Hi from Newbie.... few Q's

Hi FactualVinay

That's right there is certainly no holy grail - if there is then please tell me about it !!
We are currently in counter trend mode (up & down & getting chopped up), so this is not really good for trend trading at present & that's why folk are getting a bit confused about LS !
We were in a strong trend between Sep 08 - Jan 09, but that seem's to be over & are now in sideways mode.
The way I learnt apart from buying a spreadbetting course about 2 & a half years ago, was in buying a couple of great trading books.

Cheers 🙂

If you started using this system religously in 2009 you will be showing a 43% 😡loss now.

Why has everyone who started posting updates stop posting?

Did you lose on the system or win?