LTerm Fixed Income Ports


Established member
My 2 best Fixed income plays.

#1-"Max Yield Strategy"

1 yr CD or Gov Tbill in the Highest yield industrial nation (non-3rd worlds)
Example If New Zealand is higher than US invest there. This strat benefits 2 ways, Currency appreciation (because you're foloowing the big money) and I-rate returns.
Diversify Your Portfolio and Reduce Risk - Prosper
Prosper has been a little secret and it WORKS. with default rates in the 3%-5% on higher risking paper only and the Returns 8%-20% on 3yr paper are GREAT!
My 2 best Fixed income plays.

#1-"Max Yield Strategy"

1 yr CD or Gov Tbill in the Highest yield industrial nation (non-3rd worlds)
Example If New Zealand is higher than US invest there. This strat benefits 2 ways, Currency appreciation (because you're foloowing the big money) and I-rate returns.
Prosper has been a little secret and it WORKS. with default rates in the 3%-5% on higher risking paper only and the Returns 8%-20% on 3yr paper are GREAT!

New Rankings for income plays

#1 "Junkyard Dogs"
LT, Daily chart, 260 SMA/65 Ema cross longside only
(HYG, JNK, PHB, PFF, PGX) Can trade either in basket against the SPX technicals or individually, which is better, using the 260s/65e cross.

Prosper has been a little secret and it WORKS. with default rates in the 3%-5% on higher risking paper only and the Returns 8%-20% on 3yr paper are GREAT!

#3 "Max Yields"
1 yr CD or Gov Tbill in the Highest yield industrial nation (non-3rd worlds)
Example If New Zealand is higher than US invest there. This strat benefits 2 ways, Currency appreciation (because you're following the big money) and I-rate returns.

Most ETFs can be applied to the #1 LT cross strategy but I prefer the ones that track the market as a whole better. Especially for the income guys.