Hi all, Please recommend some good books about hedgefund and trading strategies?


Junior member
Hi all,

Please recommend some good books about hedgefund and trading strategies?

I am also looking for books that interview successful hedgefund managers and talk about their background and how their background link to their success in fund management. Ideally, these will be the hedgefund version of the Market Wizards Vol I and II.

Any good recommendations? Thanks!
market wizzards, and the new market wizzards...

best read there is in trading

edit: if i had finished reading your thread i would have seen you already mentioned these!
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yeh the book is old but 75% of these guys are still hedgefund managers, and the greatest traders of our time
yeh the book is old but 75% of these guys are still hedgefund managers, and the greatest traders of our time

Yes I was saying that it is hard for us to replicate their path to success because the time has changed. For example, in those old days, almost no hedgefund managers were from quant background. Now we are seeing a few successful quant hedgefunds, as well as high frequency market making algorithmetic trading funds, etc. So we need more books on these new career paths and success stories...

Any thoughts?
be a leader not a follower.

make your own path you don't need to replicate someone elses. haven't read them in a while but im sure in vol2 someone made his hedge fund trading index options like your looking for..
be a leader not a follower.

make your own path you don't need to replicate someone elses. haven't read them in a while but im sure in vol2 someone made his hedge fund trading index options like your looking for..

To be open and to learn from other people's success doesn't mean we are not creative, right? Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "replicate"... :=)

Let's try to find some more books... the more we read, the better we are informed, right?
Try "The Super Analysts" by Andrew Leeming. It's the same format as Market Wizards (i.e. interviews) but deals with fund managers and some analysts from around the globe. It was published in 2000.

Here is the Amazon link to the version I have here: The Super Analysis: Conversations with the Worlds Leading Stock Market Investors and Analysis (Traders quest): Andrew Leeming: Amazon.co.uk: Books

Looks great! Thank you! We are starting to assemble a list of books. More ? :=)
A couple for ya.

Hedgehogging by Barton Biggs

Inside the House of Money: Top Hedge Fund Traders on Profiting in the Global Markets
By Steven Drobny

Wall Street Meat: My Narrow Escape from the Stock Market Grinder
By Andy Kessler

Hedge Me: The Insider's Guide--U.S. Hedge Fund Careers, Fourth Edition
By Claude Schwab