is this deliberate? If so, can you tell us what you're a vendor of please? If it's a mistake, you need to amend your profile and select the blank option under 'Vendor'. At the moment, you're listed under 'Other', i.e. you're a vendor of unknown trading goods / services - 'other' than those listed in the drop down menu!
At the moment, you're listed under 'Other', i.e. you're a vendor of unknown trading goods / services - 'other' than those listed in the drop down menu!

That's appropriate. His website states:
"This site is a work in Progress. 12.17.2009"

So he's been a vendor of unknown goods and services for over a year.

Yeah, I'm an idiot. I obviously didn't correct it right the first time. I think I got it now. Sorry about that. However, if you ever need any information on taxidermy. I can help you out there. 🙂
Ahh, you figured out how to dump the vendor badge 👍
Your status has improved already. lol

I'll pass on the taxidermy, but thanks for the offer. 🙂
