Hi from Newbie.... few Q's

Hi Bhindaas,

It's actually good to hear someone who has started using the service. Obviously trading is a long-term game but its not good your losing from the off. Did you pay the £147 subscription?

It would be really good if you can give us an update next month.

Good Luck with the venture.


yup, have paid the 147 as a continuous paypal monthly subscription. Yes its a long term game , so will play it out. Might look like the fool who lost 10k or who made a wise decision and make the 150% return. either ways i'll keep this thread updated.


Hi all

Thought I'd join in the discussion as I signed up last week with LSTrader - I also started with a 10K bank, with my 'portfolio' as of Friday up approx £250.

This week's new trades will give me a better idea over the coming days of the progress, (or not !), I'm making.

Keep you posted !
Hi Nil, Glad to have some company. Join the ride and hopefully things will look better soon.

Any updates to report guys, was thinking of joining up this weekend and giving it two months or so without risking any actual capital (other than the subscription). I intend to follow their trades to the letter but using a simulated account and overlaying my own technical analysis so that I can try and reason as to why these trades are being selected. If it fits with my findings and the simulated trades turn positive to the degrees being mentioned, I may then decide to drip-feed my own money into it.

Skeptical but interested - think about it, if people are questioning why he would be prepared to share his trades for a sum of £147 a month, its because if he has say, 3,000 subscribers each paying £147 per month (through paypal, which I assume means tax-free to him) then that right there is £441,000 per month (or about £5.3m a year). If I was a great trader I'b be happy to share some trades (I bet not all of the best ones are shared) and use the significant monthly income from subscribers to leverage up my positions.

Worst case scenario, try it for a few months and if it does not work out you lose a few hundred quid. If it does not work his subscriber base wont grow and the con will be over
In green. Subscriber for a month now. had 2 stop losses which left me -800 and currently the account has a running profit of 1100. Subtract the 2 months subscription fees and it leave me evens.

LSTrader trading update

Hi all

Since joining last week I'm now trading in 5 markets - up in 3 & down in 2. My P&L a/c at the end of today's trading is £717 in profit.
LSTrader mid week trading update

Hi all

Thought I'd drop in & post a mid-week trading update. Currently trading in 7 markets now, up in 6 & down in 1. My P&L a/c is running at £1600 profit.
Im in as of the start of this week with just one of the new trades due to my bank size, but within a day of trading that position is nicely positive. Will gradually up my bank as I go. Did some maths on the existing trades other members will be in and it seems from original entry to today's prices that 19 of the 21 trades are up which is encouraging, so as much as 400+ pips.

So far so good.....
Hi There

I must admit I was tempted with LS Trader based on their recent results !! After pulling up a few sharescope charts, I noticed that nearly all the commodities have been bearish from sept 08 to the start of 09 !! So if you had positioned yourself correctly with an appropriate stop loss & you went short with the right amount, then you would have made a nice sum trading commodities futures & saved yourself £147. a month !! The charts were quite clearly telling us, that someone maybe about to happen when the 60 day ma crossed over the 200 day ma !! I know this is never guaranteed, but it's usually a reasonable probability. The only thing we can judge the future on, Is past results - charts & numbers don't lie - people do !!
Remember the screenshots were taken in the middle of a commodities bear market, what about the rest of the time, they've been trading.

Good points

I dont think they have ever claimed that the system is the holy-grail and executes perfect trading and umlimited profits. In fact, I've gone through the existing trades in play and some are negative but are more than outweighed by positive ones.

I agree that the moving average chart will have given you a strong indication of a bear market, and that getting to that point is relatively easy with a few charts, technical indicators etc. I guess if people feel confident in their own trading abilities to be able to spot the medium-to-long-term trends and put their money down on that conviction then its pointless to spend money for someone else to tell you what you already know.

I think what LS seem to be doing well, (for me anyway) is manage my risk, per trade, and money management so that you can participate in several trades at once and yet minimise the chance of getting blown away if one goes wrong. That plus refining entry and exit points (even if the long-term trend in commodities has been down since middle of last year, there have been huge spikes and volatility which will have created interim opportunities to take profits and re-enter trades and more favourable levels) If you simply used a two-moving average (a lagging indicator by some distance) you might give up considerable amounts of potential profits (i.e. getting in late and out late).

I also fully agree with you that charts and technical indicators matter a HUGE deal. I dont think LS are putting their fingers in the air and taking a punt. Their systems, as with 99% of the 'systems' out there is one built almost purely on back-tested technical analysis with various conditions that they assume work well to trigger trade entry and exit points, manage stop-losses and over the long-run generate good profits. The appeal for me was getting access to the system for a very affordable £147 per month to try it out, rather than paying upwards of £4000 for other systems such as many of the FOREX ones which nobody can ever tell me work or not.

I'm only a few weeks in but its going well and I've already more than recovered by £147 in subscription, and I'm only in 3 trades (out of a possible 44). It takes time to get your bank up to the right size to take on riskier trades and when I started there were 27 trades already in play. I tallied up the entry prices versus today's and only one was losing, and the 26 that were up, were more than 4000 pips in profit. At a conservative estimate at £1/2 per trade that's better than your ING account or some crappy mutual fund in this environment.

Importantly for me I'm not just executing the trades and switching off. I'm reading like mad on technical analysis and developing my own backtesting ideas using pro-realtime charts (part of the advanced features in IG Index) to both understand the trades LS are generating and develop my own ideas.

Bottomn-line, its a low cost approach to getting started, trialing out the ideas it generates and can be cancelled at anytime. I'm very skeptical on any trading system generally (god knows they are many promosing the earth) so I wanted to spend the least amont to find out if it works.

I've been impressed with their customer support and service too, and the regular market updates explain the strategy and what signals the market needs to generate to move something in our favour.

I'll keep you all posted as the months go on, but I'm happy for now. The system is now up 29% for 2009 and we are not even through Q1. Compare that to other investments and I think you'll agree its attractive

LSTrader - update

Just an update on progress - A lot of my trades rolled over a couple of weeks ago into new contracts & since they were doing so well I decided to cash in. Definately pleased with with outcome so far - only 1 losing trade since signing up. I'll be looking to get back into the trading again tonight & will try to provide more regular updates to this thread.

LSTrader update

Hi all

No new trades to enter this week, but for those with open trades there were a number of rollovers into new contracts & some adjustments to stop levels.

I will update in a week's time when hopefully there will be some new trades to enter.

Hi all

One trade to open this week, which is already up 230 pips this morning !

Good start !

I must say i have not had the same luck. I was up 30% 2 weeks back and am now 5% down. Since no exits were given i held the positions as adviced and have been strictly following the system of not holding more than 15 open trades at a time. My position in Corn was stopped out today.

NIL5605, what prompted you to exit all the trades 2 weeks back?
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I tried it for 2 months. it works in trending market, otherwise it's not very good at all. And they don't honour the 60-day, no quibble, money back guarantee. I'd stay clear.
Hi There

When they opened up this offer to the masses, they showed you a very nice & healthy IG account, but remember we were in a great trending period & they're system is built around trends & was an excellent time for the company to promote themselves & show their accounts !
You will find there are three different markets - counter trend, trend & breakouts * the current market type is counter trend & not good for their system.
The market is going sideways in most trades & you're getting chopped to pieces !
To save you the £150. a month, buy a book called Way of the Turtle by Curtis Strange, this will save you the money & make you a better trader.


Hi There

When they opened up this offer to the masses, they showed you a very nice & healthy IG account, but remember we were in a great trending period & they're system is built around trends & was an excellent time for the company to promote themselves & show their accounts !
You will find there are three different markets - counter trend, trend & breakouts * the current market type is counter trend & not good for their system.
The market is going sideways in most trades & you're getting chopped to pieces !
To save you the £150. a month, buy a book called Way of the Turtle by Curtis Strange, this will save you the money & make you a better trader.




Thanks very much for sharing your opinion. It has definitely saved me a few hundred quid. To be honest, 150 quid a month was not a bargain just to follow someone blindly and invest your hard earned money. There are better ways to spend that money every month in building your own capability to trade as there is no such thing called holy grail.

Thanks again!

Hi Faith101

I personally don't trade short, I find it to be hideous being so close to the market - seeing things that are'nt actually there !
I trade futures in commodities,bonds,currencies & shares & hold on & buy & sell more & trade between 3 to 6 markets, which gives a more balanced portfolio & trade each for approx. 2 to 6 months until futures expiration.
Short term trading - intraday or less than a week - Don't do it !!

Cheers 🙂
