Hi, can anyone recommend any books on fixed income?



I want to learn about fixed-income and how to trade various fixed-income instruments. I bought the book "Bonds" By Hildy Richelson and Stan Richelson but I felt it was too caught up in the whole saving for retirement idea, which is not what I'm looking for.

Basically, I'm looking for a source of knowledge about how to trade fixed-income with a rather high frequency. I allready trade stocks and fx but I'm lookin for ways to diversify my portfolio even more, and i suspect that fixed income might do this for me. Thanks in advance for any helpful replies. 🙂
If you can find it, the best book I've ever seen on the fixed income market is The Bond Market by Christina Ray. I was turned on to it by a Treasury dealer in the early 90s. It is MUCH more readable and immediately useful than Fabozzi's monster.
Hi, can anyone recommend a prop firm that are recruiting junior fixed income traders? Good luck Kingen and how have you done trading Fx?
If you will be trading bond Futures (as opposed to Cash) then I highly recommend Burghardt - he has one book each on the Short and Long end.